Swine Skulker

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Swine Skulker
Swine Skulker DD2.png
Speed Speed4
Bleed Bleed20%
Blight Blight40%
Burn Burn30%
Stun Stun10%
Move Move20%
Debuff Debuff10%
Other Attributes
TypesCreature, Swine
Turns per Round1
Permanent Condition(s)
On Combat Start:

Dodge (50%) + Dodge (50%)
If Stealth:

+15% CRIT, +2 Blight Dealt

The Swine Skulker is a Swine/Creature enemy in Darkest Dungeon II.


The Skulker is a small and frenzied hybrid of swine and vermin. It protects it's jaw, eyes and torso with assorted pieces of metal armor. Bound to it's arms with rope are two rusted and filthy blades. It also wears a make-shift scarf fashioned from a torn flag and has multiple piercings on its left ear. Quite a fashionable little creature!

While not very threatening on their own, Skulkers are pesky when encountered in groups of 3 or 4. Their slippery nature allows them to avoid attacks with Stealth Stealth and Dodge Dodge, giving them time to prepare a brutal jumping attack, Pigsticker. Crowd control effects, such as Daze Daze and Stun Stun, as well as De-Stealth abilities like Intimidate or Tracking Shot, are very effective at shutting Skulkers down.


Skill Name Target Ranks DMG CRIT Self Target
Pigsticker Blue circle 234.png Yellow circle 12.png 6-9 15% - -
Ragged Hook Blue circle 12.png Yellow circle 34.png 3-5 10% - MovePull 1
• +1 Stress (50%)
Fouled Shank
Cooldown 1
Blue circle1234.png Yellow circle 34.png 2-3 5% - Blight2
• Add Disease
• +1 Stress
Cooldown 3
Self Yellow circle 1234.png - - • Add 2 Stealth
• Add Strength
End This One
Cooldown 1
Blue circle1234.png Yellow circle 1234.png 1-2 0% - • Add Combo
• +1 Stress (50%)


  • Skitter cannot be used if last enemy alive or if all other living enemies are in stealth.
  • End This One can only be used if Wilbur or Fulgore is present and the player party doesnt already have Combo Combo.


  • Skulker's "Fouled Shank" ability is internally called "Puke." This draws possible similarities between Skulkers and DD1's Swine Wretch.
  • Skulker's tattered cloths bear a striking resemblance to banners/flags used in the Butcher's Circus.

Shared Creatures

Carrion Devourer Carrion Eater Gander Rabid Gnasher Spitter Webber
Lost Soul Patient Urchin Widow Woodsman
Firemouth Implication Mongrel Pillager Crackshot Pillager Hatchetman
Spearman Spiked Barricade Swordsman Weapon Rack
Altar Cherub Evangelist Herald
No Type

The Tangle Arbalist Bishop Bullseye Barrett Drummer Fallen Templar Foot Soldier Knight
The Sprawl Flayer Her Ladyship Immolatist Masterful Kinred Pit Fighter Sacrificial Shaman Whipper
The Shroud Admiral Marsh Bosun Cabin Boy Captain Docker Fish Monger The Hull Keeper Wharf Rat
The Foetor Black Phillip Butcher Dinner Cart Lady Livestock Lord Maid Tohno the Carver
The Sluice Swine Brute Swine Skiver Fulgore Swine Skulker Wilbur