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Docker DD2.png
Speed Speed0
Death Armor Death Armor2
Bleed Bleed20%
Blight Blight40%
Burn Burn30%
Stun Stun50%
Move Move60%
Debuff Debuff20%
Other Attributes
Turns per Round1

The Docker is a Fisherfolk enemy in Darkest Dungeon II encountered only in The Shroud.


The Docker is a relatively simple enemy, having powerful attacks and high HP to represent it's enormous size.

Combat Skills

Skill Name Target Ranks DMG CRIT Self Effects
Hull Breaker Blue circle 34.png Yellow circle 12.png 10-18 5% - MoveKnockback 1 (50%)
Brine Bucket Blue circle 234.png Yellow circle 34.png 6-10 5% - • Add Token barnacle.png
Make Way
Cooldown 3
Blue circle lasso full.png Yellow circle 12.png 3-7 5% - 1 Stress


The Docker is the epitome of a bruiser in size 2 form. Hull Breaker outputs impressive damage per turn, with tokens only amplifying it's effects. Make Way, though used infrequently, is extremely disruptive to the team given it's coming from such a tanky monster. Brine Bucket, though not immediately threatening, applies Barnacles to combo with Make Way or other shuffle effects from the Fisherfolk.

However, with no DOT except for Barnacles, you could combat Dockers with conventional Tanks like Man At Arms or Leper with Taunt. Alternatively, pushing the Docker backwards by effects such as Rampart or Daemon's Pull on other enemies could force the Docker out of range for it's 2 main abilities, Make Way and Hull Breaker. Brine Bucket, though definitely nothing to sneeze at, is significantly less dangerous than a Crit from Hull Breaker, as well as disrupting the other Fisherfolk that could need the back ranks.

Like most Size 2 enemies, choose either to deal with the Docker first or last, as while it's high damage is a major variable in the fight he spawns in, other enemies such as Fishmonger's bleed or Captain's Token generation can take priority.


  • Many monsters in the game, particularly the more powerful and larger ones, tend to have Iron Crown iconography on their character. In the Docker's case, it could be seen that the cracks around the Yoke above his neck represent the Iron Crown.

Shared Creatures

Carrion Devourer Carrion Eater Gander Rabid Gnasher Spitter Webber
Lost Soul Patient Urchin Widow Woodsman
Firemouth Implication Mongrel Pillager Crackshot Pillager Hatchetman
Spearman Spiked Barricade Swordsman Weapon Rack
Altar Cherub Evangelist Herald
No Type

The Tangle Arbalist Bishop Bullseye Barrett Drummer Fallen Templar Foot Soldier Knight
The Sprawl Flayer Her Ladyship Immolatist Masterful Kinred Pit Fighter Sacrificial Shaman Whipper
The Shroud Admiral Marsh Bosun Cabin Boy Captain Docker Fish Monger The Hull Keeper Wharf Rat
The Foetor Black Phillip Butcher Dinner Cart Lady Livestock Lord Maid Tohno the Carver
The Sluice Swine Brute Swine Skiver Fulgore Swine Skulker Wilbur