The Sluice

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Tread carefully and quickly. This is swine country.
~ The Academic

The Sluice is a bonus Region in Darkest Dungeon II. Abandoned tunnels, these dark and cold places were the perfect place for beasts to multiply unchecked. They formed a small civilization down below, hidden from everyone, and although they look like brute animals they may have a spark of... otherwordly intelligence.


The Sluice is an optional region that does not count towards the number of regions required to reach The Mountain; rather, it is a short 'bonus' area that offers extra rewards at the cost of increased difficulty. There are a number of differences between the Sluice and other regions:

  • The Sluice is completely unmapped—all route choices must be taken blindly.
  • The Sluice does not have a region modifier, a quest, or Lair.
  • A number of Nodes do not appear in the Sluice, including Assistance Encounters, The Hoarder, and Watchtowers, making it more difficult than usual to rest and resupply between fights.
  • Certain enemies that appear in road fights, like Gaunts and Pillagers, do not appear in the Sluice.
  • Clearing the Sluice rewards extra Candles of Hope Candles of Hope when completing a run.


The primary enemies encountered in the Sluice are the Swine. Other enemies, primarily Creatures, may also appear.

EnemyRegionTypesTiersHPSpeedDeath ArmorBleedBlightBurnStunMoveDebuff
Combat turnorder enemy swine skulker.png
Swine Skulker
The SluiceCreature,
Combat turnorder enemy cave swine skiver.png
Swine Skiver
The SluiceCreature,
Combat turnorder enemy swine brute.png
Swine Brute
The SluiceCreature,
Combat turnorder enemy cave swine skiver b.png
The SluiceCreature,
Combat turnorder enemy swine brute b.png
The SluiceCreature,


  • As with all Creatures, the Swine are highly resistant to Blight Blight.
  • Combat turnorder enemy swine skulker.png Swine Skulkers have a unique buff when Stealth Stealth giving them more DMG and CRIT. Since this gives them a potential for heavy damage, it is advisable to carry some form of {{Stealth removal when entering this region
  • Combat turnorder enemy cave swine skiver b.png Fulgore is a high Priority Target since has access of one of the most devastating moves in the game able to one shot most heroes in one turn: Skever. Killing this enemy first is highly recommended
  • Combat turnorder enemy swine brute.png Swine Brutes and Wilbur deal heavy cleave damage and apply lots of Dd2 token stress.png Stress. It is advisable to kill these enemies first if possible and use Blind Weak debuffs to keep them at bay.
  • Combat turnorder enemy cave swine skiver.pngSwine Skivers are very dangerous enemies: they dealin heavy damage, apply Dd2 token vulnerable.png debuffs and Move dd2.png disrupt the Party. If possible they should always be killed on sight.

Narrator Quotes

  • When selecting The Sluice at an Inn:
    • "Unmapped, unexplored. A risky proposition."
  • Upon arrival in The Sluice:
    • "Tread carefully and quickly. This is swine country."

Tutorial The Valley
Main Regions The Foetor The Tangle The Sprawl The Shroud The TundraKingdoms
Bonus Regions The Sluice The Catacombs
Destination The Mountain