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Speed Speed2
Death Armor Death Armor3
Bleed Bleed100%
Blight Blight50%
Burn Burn30%
Stun Stun75%
Move Move100%
Debuff Debuff40%
Other Attributes
Turns per Round2
His axe demands tribute, his soul demands suffering...
~ The Academic

The Warlord is a mini-boss in Darkest Dungeon II exclusive to Exclusive to The Binding Blade DLC The Binding Blade DLC.


The Warlord is a colossal enemy with high base DMG capable of stunning stunning heroes as well as buffing his allies with Strength Strength, Crit Crit and Speed Speed. Once he or his allies have applied enough Combo Combo, he gains access to a devastating cleave attack capable of leaving any hero on Death's Door Death's Door.

He is first fought at the end of The Lost Crusade quest. After unlocking the Crusader and completing all of his hero shrines, the Warlord becomes a wandering miniboss and can randomly appear in any Military barricade. The chance of encountering the Warlord increases the closer the player gets to The Mountain: 5% in region 1, 15% in region 2, and 25% in region 3. However, he can only be encountered once per expedition.


Skill Name Target Ranks DMG CRIT Self Effects
Blue circle 34.png Yellow circle 1234.png 10-14 5% MoveForward 3
Cooldown 2
Blue circle 3+4.png Yellow circle 12.png 6-8 5%
Ferox Impetus
Cooldown 2
Blue circle lasso 2+3+4.png
Hits all Targets with Combo
Yellow circle 12.png 10-14 5%
Requires 2 or more Targets has Combo
Cooldown 2
Blue circle 3+4.png Yellow circle 12.png 4-6 5% MoveBack 3 • Add Daze
If Target Combo:Add Stun
Cooldown 4
Blue circle lasso 2+3+4.png Yellow circle 12.png - 5% • Add Block+ per Target hit • Add Weak, Combo (33%)
Cooldown 2
Blue circle lasso 1+2.png
Yellow circle 4.png - -
• Add Strength, Crit, Speed


The Warlord will always spawn with at least one other Military enemy with a chance to spawn with either a Barricade or a Weapon Rack. The primary components of this fight are Warlord's sizable HP HP pool, his usage of Combo Combo tokens, his ability to Debuff Debuff heroes and Buff Buff his allies. Similar to other Military enemies the Warlord will only attack heroes in the front ranks and often can put out a heavy amount of Bleed Bleed damage to boot, and can appear at any road barricade after The Lost Crusade is finished.

The Warlord will typically spawn in the front ranks, but depending on the mash he spawns in with may also appear in the middle or back ranks. Being able to get rid of Combo Combo tokens after they have been applied is an important component of this fight—much of Warlord's moveset is either enhanced by or requires Combo to be applied to a hero or multiple heroes. The most notable of these is Ferox Impetus, a cleave attack that hits the front 3 ranks and requires at least two heroes to have Combo. Colaphus will either Daze Daze or Stun Stun the heroes hit depending on whether or not they have Combo and can easily disrupt teams while setting up for Secare, a high-damage single hit attack that brings Warlord back to the front. The Warlord's high Move Move resist can make shuffling him very difficult, but in exchange, he is almost always in position for front rank heroes to deal damage to him unless his allies have been pulled to the front. Due to Warlord's multiple turns per round Damage over Time is very effective vs him, predominantly Blight Blight and Burn Burn due to his high resistance to Bleed Bleed. Riposte Riposte is also effective on the front rank heroes due to him only targeting the front ranks to deal damage to him on his own turns.


Exclusive Trinkets

Image Trinket Description
Trinket warlord helmet.png
Round Start: Ally Behind: Dd2 token guarded.png
Each Hero on Turn End: If Target has Dd2 token guarded.png: Strength or Crit or Speed
Trinket warlord gauntlet.png
+33% Move dd2.png RES Piercing
Apply on CRIT: Dd2 token daze.png (50%)
Apply on Hit: Melee Skills: Combo (33%)
Trinket warlord axe.png
Gain on Killing Blow: All Allies Behind: Strength
Gain on Killing Blow: All Allies Ahead: Block

Exclusive Combat Item

Image Combat Item Effects
Ear necklace.png
[1 Target]
Stacks 1
Cooldown 5
Add Combo

Exclusive Quirk

The hero who deals the final blow to Warlord will gain an exclusive quirk:

Name Effects
Vanquisher Gain On Killing Blow: Heal 5


  • All of Warlord's attacks are various Latin words: Secare - to cut (into pieces); Praecido - to cut (off/through); Ferox Impetus - fierce assault; Colaphus - fisticuff; Paro - prepare; Cohortor - exhort.
  • This fact also applies to his unique combat item, Tropaenum - Trophy.
  • Similar to the Chirurgeon, all of Warlords trinket and item drops can be seen on his person
    • Galea, Caestus and Securis are his helmet, vambrace and axe respectively
    • Tropaeum is the necklace of ears he wears over his armor

Regional Dreaming General Harvest Child Leviathan Librarian
Cultists Deacon Cardinal Exemplar
Roaming Antiquarian Chirurgeon Collector Death Shambler Warlord (DLC)
The MountainContains spoilers for the Darkest Dungeon
The Shackles of Denial Seething Sigh Focused Fault Ravenous Reach Body of Work