Bosses (Darkest Dungeon II)

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Bosses in Darkest Dungeon II are especially difficult enemies—often dealing large amounts of damage or Stress Stress to the party, having high HP HP, acting multiple times per round, or using certain unique mechanics.

There are many ways bosses may be encountered. While some bosses are optional, many bosses serve as gatekeepers testing the party's combat power, and must be defeated before the expedition can continue. Certain bosses always appear in fixed locations—the end of each Act, for example, consists of a final boss battle at The Mountain—while other bosses actively seek out the party and may ambush them under certain conditions.


  • The Antiquarian, a friend-turned-foe capable of buffing herself and her team, making allies Guardedguard her, debuffs, and a Blight Blight cleave.
  • The Chirurgeon is the boss found at the end of the Chirurgeon's Table node. He is a supportive boss with misleading RES, powerful buffs and heals, and a potentially devastating attack if left without allies.
  • The Collector, a familiar face who spawns if a Trophy is in the parties possession. Alongside being able to Bleed Bleed, Stress Stress and Combo Combo, He is capable of summoning minions who can deal bleed, debuffs and stuns whilst buffing the enemy team with DoT-clear, Crit Crit, Guarded Guarded and heals.
  • Death, a boss with a 6% chance of spawning if a Flagellant is present. Capable of applying wide-spread MoveShuffle, Bleed Bleed, and Stress Stress, she is a force to be reckon with as teams are not healed nor are status effects or tokens removed, leading to potentially unfortunate Death encounters.
  • The Shambler is a returning boss capable of summoning weak pawns that can massively buff themself and heal the Shambler. The Shambler Move the party at Combat Start and applies a party-wide blight or bleed, along with spawning more Tentacles to fight for the beast.
  • The Warlord is a boss exclusive to Exclusive to The Binding Blade DLC The Binding Blade DLC with high base DMG, buffs, Bleed Bleed, and intense cleaves dealing high damage or Stun Stun that are dependent upon Combo Combo tokens.

Cultist Bosses

  • The Deacon, a tanky cosmic boss capable of dealing heavy single target damage and wide spread Stress Stress.
  • The Cardinal, a debuff/DoT-heavy cosmic boss capable of removing Riposte and applying heavy debuffs, intense DoTs and MoveShuffle through cleaves and single target attacks.
  • The Exemplar, a fearsome cosmic boss capable of summoning and sacrificing allies for powerful buffs, along with dealing high Blight Blight, debuffs and Stress Stress, and Horror Horror

Lair Bosses

Main article: Lair

each region has a lair, etc...

Act Bosses
