Heroes (Darkest Dungeon II)

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The party selection screen.

There are currently 14 playable characters, or Heroes, in Darkest Dungeon II. Each hero belongs to a unique character class with their own stats, skills, paths, and class-specific items.


Every expedition in Darkest Dungeon II begins at The Crossroads, where the player must assemble a party of four heroes to journey to The Mountain. One hero, the Bounty Hunter, cannot be recruited at the Crossroads but may be available for hire at the Inn. (The Bounty Hunter also has a number of other unique mechanics that do not apply to other heroes—consult his page for more information.) Aside from hiring the Bounty Hunter, or a hero dying, there is currently no way to swap heroes during the middle of an expedition.

Unlocking and Upgrading

Only four heroes are available at the beginning of the game: the Man-at-Arms, the Highwayman, the Grave Robber, and the Plague Doctor. More heroes may be unlocked by spending Candles of Hope Candles of Hope in The Living City. The Living City is also the primary way to upgrade heroes in between expeditions—additional upgrades increase heroes' stats and unlock their paths and unique items.


Each hero has number of different stats—HP HP, Speed Speed, and various resistances. Their base stats may be upgraded by spending candles in The Living City. A large number of other factors may affect their stats in game, including quirks, disease, equipment, and temporary buffs or debuffs.

Table of Base Stats

Portraits-color-bountyhunter .png Bounty Hunter48330%30%30%40%40%30%40%75%
Portraits-color-crusader.png Crusader40230%10%30%30%30%30%20%60%
Portraits-color-duelist.png Duelist28630%30%30%30%10%40%20%60%
Portraits-color-flagellant.png Flagellant50320%50%10%75%30%30%20%75%
Portraits-graverobber.png Grave Robber29530%30%30%30%20%20%30%60%
Portraits-hellion.png Hellion35430%30%30%20%20%20%20%60%
Portraits-highwayman.png Highwayman35530%30%30%30%30%30%20%60%
Portraits-jester.png Jester29420%20%20%30%20%20%20%60%
Portraits-leper.png Leper44210%10%20%30%30%20%20%60%
Portraits-manatarms.png Man-at-Arms42230%30%30%30%30%30%20%60%
Portraits-occultist.png Occultist31530%30%30%30%20%20%30%60%
Portraits-plaguedoctor.png Plague Doctor28430%40%30%40%10%20%20%60%
Portraits-runaway.png Runaway33420%20%30%30%20%30%20%60%
Portraits-color-vestal.png Vestal41220%20%30%20%20%20%20%60%

Table of Upgraded Stats

Portraits-color-bountyhunter .png Bounty Hunter48330%30%30%40%40%30%40%75%
Portraits-color-crusader.png Crusader40240%10%40%30%40%30%20%75%
Portraits-color-duelist.png Duelist28640%40%40%30%10%40%20%75%
Portraits-color-flagellant.png Flagellant50320%50%10%75%30%30%20%90%
Portraits-graverobber.png Grave Robber29730%40%30%30%20%20%30%75%
Portraits-hellion.png Hellion39430%30%30%30%20%20%20%80%
Portraits-highwayman.png Highwayman35540%30%30%40%40%30%20%75%
Portraits-jester.png Jester29520%20%30%30%20%20%30%75%
Portraits-leper.png Leper52210%10%20%30%30%30%20%75%
Portraits-manatarms.png Man-at-Arms46230%30%30%30%50%30%20%75%
Portraits-occultist.png Occultist31530%30%40%40%20%20%40%75%
Portraits-plaguedoctor.png Plague Doctor28430%50%40%50%10%20%20%75%
Portraits-runaway.png Runaway33520%20%50%30%20%30%20%75%
Portraits-color-vestal.png Vestal41220%20%30%20%30%30%30%75%


The icon for the default path, Wanderer.

Each hero has four paths, class specialisations that affect their stats and skills, often improving some at the expense of others and greatly affecting the hero's performance in combat. Each hero starts with a default path, Wanderer, which grants extra Candles of Hope Candles of Hope upon the reaching the second Inn but has few, if any, other effects. More paths may be unlocked at The Living City.

Heroes' paths may be chosen when assembling a party at The Crossroads and may be changed during an expedition while at an Inn.


Main article: Shrine of Reflection
Main article: Mastery Trainer

Each hero starts with five Abilities, or Skills. Six additional skills may be unlocked by visiting the Shrine of Reflection: each chapter at the Shrine of Reflection reveals an aspect of the hero's backstory while unlocking one to two additional skills, up to a total of eleven skills. During an expedition, heroes can upgrade each skill once by spending Mastery Points.


Each Hero may equip up to two Trinkets and one Combat Item. Items may only be equipped while outside of combat.

Quirks and Diseases

Quirks symbol darkest dungeon 2.png Quirks and diseases are various attributes that a hero may develop during an expedition. Quirks may be positive or negative, while diseases are predominantly negative. There are a large number of ways that quirks and diseases may be acquired, from combat to random node interactions. Both quirks and diseases may be managed at the Field Hospital.


As heroes traverse the world of Darkest Dungeon II, they will accumulate increasing amounts of Stress Stress. High amounts of Stress can impact a hero's relationships with other heroes and greatly hamper their effectiveness in combat. There are many abilities and items that mitigate or reduce stress, and effectively managing stress is vital to the success of the expedition.


Main article: Relationships

Over the course of the expedition, many interactions can cause heroes to build or lose Affinity Affinity with one another. Sufficiently high or low Affinity can cause heroes to form positive or negative Relationships. Relationships have a variety of effects on heroes' performance in combat—positive relationships allowing allies to inspire each other in combat, versus negative relationships causing heroes to actively sabotage, or even attack, one another. As with stress, heroes' relationships have a huge impact on the success or failure of an expedition.


Main article: Hero Goals

At the beginning of each expedition, each hero is given a specific Goal to be fulfilled during the expedition, such as landing a killing blows on certain Enemies, visiting specific Locations, triggering encounters, or using certain Combat Items. Completing a hero's goal will award Candles of Hope Candles of Hope, or, once the Altar of Hope is fully upgraded, class trinkets or signature inn items.


When heroes reach 0 HP in combat, they enter a state called Death's Door Death's Door. While on Death's Door, each further instance of damage can be fatal. Death in Darkest Dungeon II is permanent—the same hero class will not be encountered again until the The Crossroads at the beginning of the next expedition, at which point a new hero with different quirks will be generated.

Should a hero die during an expedition, another randomly-selected hero from the current character pool will replace them upon arriving at the next Inn. If all unlocked hero classes have been exhausted, then no new hero will show up to replace them.

Persistence (Memories)

Initially, all heroes are randomly generated at The Crossroads at the beginning of each expedition. However, Candles of Hope Candles of Hope may be spent in The Timeless Wood to apply Memories to heroes, allowing them to persist across multiple expeditions.

List of Hero Classes

Heroes Plague Doctor Grave Robber Highwayman Man-at-Arms Hellion Runaway Jester Leper Occultist Vestal Flagellant Bounty Hunter
DLC Exclusive to The Binding Blade DLCDuelist Exclusive to The Binding Blade DLCCrusader