Grave Robber (Darkest Dungeon II)/Barks

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Landing a CRIT

  • Pardon my reach!
  • Oh, did that sting?
  • Grr! You've bled on my best coat!
  • Think I'm done with you? HARDLY!
  • Just one piece at a time, sweet thing!
  • You're looking a tad wan, friend.
  • Back from whence you crawled!
  • And you'll come no closer!


  • Let us loiter somewhere cleaner.
  • Away with the frivolties! Gut them!


  • Staunch this afore my aim falters!
  • Truss this up, would you?


  • Theriac, serum, anything!
  • My bag of tricks has run out of cures...


  • Dear me, that smell...
  • Not my knife hand! It burns!


  • Even now, he beckons me...
  • I'll die here - forgotten, a pauper...
  • The maggots have come for me at last!


  • I long to flee, the shadows invite me...
  • *whispers* They all seethe with envy!
  • You all... deserve better of me...

Torch Decrease

  • Black as a crypt and twice as dreadful.
  • Fortune loves to kick me when I'm down.
  • My aim won't falter even in the dark.

Entering Death's Door

  • If I fall... don't put me in the ground.

Ally On Death's Door

  • Don't fail me now! Get up!
  • You'd give in to them? Surely not.

Surviving Hit on Death's Door

  • Another laugh in fortune's face!
  • Ha haaa! *harsh cough*

Ally Surviving Hit on Death's Door

  • Who'll take the hard blows for me if you fall?
  • Now don't let them catch you again!

Hit by CRIT

  • *cough* Well played...

Ally Hit by CRIT

  • Still in one piece!

Pushed by Enemy

  • Slag me off, why don't you?!


  • Torment and I are old bedfellows!
  • Never met a tomb nor trap that could hold me!


  • What, exactly, are we fighting to preserve...?
  • *quiet, fretful sobbing*

Fog Appears (Shroud)

  • TBA

Fog Fades (Shroud)

  • TBA

Repairing Coach

  • I'm no expert with these clunky tools!
  • Tis a delicate task!

Don't Leave Me

  • Please! Forsake me not!
  • Without a kiss goodbye?
  • Using me as a decoy?

Positive Act Outs

Stress Healing Partner - General

  • We'll share a tipple when this blows over.
  • Darkest before dawn an' all that.
  • Fret not. We've tricks up our sleeves..

Buffing Partner - General

  • From my special stash. Use it well.

Healing Partner - General

  • Something for your nerves, dear?

Combo Attack - General

  • Where'd you learn to dance like that?

Retaliation - General

  • *wink*

Protection - General

  • This seat taken?

Attacking Ally - General

  • TBA

Praise for Support Skill - General

  • Clever head you got.

Praise for Attack - General

  • You're a delight to watch.

Stress Heal in Coach - General

  • TBA

Stress Self in Coach - General

  • TBA

Stress Healing Partner - Hopeful

  • Fear makes fools of us all sometimes. Chin up.
  • A better world. You think it possible?
  • After all this is done, I'll pour you a drink.

Buffing Partner - Hopeful

  • I'll draw their eye, then you strike!

Praise for Support Skill - Hopeful

  • Gods, we might actually win this.

Praise for Attack - Hopeful

  • They'll regret trifling with you!

Stress Heal in Coach - Hopeful

  • TBA

Stress Healing Partner - Respectful

  • I've a fondness for you. Continue breathing.
  • Lost souls, we were. Look at us now.

Retaliation After Partner is Attacked - Respectful

  • I admit it. I'd miss you.

Combo Attack with Partner - Respectful

  • Dearie me, you're a natural!

Praise for Support Skill - Respectful

  • Masterful!

Praise for Attack - Respectful

  • You're a tenacious one.

Stress Heal in Coach - Respectful

  • TBA'

Stress Healing Partner - Amorous

  • You won't be sleeping off those wounds alone.

Healing Partner - Amorous

  • I prefer your body intact, love.

Protection - Amorous

  • This is my kind of foreplay.

Praise for Support Skill - Amorous

  • Mm, we are spoilt to have you.

Praise for Attack - Amorous

  • My pulse races...!

