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Ahead, a bestial refuge, littered with bones and... less identifiable remains.
~ The Academic

Creatures are a type of enemy in Darkest Dungeon II. While they may appear in any Region, they are most commonly encountered at Creature Dens and in The Sluice, which is also the only place where the Swine may be encountered.

Creatures tend to be resistant to Blight Blight.

List of Creature Enemies


Related Quirks

Negative quirks dd2.pngNegative Quirks Positive quirks dd2.pngPositive Quirks

Intense fear of animals and non-human creatures.

Combat Start

Creature: 1 Dd2 token stress.png (50%)

Related Trinkets

Image Trinket Effects
Rat Skull.png
Rat Skull


Turn Start: If First in Round: Crit (66%)
Self: Duelist's Advance Skills: Dd2 token immobilize.png (66%)
Creatures: -90% Healing Received from Skills