Cultists (Darkest Dungeon II)

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A group of Cultists.
Emptiness and disillusion have wormed their way into the world.
~ The Academic

Cultists are a faction of enemies in Darkest Dungeon II.


Cultists are the primary antagonists in Confessions mode, where they may be encountered in every Region at Oblivion's Ingress and Oblivion's Rampart Nodes. Cultists will also ambush the party when the Flame drops to 0. Battles at Oblivion's Ramparts are essentially predetermined: the Exemplar, for example, will always appear at the end of the last region before The Mountain from Act III and onward.

In Kingdoms Kingdoms mode, Cultists appear as region-specific enemies in The Tundra.

Cultists boast a number of unique mechanics that can make encounters more difficult for the party.

An Altar.


Main article: Altar

The Altar is the main Cultist support unit. While it poses little threat by itself, it grants powerful Confession-specific buffs to its allies.


Whenever a Cultist boss (Deacon, Cardinal, or Exemplar) is present, all other Cultists will generate Worship Worship tokens every turn. These Worship tokens can then be transferred to the boss, healing them and unlocking their most powerful attacks.

Worship Worship (Token)

  • When two Worship tokens are present, enables a new set of skills:
    • After gaining two Worship, regular Cultists (Altar, Cherub, Evangelist, and Herald) will use the skill Worship, which heals the boss and grants it a Worship token.
    • Cultist bosses with two Worship gain access to their most powerful attack, Exultation.
  • Consumed upon use.
  • Duration: Until end of combat
  • Limit: 2

List of Cultist Enemies

EnemyRegionTypesTiersHPSpeedDeath ArmorBleedBlightBurnStunMoveDebuff
Combat turnorder enemy cultist cherub.png
Combat turnorder enemy cultist herald.png
Combat turnorder enemy cultist altar.png
Combat turnorder enemy cultist evangelist.png
Combat turnorder enemy cultist deacon.png
Combat turnorder enemy cultist cardinal.png
Combat turnorder enemy cultist exemplar.png
Combat turnorder enemy cultist exemplar.png
Exemplar (Kingdoms)


Defeating Cultists is the only way to gain Unforgettable Trinkets—powerful trinkets that come with huge advantages and disadvantages, and must be equipped as a set to unlock their full effects.


Because of the Worship Worship mechanic, it is imperative to kill regular Cultist enemies, especially Altars, as quickly as possible before they can empower their bosses. However, sometimes this is risky or infeasible—the Exemplar being a notorious example of a boss that can generate large amounts of Worship quickly.

One Combat Item, the Shred of Decency, removes all Worship tokens from its target.