Stress Heal in Coach - Amorous

  • I love watching you move...

Negative Act Outs

Dealing Stress Partner - General

  • I've known some laggards in my time...
  • 'All shall be dust. Even us.

Insult for Support Skill - General

  • Don't you trust me to finish the job?

Insult for Attack - General

  • Are you hoping our enemies simply die of old age?

Attacking Ally - General

  • Work more on your aim, less on your banter.

Attacking Ally - Suspicious

  • Just what are you hiding?

Stress Damage on Ally - Suspicious

  • Your intent is questionable, as is your aim.

Stress Damage on Ally on Road - Suspicious

  • TBA'

Insult for Support Skill - Suspicious

  • Keep a tight eye on that one.

Insult for Attack - Suspicious

  • So conveniently timed, your missteps!

Attacking Ally - Envious

  • What know you of hardship?!

Stress Damage on Ally - Envious

  • Well la de bloody da.

Stress Damage on Ally on Road - Envious

  • TBA'

Insult for Support Skill - Envious

  • Too lofty to trifle with me, are we?'

Insult for Attack - Envious

  • I won't bend an arm for you either.'

Attacking Ally - Resentful

  • Let me guess, you need a loan?

Stress Damage on Ally - Resentful

  • Our luck has turned since we took you on.

Stress Damage on Ally on Road - Resentful

  • TBA'

Insult for Support Skill - Resentful

  • I have not the luxury of relying upon you, I see.'

Insult for Attack - Resentful

  • Must I do everything myself?'

Attacking Ally - Hateful

  • You'll wish I'd killed you quickly.
  • I've an arsenal of toxins to test on you.

Stress Damage on Ally - Hateful

  • Byspelt! Be you daft or simply a coward?

Insult for Support Skill - Hateful

  • I loathe you. Most ardently.

Insult for Attack - Hateful

  • Keep a sharp eye on your drinks, friend.'


Adding Buff

  • One of my finest powders. I insist.

Guarding Ally

  • I'll cut down any who try.
  • Look at you - inspiring heroics!
  • Don't squander my altruism, hm?

Adding Token

  • Try a sip of this. Steadies the hand.

Follow Up Attack

  • I'm charmed.
  • Brilliant!
  • You're dreadful good at this.

Follow Up on Debuffed Enemy

  • Hammer on the nail, you are.

Healing Ally

  • There. Good as gold.'
  • You're of great use to us. Not yet.
  • T'ain't pretty, but it will hold.

Revenge Attack on Enemy

  • I do love it when people avenge me
  • Marvelous. Make them bleed!

Moving Positions - Positive

  • Let me slip past, hm?

Removing DoTs

  • You're in fine hands - promise.
  • I'm no physic, but let me try!
  • Here, lest ye grow faint.

Stress Healing

  • Keep your eyes on the prize.
  • A faintheart you are not.

Jealous of Buff

  • Hmph! Suit yourself.

Jealous of Guarded Ally

  • I shall continue on bleeding, I suppose.
  • I deserved better.

Jealous of Token

  • I shall make do without.

Jealous of Food (Unused)

  • And I thought I was a glutton.

Jealous of Healing

  • Discard my trust to the midden, would ye?
  • No help coming from you, I see.
  • I'm not enough, then? So be it.

Moving Positions - Negative

  • You oaf! They'll spy me now!

Jealous of DoT Removal

  • Wherever are your manners?
  • Left to my own devices once more!
  • P... please, no! You'd leave me to die?!

Positive Road Banter

  • Share a flask? I'm parched.
  • They broke the mold with you.
  • You speak so certainly of a future...
  • Spare a conversation? It's... too quiet.
  • You're a welcome distraction.
  • For me? Why... thank you.

Negative Road Banter

  • Off with ye!
  • I'm reading! Do you even know what that is?
  • You remind me of someone I once loathed.
  • Take your trifling concerns elsewhere.
  • Any company but yours, lickspittle.
  • Your attempts at comfort are most patronizing.

Inn Items

Armor Repair Kit

  • With these hands?... Tch, fine

Blasphemous Idol

  • Hand it here? Hm. Not much shine or heft to it...

