The Shroud

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Propriety floats listless on the tide, brined in noxious degradation.
~ The Academic

The Shroud is a region in Darkest Dungeon II.

Consisting of a vast system of piers, jetties, and stilted shacks, the area has been covered by a supernatural fog. The stench of salt, rotting wood, and decomposing fish hangs in the air.

When ancient monoliths began to sprout of the sea, dredged up by some unexplained force, the denizens of the coastal village saw a simple choice: to give oneself to the waves in worship, or to perish beneath the rising tides. The waters readily accepted their offering, and thus the Fisherfolk were reborn in the image of their new sea god.


The Fog is a mechanic affecting combat encounters in the Shroud. On each round after the first, there is a 25% chance that the party will be beset by Fog, with the following effects:

  • Add Blind Blind (40%)
  • Add Dd2 token vulnerable.png Vulnerable (40%)
  • +1 Dd2 token stress.png (33%)
  • Round End: -1 Dd2 token stress.png (25%)


The main enemies encountered in the Shroud are the Fisherfolk.

EnemyRegionTypesTiersHPSpeedDeath ArmorBleedBlightBurnStunMoveDebuff
Combat turnorder enemy coastal cabin boy.png
Cabin Boy
The ShroudFisherfolk134030%30%30%10%10%10%
Combat turnorder enemy coastal wharf rat.png
Wharf Rat
The ShroudFisherfolk146030%30%30%10%10%10%
Combat turnorder enemy coastal fish monger.png
Fish Monger
The ShroudFisherfolk164030%30%30%10%10%10%
Combat turnorder enemy bosun.png
The ShroudFisherfolk173040%30%20%10%10%10%
Combat turnorder enemy coastal captain.png
The ShroudFisherfolk232050%30%30%30%20%10%
Combat turnorder enemy coastal docker.png
The ShroudFisherfolk460220%40%30%50%60%20%
Combat turnorder enemy bosun elite.png
The Hull Keeper
The ShroudFisherfolkChampion245250%40%30%20%10%20%
Combat turnorder enemy coastal captain b.png
Admiral Marsh
The ShroudFisherfolkChampion334050%30%30%50%20%30%
Leviathan's HandThe ShroudFisherfolkMinion244040%40%40%ImmuneImmune10%
Combat turnorder enemy coastal leviathan.png
The ShroudFisherfolkBoss1555260%40%40%ImmuneImmune30%
Reborn from the ocean, they will protect the cult and the deity that gave them a new life.

The Leviathan

The Leviathan is the main boss in the Shroud, found at The Sacred Pier.

Token barnacle.pngBarnacles

An offensive token used by certain Fisherfolk. Applied to a rank, inflicting Bleed Bleed on Heroes moving into and out of the rank.

  • When moving: Inflicts Bleed 1
  • Duration: 3 rounds
  • Limit: 1


  • Many Fisherfolk apply Bleed Bleed damage, and are likewise fairly resistant to Bleed Bleed.
  • A large number of Fisherfolk have abilities that Move dd2.png move or shuffle the party. Not only does this disrupt the party's formation, but it also indirectly inflicts Bleed Bleed via Token barnacle.png Barnacles.

Related Quirks

Negative quirks dd2.pngNegative Quirks Positive quirks dd2.pngPositive Quirks
Fisherfolk Fearing

Pelagic beings strike terror in their heart..

Combat Start

Fisherfolk : 1 Dd2 token stress.png (50%)

Fisherfolk Hater Fisherfolk : +15% DMG

Gain On Hit:

Dd2 token stress.png -1 (25%)

Fisherfolk : -20% DMG Taken

Fisherfolk Slayer Fisherfolk : +5% CRIT

Fisherfolk : ExecutionExecution 2

Narrator Quotes

  • When selecting the Shroud as the next region at an Inn:
    • "The shrouded coast - isolated, and drowning in amphibious degeneracy."


  • Like the monsters in the Cove in the first game, the Fisherfolk are the only humanoid creatures with visible eyes.

Tutorial The Valley
Main Regions The Foetor The Tangle The Sprawl The Shroud The TundraKingdoms
Bonus Regions The Sluice The Catacombs
Destination The Mountain