The Academic's Cache

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Perhaps I left this for you. Perhaps you left this for yourself. Perhaps it was never there at all...
~ The Academic

The Academic's Cache is a Node found in every Region except The Sluice. It is represented by a Chest icon on the map. Entering this node will reward players with an assortment of loot.


An Academic's Cache will typically contain:

Icon Name Quantity Notes
Gold 3.png Relics 12-16 Currency used for purchasing goods and services.
Farm spoons.png Baubles 12-16 Currency used for purchasing Trinkets and repairing the Stagecoach.
Combat items In Menu.png Combat Items ??? Combat Items provided are purchasable from The Provisioner in full stacks.
Inn items.png Inn Items ??? Inn Items provided are from the Provisioner in full stacks.
Storage trunk.png Stagecoach item ??? Stagecoach Items are purchasable from the Provisoner.
Icon inventory trinkets.png
Trinkets ??? Trinkets provided are purchasable from The Hoarder.

Varies based on the current region and heroes.

The Swine's Cache

In The Sluice, the Academic's Cache is replaced by the Swine's Cache. The two are functionally identical, save for the Swine's Cache containing Sluice trinkets.