Book of Bawdy Tales

  • Far-flung affairs, love letters from another time...

BOOK: My time in the Desert

  • He always promised to take me somewhere sunny...

Book of Creative Insults

  • Hmm. I know the author, actually.


  • Once, I had vast libraries of this stuff...

Boxing Gloves

  • A little tussle to work out the kinks!

Calming Incense

  • Smells cheap... but one can't be precious on the road.

Candles and Chocolate

  • Let's give this a proper go, eh?

Clarifying Poultice

  • The night's festivities are long.

Clotting Poultice

  • Does it work on scars as well?


  • Who wants a shot at the champ?

Ceremonial Drum

  • Practiced feet will not betray you.

Slime Mold

  • Uuugh. How far I've fallen...
  • (If full) - I am not yet so desperate.

Stale Bread

  • Surely we have spreads somewhere. Jam...? Honey...?
  • (If full) - I couldn't stomach another dreary bite.

Apple and Cheese

  • Add some cured venison and we're in business.
  • (If full) - Saving room for a tipple, no thank ye.

Steak and Spuds

  • A reasonable expression of decent fare.
  • (If full) - Nay, not one spud more.


  • Simple, yes, but... a pleasing texture.
  • (If full) - I'll direct my gluttony toward other vices for now.

Holy Beads

  • These worked on an old partner, until they didn't

Impermeable Poultice

  • Effective even against my own bag of tricks.


  • Is my countenance so wan?

Meditative Totem

  • Cheaply-wrought, yet not without artistry.

Mop and Bucket

  • Is this how you hold it?

Nightshade Concoction

  • A toast - to leaving Death in our dust.


  • Ahh.

Playing cards

  • You'll enjoy losing to me. Promise.

Restorative Herbs

  • Heavens, that could raise the dead.

Roast Pig

  • Coarse fare - but satisfying.
  • (If full) - Warm hearth. Full stomach. I require no more.

Songbook of Amorous Ballads

  • Been a while since someone tried 'this' on me...

Songbook of Touching Dirges

  • If I can carry one tune, it's a dirge, love.

Songbook of Rousing Tunes

  • Up lasses! Up lads! We ride!

Soothing Poultice

  • For split knuckles and crows' feet alike.

Speed Bag

  • I've grudges to spare and this helps me nurse them.

Invigorating Stew

  • Gunge-flavoured tea, more like.
  • (If full) - One bowl of that sludge was plenty.

Stimulating Poultice

  • I owe it all to my swift boots.

Stitching Kit

  • Better to not get cut in the first place.

The Wine

  • Share a nightcap, love?

Tinned Delicacies

  • So be it. I'll--oh. Well this isn't dreadful.
  • (If full) - Have you any wine instead?

Knotted Tug Rope

  • I suppose if it makes you lot happy.

Wax Inoculant

  • Essential for pestilential catacombs.


  • Sharp enough they don't feel it 'til I twist.

Whiskey Barrel

  • I'll knock back a draught or three!

Whiskey Bottle

  • Was a time I would have refused this...

Whiskey Flask

  • If I hold my nose, I can daydream a finer vintage.

Whittling Tools

  • Could work as a shiv in a pinch.

Wild Tea

  • A rare indulgence to let so loose. why not?

Morbid Joke

  • That's nothing, darling. How about the one...

Improvised Strategy

  • *yawwwwn* 'Course I'm listening.

The Very Best

  • Bottoms up, love.
  • T'your health and pleasure.
  • May we profit while our enemies suffer.

Experimental Remedy

  • I'd swear she enjoys subjecting us to this.

War Paint

  • TBA

Tar-Filled Colambre

  • TBA'

Oddly-Tuned Lute

  • I performed this gavotte as a girl...

Precious Collection

  • Mm, you've got a story, don't you?

Guided Meditation

  • What if we... see... something?

Book of Parries (Unused)

  • These are always written for men.

Hero Shrines

Shrine 1

  • Tradition drove us into each other's arms. Or estates, rather.

Shrine 2

  • What did Fate expect as she flogged me towards vindictive action?

