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Knight en garde.png
Speed Speed0
Death Armor Death Armor3
Bleed Bleed40%
Blight Blight20%
Burn Burn10%
Stun Stun40%
Move Move40%
Debuff Debuff30%
Other Attributes
Turns per Round1
Permanent Condition(s)
Combat Start:
  • Block

While on Death's Door Death's Door:

  • +50% DMG
  • +5 Speed
  • Cannot Gain Weak

The Knight is a Cadaver enemy in Darkest Dungeon II.


Clad in impressive plate armor, Knights are the elite shock troops of the Lost Battalion. Their skillset takes advantage of their high HP HP, allowing them to generate Block Block and Riposte Riposte to discourage attackers, while inflicting heavy Bleed Bleed on frontline heroes.

Death's Door Bonuses

Uniquely amongst enemies, the Knight gains powerful buffs when on Death's Door Death's Door:

  • +50% DMG
  • +5 Speed Speed (negating the usual Speed penalty for being on Death's Door Death's Door)
  • The Knight does not gain any Weak Weak tokens upon reaching Death's Door Death's Door.

And if all those buffs weren't enough, the Knight also has 3 Death Armor Death Armor, making him a very dangerous opponent when near death.


Skill Name Target Ranks DMG CRIT Self Effects
En Garde
Cooldown 2
Self - - • Remove Blind
• Add Death Armor
• Add Ripostex2, Blockx2
Have at You 4-6 5% • Forward 3 -
Biting Blade 8-12 10% - Bleed4
Riposte Attack 6-7 5% - Bleed3

ORDER: Slay the Wounded

Receiving an Order Order token from a Drummer will enable the Knight to use a powerful cleave attack. The order will also grant the Knight the +50% DMG buff against Bleed bleeding targets for 1 round.

Skill Name Target Ranks DMG CRIT Self Effects Cooldown
Order Flashing Blade 6-7 5% • Remove Order Bleed4 -


Knights are exceptionally dangerous enemies to encounter, sporting a hefty pool of Icon HP dd2.pngHP, guaranteed BlockBlock at combat start, 3 points of Death ArmorDeath Armor, substantial damage both directly and via BleedBleed, RiposteRiposte, and uniquely among the cast the only enemy who receives buffs when they reach Deaths Door. They are a front line enemy and can only attack the front two heroes with their primary damage skills, but have greater reach due to their RiposteRiposte allowing them to hit any rank that a hero hits them from. While Knights are very dangerous foes, they're often best left to be dealt with after killing the other enemies that spawn with them, particularly if they spawn in with a Combat turnorder enemy lost battalion drummer.pngDrummer due to the latters ability to give them OrderOrder tokens to access to Flashing Blade as well as a buff that increases their damage against Bleedbleeding heroes. Bringing heroes with their own RiposteRiposte, or the ability to clear said token such as Portraits-manatarms.pngMan-at-Arms with Dd2 ability bellow.pngBellow or Portraits-highwayman.pngHighwayman with Dd2 ability highwayrobbery.pngHighway Robbery to minimize how much damage your heroes receive from attacking the Knight. Similar to many other front line damage dealers the Knight is more limited if he's MoveKnocked Back to rank 4 where his only skill available is Have At You, which deals much lower damage than Biting Blade. This strategy isn't particularly consistent however, but it can be useful in early stages of a fight while dealing with the other enemies he spawns with. The most important part of fighting the Knight is having a plan to kill him while either minimizing or outright negating his Death's Door buffs, either through Damage Over Time or Executes. Leaving the Knight at low health at the end of a turn to let all your heroes attack him one after the other can chew through all of his Death Armor Death Armor before he gets a chance to act. This can be particularly effective due to the Knights low base Icon speed.pngSpeed without his Death's Door buff.

Shared Creatures

Carrion Devourer Carrion Eater Gander Rabid Gnasher Spitter Webber
Lost Soul Patient Urchin Widow Woodsman
Firemouth Implication Mongrel Pillager Crackshot Pillager Hatchetman
Spearman Spiked Barricade Swordsman Weapon Rack
Altar Cherub Evangelist Herald
No Type

The Tangle Arbalist Bishop Bullseye Barrett Drummer Fallen Templar Foot Soldier Knight
The Sprawl Flayer Her Ladyship Immolatist Masterful Kinred Pit Fighter Sacrificial Shaman Whipper
The Shroud Admiral Marsh Bosun Cabin Boy Captain Docker Fish Monger The Hull Keeper Wharf Rat
The Foetor Black Phillip Butcher Dinner Cart Lady Livestock Lord Maid Tohno the Carver
The Sluice Swine Brute Swine Skiver Fulgore Swine Skulker Wilbur