Resistance Encounter

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The minimap icon for a Resistance Encounter.

Resistance Encounters are combat Nodes appearing in each Region of Darkest Dungeon II. At a Resistance Encounter, the party will have a choice to enter combat with the main faction of the Region, e.g. Fisherfolk in The Shroud or Fanatics in The Sprawl.

Node interactions

Many different factors can influence the choices characters can make at this node, referred to as story choices, the effects will be listed below:

Universal Conditional Node Interactions

Following Node interactions are common across all combat nodes (Resistance encounters, Creature Dens, Oblivion Ingresses, etc)

Condition(s) Interaction(s)
Icon story torch.png >= 70
  • Fight, Enemy: Gain Vulnerable
  • Fight, Enemy: Gain Blind
  • Fight, Heroes: Gain Strength
  • Avoid
Icon story torch.png =< 40
  • Heroes: Gain Stealth, Enemies: Gain Blind
  • Heroes: Gain Stealth
Icon story torch.png =< 30/Hero HP =< 25%/Hero Stress >= 7 Avoid, Icon story torch.png-10
Heroes =< 3 Heroes: Gain Buff +6% Deathblow RES, +25% Dmg (Combat)

Universal Quirk Interactions

Following Quirk Interactions are common across all combat nodes (Resistance encounters, Creature Dens, Oblivion Ingresses, etc)

Quirk Interaction
Breacher/Vicious Fight, Hero: Add Strength
Unyielding/On Guard Fight, Hero: Add Block
Death Seeker/Martyr Fight, Hero: Add Vulnerable
Daredevil Fight, Hero: Add Taunt,Strength,Speed
Bloodthirsty Fight, Hero: Add Strength,Speed
Shadow Born + Icon story torch.png =< 30 Hero: Gain Stealth, Enemies: Gain Blind
Tactical Thinker Fight, Enemies: Add Combo50%
Precision Striker Fight, Enemies: Add Vulnerable50%
Quickdraw Fight, Hero: Add Speed
Blundering Fight, Hero: Add Vulnerable
Boisterous/Off Guard Fight, Hero: Add Daze
Winded Fight, Hero: Add Weak
Cowardice/Doomsayer Avoid, Icon story torch.png-15 + Hero: +2 Stress
Sneaky/Evasive/Slippery/Lazy/Pacifist Avoid

Unique Node Interactions

The following Node Interactions are exclusive to Resistance Encounters

Condition(s) Interaction
[Faction] Slayer + Are in Respective Region Fight, Hero: Add Crit
Hatred of [Faction} + Are in Respective Region Fight, Hero: Add Strength Vulnerable
[Region] Tactician + Are in Respective Region Fight, Enemies: Add Combo (50%)
Fear of [Faction] + Are in Respective Region Avoid, Icon story torch.png -15, Hero: +2 Stress