Shrine 3

  • I cannot say I recommend impulsive murder. Always make a plan, love.

Shrine 4

  • He meant to leave me as a pauper or a corpse eventually. I'm certain.

Shrine 5

  • What use have the dead for such trinkets and baubles?

Shrine 6

  • Despair is a manor with many rooms. I've tossed the key.

Hero Stories

Story 1

  • Now's my chance!
  • I must be calm, patient.
  • He will soon tire...
  • Enjoy your outburst, darling. It will be your last.
  • Oh poor dear, what vexes you so?
  • Yes, yes, of course, darling.

Story 4

  • Buried himself with my estate, he did.
  • Took this to the grave to spite me, eh?
  • This suits my complexion better, ya?
  • You won't rat on me, will you now?
  • Painful trick, that!
  • I should know better..!
  • Careless!
  • And there you are! With all that you owe me...
  • Just dust and bones...
  • A rat, how cute.
  • Empty. Just my luck.
  • Naught but moonlight and shadow.
  • Where does one bury a pig?
  • Just where is the rest of his estate?
  • I will take what you owe me, bastard.



  • Never seen a cow jump over anything!
  • What are these spots before my eyes?!
  • Agh, my head throbs...!
  • Fetch me a wet rag, mother...!


  • This itching is going to drive me mad!
  • *furious scratching*
  • My skin, it cracks and bleeds!
  • Will this itching never cease?!

Coughing Fit

  • *desperate wheezing*
  • Khkk... let me catch my breath...
  • *cough cough cough*
  • *dry, hacking cough*



  • Well. No heat, no salts, no wine - but it shall suffice.
  • Pity we haven't the luxury of time.
  • Don't gawk if you value your eyes, loves.
  • You're proposing I 'wash my hair' in this gunge?

Exiting Oasis

  • No rest for the wicked, loves.
  • Let us hope my hair dries in a timely fashion...

Creature Den

  • The void nips at our heels! We must continue! (Avoid, loss of flame)

Creature Den Success

  • Ahh, the coach smells lovely by comparison.'

Creature Den Retreat

  • Horrid things. Make haste from here!'

Resistance Encounter

  • What's a few relics to save on bloodshed? (Avoid, lose relics)
  • Aim for the heart, darlings. (Fight)
  • Marvelous. I've been practicing my aim. (Fight)

Resistance Encounter Success

  • Easy enough, I'd say.

Resistance Encounter Retreat

  • A lady always knows when to make an exit.

Assistance Encounter

  • The rabble are softening my prejudices. Slowly.
  • They could have news of the cities... (+45 Flame)
  • I'm loath to admit their peasant victuals tempt me. (+30 Flame, +Food (Med Pool))
  • Oh, look at you scrappy things. Need a hand? (+30 Flame, +Combat Items)
  • Mm, is that tea I smell? See what they've got. (+30 flame, +Inn Items)
  • I am ill-suited to carpentry! Let them at it. (+30 Flame, +Armour)
  • I shall watch the road while they tinker. (+30 Flame, +Wheel)
  • That one has the look of a fellow ne'erdowell. (+30 Flame, +Scouting)
  • They get by on so little. It astounds me! (-5 Flame, ++Food (Great pool))
  • A scandalous story or two? Ehm, the ones with good endings.(-5 Flame, ++Combat Items)
  • I was close to walking in their grubby little boots, myself.(-5 Flame, ++Inn Items)
  • Eugh. Mud, packbeasts, squabbling children... (-5 Flame, +Armour, +Wheel)
  • I've some baubles that might entertain the wee sprats. (-5 Flame, +Stagecoach Item)
  • Our relics? Is that what they desire? ... So be it. (-12 Relics, +30 Flame, ++Food (Great Pool))
  • Ugh, fine. But only the semiprecious stones. (-12 Relics, +30 Flame, ++Combat Items)
  • Must you all stare at me? ... Fine. We'll share. (-12 Relics, +30 Flame, ++Inn Items)
  • I'm saving the finer pieces but go on, take the rest. (-12 Relics, +30 Flame, +Armour, +Wheel)
  • Once, I loathed my sisters' hand-me-downs. Now I miss them so... (-12 Relics, +30 Flame, +Stagecoach Items)
  • They feast on mutton while we eat slime! (-25 Flame, ++++Food (Great pool))
  • I've no qualms with planting a knife 'tween the shoulders. (-25 Flame, +16 Relics)
  • Dearie me, they will simply have to survive. (Avoid)
  • Now that I have gone without, my heart aches for them. (Compassionate) (+45 Flame, +Combat Item, +Inn Item, + Food (Great Pool))
  • Call me petty, but I've known penury. They'll live. (Curmudgeon) (Avoid)
  • Never will I beg for aid from the likes of you! (Greedy) (-15 Flame, ++++Food (Great Pool))
  • Put the goods in the bag, loves. (Greedy) (-15 Flame, +32 Relics)
  • Do these look like labourer's hands to you? (Lazy) (Avoid)
  • Oh, I know a drinking song or two. The bawdy ones... (Raconteur) (+45 Flame, +Combat Items, +Inn Items, +Food (Great Pool))
  • I worked hard for every last sip aboard this coach. (Selfish) (Leave)
  • I've missed the company of the dead. (Thanatomania) (-25 Flame, +Mystery Item, +Stagecoach Item, + 32 Relics)
  • We protect you wretches - and for what? (Vicious) (-15 Flame, +32 Relics)
  • Avert those eyes or lose them! (Vicious)(-25 Flame, +Mystery Item, +Stagecoach Items, + 32 Relics)

