The Tangle

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Dd2 portrait tangle.png
War rewards only resignation.
~ The Academic

The Tangle is a region in Darkest Dungeon II.

The Tangle is a primeval forest filled with ruined trenches, barricades, and military encampments. The soldiers of the Lost Battalion, once sent here to hold the line against the cult, found themselves gradually transfixed by thick vines and creeping roots around them. By the time the cult arrived the fortifications, already long overgrown, were completely unmanned.


The primary enemies encountered in the Tangle are the Cadavers.

EnemyRegionTypesTiersHPSpeedDeath ArmorBleedBlightBurnStunMoveDebuff
Combat turnorder enemy lost battalion arbalist.png
The TangleCadaver151030%30%10%10%10%10%
Combat turnorder enemy lost battalion foot soldier.png
Foot Soldier
The TangleCadaver171130%30%10%50%10%10%
Combat turnorder enemy lost battalion drummer.png
The TangleCadaver195030%30%10%30%10%20%
Combat turnorder enemy lost battalion bishop.png
The TangleCadaver222030%30%20%20%20%30%
Combat turnorder enemy lost battalion knight.png
The TangleCadaver360340%20%10%40%40%30%
Combat turnorder enemy lost battalion arbalist b.png
Bullseye Barrett
The TangleCadaverChampion203140%40%10%10%20%10%
Combat turnorder enemy lost battalion knight b.png
Fallen Templar
The TangleCadaverChampion412350%30%10%40%40%30%
Tap RootThe TangleNoneBoss,
Combat turnorder enemy lost battalion dreaming general.png
Dreaming General
The TangleCadaverBoss1853350%30%20%ImmuneImmune40%

Undying Formation

The Drummers of the Lost Battalion still coordinate their undead comrades' actions by giving Order Order tokens and providing powerful team-wide buffs.

Order Order

  • Enables various powerful area-of-effect attacks.
  • Consumed upon use.
  • Duration: 1 turn
  • Limit: 1


  • Cadavers enemies tend to have high HP HP health and rely on Block Block for defense.
  • Bleed Bleed is the only type of Damage over Time inflicted by Cadavers. Likewise they are resistant to Bleed Bleed, somewhat resistant to Blight Blight, and weak to Burn Burn.
  • Combat turnorder enemy lost battalion drummer.png Drummers boost their allies by granting them Order Order tokens as well as making them practically immune to Move Move. Killing the Drummer is a high priority.
  • Combat turnorder enemy lost battalion bishop.png With enough Benediction Benediction Bishops can resurrect dead allies and deal heavy stress together with removing positive tokens from your team, making them high-priority targets.
  • Combat turnorder enemy lost battalion foot soldier.png Foot Soldiers can generate Block+ Block+ tokens and deal a considerable amount of damage. BleedBlightBurn DoTs are the most effective way to kill them.
  • Combat turnorder enemy lost battalion arbalist.png Arbalists are strong damage and stress dealers, but become much less effective in the front ranks.
  • Combat turnorder enemy lost battalion knight.png Unlike other enemies in this game, Knights become stronger when reaching Death's Door.

Related Quirks

Negative quirks dd2.pngNegative Quirks Positive quirks dd2.pngPositive Quirks
Cadaver Fearing

Pair me not with the husk of the departed or I shall crumble myself.

Combat Start Cadaver : 1 Dd2 token stress.png (50%)

Cadaver Hater Cadaver : +15% DMG

Gain On Hit:

Dd2 token stress.png -1 (25%)

Cadaver : -20% DMG Taken

Cadaver Slayer Cadaver : +5% CRIT

Cadaver : ExecutionExecution 2

Tangle Trinkets

Image Trinket Effect
Armory key.png
Armory Key
  • If Armor item is equipped: +20% max Icon HP dd2.png
  • If Weapon item is equipped: +20% DMG.
Trinket forest blistering bugle.png
Blistering Bugle
Distant Candles of Hope
  • Turn Start: Dd2 token taunt.png(50%)
  • Turn Start: If First in Turn Order: Dd2 token vulnerable.png (33%)
Calibrating censer.png
Calibrating Censer
Indelible Candles of Hope
  • Gain on Miss: Dd2 token strength 2.png
  • Gain When Hit: If Icon speed.png <= 2: Dd2 token block.png(66%)
Insulating insignia.png
Insulating Insignia
Distant Candles of Hope
  • Random Ally on Turn Start: Dd2 token block.png(33%)
  • Gain on Miss: If First in turn order: Dd2 token combo.png
Clenching claws.png
Clenching Claws
Indelible Candles of Hope
  • Apply to Attacker When Hit: Dd2 token weak.png(20%) or Dd2 token vulnerable.png(20%) or Dd2 token stun.png(10%)
  • Round Start: If Icon speed.png <= 2: Dd2 token immobilize.png(66%)
Stone mount.png
Stone Mount
Distant Candles of Hope
  • Turn End: Convert Dd2 token block.pngto Dd2 token blockplus.png
  • Gain on Miss: If First in turn order: +1Dd2 token stress.png
Unwavering standard.png
Unwavering Standard
Distant Candles of Hope
  • Each hero on Combat Start: Dd2 token block.png(66%)
  • Gain on Miss: If First in turn order: Dd2 token weak.png

Dreaming General Trinkets

Image Trinket Description
Trinket forest boss reverberating redoubt.png
Reverberating Redoubt
Apply to Attacker When Hit: 2 DMG
Gain When Hit If Speed <= 2: Extra Action (20%)
Trinket forest boss footmans grog.png
Footman's Grog
Each Hero on Turn Start: Convert Vulnerable to Block
Each Hero on Turn Start: Convert Weak to Strength

Narrator Quotes

  • When selecting the Tangle as the next region at an Inn:
    • "Trenches and tents - the front lines of a war that was never fought."
    • "Mud and rain. Resignation and death. This land is truely barren."
  • When entering The Tangle:
    • "War rewards only resignation."
  • When midway through The Tangle:
    • "Resigned to the end of things, they waited for death. And still they wait."
    • "Emptied of mind and spirit by some existential shock, the poor devils roam aimlessly amidst the trees."
    • "These seasoned soldiers were deployed to a winding front meant to prevent the cult's descent from the Mountain."
    • "When the cult came, no orders were shouted, no swords were drawn. There was only stupefying horror, and the catatonic lethargy that follows it."
  • Arriving at Lost Battalion road battle:
    • "They stand guard even now, deathless and dreaming."
  • Arriving at The Forgotten Outpost:
    • "Slow, vacant, and resigned, the lost battalion shambles on."
    • "They had honour once. Now they have nothing at all."
  • Arriving at The General's Keep:
    • "Within every Keep, a General and his loyal, lumbering guard."
  • Fighting Dreaming General:
    • "He has retreated, undying, into a dream - and there he must stay."
    • "Locked in a nightmare slumber, he is tortured by failures both real, and imagined."

Tutorial The Valley
Main Regions The Foetor The Tangle The Sprawl The Shroud The TundraKingdoms
Bonus Regions The Sluice The Catacombs
Destination The Mountain