Damage over Time (Darkest Dungeon II)

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The three damage-over-time effects: Bleed Bleed, Blight Blight, and Burn Burn.

Many skills and items in Darkest Dungeon II inflict damage over time. These are typically referred to as DOT/DoT skills, or just DOTs.


A Man-at-Arms suffering from Bleed Bleed.

There are three types of damage-over-time effects: Bleed Bleed, Blight Blight, and Burn Burn. Each of them functions essentially the same way, by damaging the target at the beginning of their turn, typically for a duration of three turns. There are a large number of hero and enemy skills and Combat Items that apply or cure damage-over-time effects.


  • Like other status effects, DOTs may be resisted. DOT skills may also pierce resistances.
  • Because DOTs are status effects and not normal attacks, the damage that they inflict is not affected by many damage modifiers like Block or Vulnerable.
  • With a critical hit, DOT effects gain:
    • +20% Damage over Time RES Piercing
    • +2 Damage over Time Duration Dealt
  • Certain skills or conditions interact with instances of damage. For damage over time, all DoT types (Damage over Time) and Regeneration Regeneration are added together, resulting in a single instance of damage (or none, if the net result is healing).
  • DOTs are not triggered when the target performs an extra action.
  • DOTs are automatically removed at the end of combat.

DOT Bombs

DOT Bombs are skills that cause a target to immediately suffer a proportion of its remaining damage over time.[1] For example, the Plague Doctor's Cause of Death immediately deals 75% (or 100% when Upgraded Upgraded) of the remaining damage over time on an enemy.

In most cases, DOT bombs ignore all damage multipliers from quirks, tokens, critical hits, and so on. And in most cases, DOT bombs remove all damage-over-time effects on the target as a side effect. Notable exceptions include:


Bleed Bleed is the most common type of damage over time in Darkest Dungeon II. Fisherfolk in The Shroud, Cadavers in the The Tangle, and Military enemies tend to deal high Bleed Bleed and have high Bleed RES. However, all enemy types have at least one enemy that inflicts Bleed.

The Hellion, Highwayman, Jester, and, to a lesser extent, the Plague Doctor and Occultist, have skills or paths that specialise in dealing Bleed Bleed.


A Dinner Cart suffering from Blight Blight.

Plague Eaters in The Foetor and Creatures (specifically spiders) tend to deal high Blight Blight and have high Blight RES.

The Plague Doctor, Grave Robber, and Flagellant have skills or paths that specialise in dealing Blight Blight.


Fanatics in The Sprawl tend to deal high Burn Burn and have high Burn RES.

The Runaway, Crusader, and, to a lesser extent, the Vestal have skills or paths that specialise in dealing Burn Burn.

Table of DoT Resistances

The following table contains the base and upgraded DoT resistances for each hero in Darkest Dungeon II. For enemy resistances, consult this table.

Portraits-color-bountyhunter .png Bounty Hunter30%30%30%30%30%30%
Portraits-color-crusader.png Crusader30%10%30%40%10%40%
Portraits-color-duelist.png Duelist30%30%30%40%40%40%
Portraits-color-flagellant.png Flagellant20%50%10%20%50%10%
Portraits-graverobber.png Grave Robber30%30%30%30%40%30%
Portraits-hellion.png Hellion30%30%30%30%30%30%
Portraits-highwayman.png Highwayman30%30%30%40%30%30%
Portraits-jester.png Jester20%20%20%20%20%30%
Portraits-leper.png Leper10%10%20%10%10%20%
Portraits-manatarms.png Man-at-Arms30%30%30%30%30%30%
Portraits-occultist.png Occultist30%30%30%30%30%40%
Portraits-plaguedoctor.png Plague Doctor30%40%30%30%50%40%
Portraits-runaway.png Runaway20%20%30%20%20%50%
Portraits-color-vestal.png Vestal20%20%30%20%20%30%


  1. These effects are called DOT Bombs in internal game files; however, the term DOT Bomb does not appear in any in-game descriptions or tooltips.