Exiting Assistance Encounter

  • I suppose it pays to assist the rabble... on occasion.
  • *gasp* They were positively filthy!

Valley Assistance Encounter

  • TBA

Region Gate

  • Let us hope we made a swift exit.
  • Ears to the road, loves.

Crossing the Bridge

  • Hold fast to your memories of sunny days - they are no more.
  • *sigh* So be it.

==Exiting Crossroads==

  • TBA

Exiting Hospital

  • TBA
  • Such conditions - my word!
  • Woefully inadequate - and unsanitary!

Exiting Hoarder

  • A little shopping is always a welcome diversion.
  • That ghastly man - the way he was leering...

Exiting Valley Hoarder

  • *shiver* Let us not tarry...
  • At least we shan't die in the wagonyard.

Exiting Watchtower

  • The view would have been lovely... if not for... the state of things.
  • It's a bit overwhelming, to see it all... undone...

Academic's Study

  • Of little value to me. But we could barter it.
  • What a curious trinket. It seems so familiar...
  • A simplistic lock, should we desire a closer look.
  • Such eclectic tastes could mean eclectic loot.
  • Could fetch a handsome price to the right dealer...
  • Fine craftsmanship, likely hiding finer things within...
  • My pick can tell us the provenance of this stone! Stand back.
  • Oh, you're a handsome find.
  • Many-faceted, crafted by a most skilled hand... [Hovering Polyhedra]
  • *shiver* Pitiable place for a manse.
  • Was a time when I could have fenced this...
  • Oh, to attend one last winter ball...
  • If it's locked, someone valued what's behind it.
  • Strange fare is my specialty.
  • That's a trap if ever I've seen one, dearies.
  • Let it loose on its captors. 'Tis the civil thing.
  • Perhaps their laboratory will yield supplies. [Thought Experiment] (+Trinket)
  • Some of these will be priceless when we rebuild...
  • Buff off some grime, would you? That frame looks gilded.
  • A taster of each, if you please.

Exiting Academic's Study

  • No trinkets? No baubles? No interest.
  • Well, that was frightfully boring.'

Cultist Encounter Success

  • You lot aren't welcome here, savvy?

Cultist Encounter Retreat

  • ... gleaming horrors not of our world...

Tangle Lair Success

  • What's dead should stay buried. Trust me.

Tangle Lair Retreat

  • Is this what awaits me at the end? Dreaming forever?

Foetor Lair Success

  • Vile things! Another stain scrubbed clean.

Foetor Lair Retreat

  • *strangled retching* Avert your eyes! Don't watch me...

Sprawl Lair Success

  • A marvelous collection - sullied, now... *sigh*

Sprawl Lair Retreat

  • The city is beyond saving. So too are we.

