Death (Darkest Dungeon II)

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Speed Speed6
Death Armor Death Armor3
Bleed Bleed75%
Blight Blight30%
Burn Burn20%
Stun Stun50%
Move Move20%
Debuff Debuff30%
Other Attributes
Turns per Round2
Permanent Condition(s)
On Spawn:
  • Dodge+, Block+x2

On Turn Start:

  • If HP HP < 75%:
    • Buff If Target Bleed: +25% DMG
  • If HP HP < 50%:
    • Buff If Target Bleed: +25% DMG
  • If HP HP < 25%:
    • Buff If Target Bleed: +25% DMG
Death is manifest, and will suffer no abnegation.
~ The Academic

Death is a boss hunting the Flagellant in Darkest Dungeon II.


Whenever the Flagellant is present, Death has a 6% chance to appear at the end of a Resistance Encounter or Road Battle with regional enemies (that is, enemies that are not Pillagers, Cultists, Gaunts, or Military).

She spawns with two indestructible, untargetable Gravestones. A number of her skills will cause her to move backwards through the Gravestones, and when she is in the back ranks she will use Trample, a devastating ability that applies MoveShuffle, Bleed Bleed, and Stress Stress to the entire party.

Not only do many of her skills apply Bleed Bleed, but she also has a permanent buff that boosts her damage against Bleed bleeding targets. On the other hand, she is relatively less resistant against Blight Blight and Burn Burn.


Skill Name Target Ranks DMG CRIT Self Effects
Memento Mori
Blue circle1234.png Yellow circle 1234.png - -
Free Action, Only Used at Combat Start
Only Targets Flagellant
Ignores Dodge, Stealth, Guarded,Blind
• Add Horror
• Add Stun
Debuff: -50% Deathblow RES
Debuff Cannot Be Resisted
Stun Can Be Resisted
Shadow of Death
Blue circle 123.png Yellow circle 1234.png 4-8 5% MoveBack 1 • Add Combo
• 2 Horror
Soul Reaver
Cooldown 1
Blue circle1234.png Yellow circle 1234.png 8-12 10%
+1 Stress, +1 Stress (50%)
• If Target Combo: Transfers all DOTS
Waning Crescent
Blue circle 3+4.png Yellow circle 1234.png 4-7 15% • Add Blockx2
MoveBack 3
Allows usage of Trample
Blue circle lasso full.png Yellow circle 1234.png 4-7 5% MoveForward 3 Can only be used After Waning Crescent
+1 Stress, +1 Stress (25%)


  • Similar to the Implication's BOOOOOOOM!, Trample hits fewer targets the closer Death is to rank 1.


In addition to the usual Relics Relics and Baubles Baubles, defeating Death will also reward Mastery point icon.png Mastery Points along with one of the following Death's Head trinkets:

Image Trinket Description
Trinket boss deaths head.png
Death's Head
On Entering Death's Door:
Remove All Negative Tokens, Remove Damage over Time
+100% DebuffBleedBlightBurn RES while on Death's Door
Trinket boss deaths head.png
Death's Head
On Entering Death's Door: Speed, Stealth, -2 Stress
On Leaving Death's Door: Speed, Stealth, -2 Stress
Trinket boss deaths head.png
Death's Head
+100% DMG while on Death's Door
+25% CRIT while on Death's Door
Trinket boss deaths head.png
Death's Head
On Leaving Death's Door: Heal 100%
Trinket boss deaths head.png
Death's Head
On Entering Death's Door: Strength, Block+, -2 Stress
On Leaving Death's Door: Strength, Block+, -2 Stress


  • Due to her possibly appearing at the end of any Resistance Encounter or Road Battle against regional enemies, the best preparation is to go into these battles assuming that she'll always appear, and plan accordingly: once combat starts, it will no longer be possible to swap skills or Combat Items.
  • Death spawns upon the death of the last enemy, but does not take actions until the next round. Thus if the last enemy is killed early in the round (by a fast hero or damage over time), then the party will get a few free turns to attack Death before she can act.
  • Death will always use Memento Mori as a free action in her first turn, exclusively targeting Flagellant with a Stun Stun, Horror Horror and a Debuff dd2.png to his Deathblow RES for the remainder of the battle. Having a fast hero with an item or skill that can clear Stun can the first turn much less punishing.
  • Her most devastating attacks are Soul Reaver and Trample. Both require some setup before they can be used, and can be anticipated accordingly.
    • Soul Reaver applies heavy damage and Bleed Bleed and inflicts Stress Stress on a hero. The damage becomes especially devastating given Death's damage bonus against Bleed bleeding targets, and her party-wide Bleed from Trample. Her ability to transfer Damage over Time effects also makes her especially resilient to them—when fighting her, it is best to have some way of removing Bleed and Combo, or redirecting her attacks towards another hero.
    • Trample, which can only be used after Waning Crescent, will MoveShuffle the entire party while dealing Stress Stress and Bleed Bleed. The further back Death is, the more heroes Trample will target. Since Death only has average Move RES, one way to mitigate the skill's effects is to MovePull her to the front, where the skill will only hit the front two heroes. Alternatively, Immobilize Immobilize can also be used preemptively.


  • The design of Death seems to take inspiration from the Bible verse that describes one of the four horsemen. "And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him."
  • The move "Trample" is very similar to the move "Trample" used by the Plow Horse in The Color of Madness. They both are used from the back ranks and shuffle your party.
  • The "Deathblow" icon and text does not show up when a Deathblow is dealt to Death. Instead, she is blown away in the wind, indicating that she is unable to be stopped or killed.

Intro Lines

Death Lines

Regional Dreaming General Harvest Child Leviathan Librarian
Cultists Deacon Cardinal Exemplar
Roaming Antiquarian Chirurgeon Collector Death Shambler Warlord (DLC)
The MountainContains spoilers for the Darkest Dungeon
The Shackles of Denial Seething Sigh Focused Fault Ravenous Reach Body of Work