Pillager Crackshot

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Pillager Crackshot
Pillager Crackshot DD2.png
Speed Speed4
Bleed Bleed20%
Blight Blight10%
Burn Burn10%
Stun Stun20%
Move Move10%
Debuff Debuff20%
Other Attributes
Turns per Round1

The Pillager Crackshot is a Pillager enemy in Darkest Dungeon II.


Standard backrank unit of the Pillager faction, is at his most threatening in the 4th rank, dirsupting your team with Weak and Stress to your backline, and your frontline with Stun and Move. He is still somewhat threatening in the midranks, with an attack that deals moderate damage with high crit, specially so if he has any form of Buff+damage dealt, either from Ordainment, Battle Modifiers or some other source.


The Crackshot attacks from a distance, using his arsenal of weapons to deal damage and apply pressure on the heroes. His favored position to be in is rank 4, where he gets access to his stronger abilities.

Skill Name Target Ranks DMG CRIT Self Target
Frantic Retreat Blue circle 34.png Yellow circle 1.png 1-2 5% MoveBack 2 -
Blister Shot Blue circle 123.png Yellow circle 23.png 3-6 15% - -
Shell Shock Blue circle lasso 1+2.png Yellow circle 4.png 2-3 10% - +1 Stress (75%)
Weak (50%)
Front Mortar Blue circle 4.png Yellow circle 4.png 6-8 5% - Stun
MoveKnockback 1


While being the physically weakest of the Pillagers, the Pillager Crackshot is probably the most disruptive of the lot outside of mini bosses, being able to outplace your frontline while applying Dd2 token stun.png Stun and inflicting Dd2 token stress.png Stress on the backline alongside Dd2 token weak.png Weak. As such, he represents one of the primary target during fights. However his immediate threat is almost nullified when moved to the very frontline, making him an easy target for the hard-hitting heroes on the front.

Shared Creatures

Carrion Devourer Carrion Eater Gander Rabid Gnasher Spitter Webber
Lost Soul Patient Urchin Widow Woodsman
Firemouth Implication Mongrel Pillager Crackshot Pillager Hatchetman
Spearman Spiked Barricade Swordsman Weapon Rack
Altar Cherub Evangelist Herald
No Type

The Tangle Arbalist Bishop Bullseye Barrett Drummer Fallen Templar Foot Soldier Knight
The Sprawl Flayer Her Ladyship Immolatist Masterful Kinred Pit Fighter Sacrificial Shaman Whipper
The Shroud Admiral Marsh Bosun Cabin Boy Captain Docker Fish Monger The Hull Keeper Wharf Rat
The Foetor Black Phillip Butcher Dinner Cart Lady Livestock Lord Maid Tohno the Carver
The Sluice Swine Brute Swine Skiver Fulgore Swine Skulker Wilbur