Shroud Lair Success

  • The fiend is felled - now for the booty.

Shroud Lair Retreat

  • I hear weeping in the mist...

Exiting Oblivion's Ingress

  • I daresay we're getting the hang of this.
  • I-it's too much! That was too much!

Exiting Academic's Cache

  • We've had a poor run at the tables, as they say.
  • And away without an ambush to boot! Bravo.

Specific Boss Barks


  • Penned a thousand years ago, made ash in an instant!

Harvest Child

  • My mouth waters. Give it here!
  • I've never known such satiety. ...

Focused Fault

  • It sees too much! Mercy, please!
  • It lays my regrets bare...!
  • They suspect I'll steal off in the night...

Body Of Work - Face Your Failure

  • Ask what befell the last who bet against me!
  • To think it ends here, arm in arm with the rabble.
  • I never could leave well enough alone...
  • Oh darling, missing your rings?
  • The grave suits you, love.
  • Hear me, fortune?! I spit in your eye!

Specific Quirks

Cosmic Fearing

  • I cannot fall before their empty eyes! Make haste!

Sprawl Tactician

  • ... How funny. I dined at this estate once. Good riddance.

Gentry Fearing

  • Heavens, I could have become one of those slovenly creatures...

Travelling Stress

Travelling Stress Heal

  • Perhaps there is hope for us yet...
  • We are not so dissimilar...
  • I accept you. We all do.
  • Chin up, shoulders back. We can do this.
  • The road is tough but we're going to make it.
  • Let us share tales of merrier times.
  • Come what may, we are united!
  • Hang in there.
  • Can I get you anything?
  • It's a long road, but we've got each other.
  • Want to share? I've got extra...
  • You're even tougher than you look.
  • I'm glad you're here, for what it's worth.
  • You're going to live. I won't hear otherwise.
  • At least we aren't facing this alone.
  • Maybe all hope is not lost...
  • There are times I almost feel hopeful.
  • I had a pleasant dream, for once...
  • Whatever comes, we are united.
  • Perhaps we'll find glory after all...
  • This world is worth saving.
  • We are making a difference out there.
  • Hope is seductive, isn't it?
  • We're making good time.
  • If this is my fate, I'm content.
  • All is not lost.
  • We will best these fiends!

Travelling Stress Heal

  • Buffoon!
  • We're not going to make it, are we?
  • Everywhere, the world comes undone...
  • Stuck in a coach with the likes of you - feh.
  • I'm hungry and tired!
  • This cursed coach is a bouncing racket!
  • Let me out of this blasted coach!
  • Here we are, four corpses in a rolling coffin...
  • I can't bear to look out the window...
  • It's like a nightmare out there.
  • Like rats in a trap...
  • What if it's all for nothing...?
  • Can I really trust you to have my back...?
  • Can't sleep. Awful food. Worse company.
  • A waking nightmare...
  • We never seem to make any progress...
  • Just leave me by the roadside.
  • This was all a mistake...!
  • We're driving in circles...
  • Are we lost?
  • This is not the life I dreamt for myself...
  • Everywhere we pass - ruin, destruction...
  • Fools, fools we are...
  • We were damned before we set off.
  • Why us? Why me?
  • I'm not crying...! Look away!
  • I grow so weary of this fight.
  • Would it be so bad to give in...?

Travelling Path Type Reaction

Safe Path

  • Lovely to travel unimpeded for once!
  • Someone make me a drink, would you?
  • For once in our lives, lady luck smiles!
  • Pity this thing still bounces so.

Rough Patch

  • And there go my pearls - wonderful.
  • Well, my headache's back.
  • No, no, your other left!
  • Who paved this abomination of a road?!

Hazardous Path

  • My word!
  • I mean, really?
  • They've truly welcomed us.
  • Aiee!


  • Through them, then!
  • Hold on to your cozies!
  • Blades up!
  • Shall we dance?

Oblivion Tear

  • G-gold! I'm drowning in gold!
  • S-so dark! So cold!
  • That one outside, she has my mother's face...
  • Wooden walls - we've been buried alive!