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Oasis node .png
A sanctum of tranquility awaits.
~ The Academic

The Oasis is a node in Darkest Dungeon II. Upon entering it the player will be presented with up to 4 options (one for each hero) that will have different effects.

The main use for going to the oasis is to heal the stress of our heroes, alternatively we can also get Mineral-Rich Spring Water, a very powerful combat item.

Posible rewards:

  • Stress heal: -5 Dd2 token stress.png (1 hero)
  • Combat Item: Spring water.png

Quirk interactions:

Some quirks interact specifically with this node, the effects will be listed below:

Quirk Interaction
Rummager DoubleSpring water.png
Bon Vivant Party: -3 Dd2 token stress.png
Calm Icon story torch.png+5 and Hero: -10 Dd2 token stress.png
Tuckered Out Icon story torch.png+5 and Hero: -2 Dd2 token stress.png
Field Surgeon Party: +100% Icon HP dd2.png
Sickly Hero: +100% Icon HP dd2.png
Germaphobe/Hydrophobe Leave, Hero: +2 Dd2 token stress.png
Hypochondriac/Lazy/Bad Digestion Leave