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Spoiler Tag DD2.png
HP HP101
Speed Speed4
Death Armor Death Armor2
Bleed Bleed40%
Blight Blight40%
Burn Burn40%
Stun Stun60%
Move Move50%
Debuff Debuff40%
Other Attributes
TypesCosmic, Cultist
Turns per Round2
...but gaze not upon the high Exemplar, for you are not worthy of such an honor.
~ The Oblivion's Ingress Patch Notes

The Exemplar is a Cosmic/Cultist boss in Darkest Dungeon II.


The Exemplar is a boss that primarily appears at the Oblivion's Rampart in the final Region, just before the Inn, starting from Act 3 onwards. The Exemplar appears to be two entities, or one creature composed of two, with a headless, humanoid torso emerging from a beast-like mass of grotesque flesh, humanoid arms, and an iron mask similar to the ones worn by Deacon and Cardinal adorning a spot at the end of its spine. The two "halves" of the Exemplar even seem to each be in charge of different skills, with the lower, beast-like half attacking with its huge limbs during "Prelude," and piercing heroes with its gaze during "Rapturous Beauty," while the upper, more humanoid half becomes more animated when destroying an ally with "Pillar of Sacrifice," or when calling forth "The Fall.

The Exemplar functions as a gatekeeper, ensuring that the player is capable of disposing of strong foes before they reach The Mountain. Its attacks are highly damaging, and they can target multiple Heroes, inflicting high amounts of Blight, Debuff, Stress and massive direct damage.

The Exemplar also begins the encounter with an Altar but can kill and resummon different cultist minions. The Exemplar will periodically kill and resummon its allies over the course of the battle, applying self buffs in the process.

Combat Skills

The Exemplar has numerous fearsome attacks in its arsenal, but the most powerful of them all is "Exultation", a highly damaging cleave which requires him to have 2 Worship tokens in order to use and will summon a cultist ally if the starting ally is absent. The Exemplar can gain Worship throughout the fight by either using "Pillar of Sacrifice" to destroy its cultist ally (if they already have two Worship), or by setting up "The Fall", an attack only on heroes with Combo. If there are no Combo tokens present on the player side and it cannot use "Exultation", the Exemplar can use "Prelude" to apply the token along with a massive Blight, or "Rapturous Beauty" to inflict Horror and Vulnerable on two random heroes.

Skill Name Target Ranks DMG CRIT Self Effects
Prelude Blue circle1234.png Yellow circle 1234.png 6-10 5% - • Add Combo
MovePull 1
The Fall
Cooldown 1
Requires target Dd2 token combo.png
Blue circle 234.png Yellow circle 1234.png 10-16 5% Worship (Only if hits Combo) +2 Stress
• Remove Combo
Requires Worship2
forced to use when eligible
Blue circle1234.png
(2 Targets)
Yellow circle 1234.png 10-20 5% • Remove Worship
• Add Death Armor
Summons Altar (31%), Cherub (23%), Evangelist (23%) or Herald (23%) on use.
Cherub, Altar and Herald spawn in rank 4.
Evangelist is summoned in rank 1.
Rapturous Beauty
Cooldown 1
Blue circle1234.png
(2 Targets)
Yellow circle 1234.png 4-8 5% - Horror (75% of +1 Stress on turn start for 3 turns)
• Add Vulnerable
Pillar of Sacrifice
Requires alive ally
with Worship2
forced to use when eligible
Yellow circle 1234.png Yellow circle 1234.png - - • Gain Worship
• Gain Regeneration6
• Gain Ripostex2
Attack used by Riposte
Blue circle1234.png Yellow circle 1234.png 6-10 10% - +1 Stress

Strategy and advice

The Exemplar is a powerful enemy, but since it only shows up at the end of the final region before the Mountain, it is possible to prepare for the fight well in advance. If you think that your party will struggle against the Exemplar, consider bringing along Blight dd2.png resistance buffs and combat items like Antivenom to heal Blight dd2.png, Laudanum to heal Dd2 token stress.png and clear Dd2 token horror.png, as well as at least one stack of Holy Water, to remove any Dd2 token combo.png tokens in an emergency.

Preventing "Exultation" and "The Fall":

"Exultation" is a powerful move which does immense damage and summons a cultist minion. However, it can be entirely avoided by preventing the Exemplar from reaching 2 Dd2 token worship.png tokens. There are multiple ways to accomplish this. Firstly, if unlocked, the Shred of Decency combat item can remove Dd2 token worship.png tokens, preventing or at least delaying, "Exultation". Holy Water removes Dd2 token combo.png tokens from its target without spending one of your heroes' turns. Junia's Head has the ability to remove Combo with any skill that targets allies.

As Jester (Darkest Dungeon II), mastered "Play Out" can remove Dd2 token combo.png, allowing you to simultaneously clear Dd2 token combo.png while also applying Dd2 token blockplus.png to your selected teammate. Intermezzo's Play Out cannot remove Combo.

As Leper (Darkest Dungeon II), "Reflection" skill allows you to clear Dd2 token combo.png while simultaneously clearing Dd2 token blind.png, healing Dd2 token stress.png, and buffing the Leper's Debuff dd2.png resistance if mastered. This skill can only be used on himself, however, so it cannot help if Dd2 token combo.pngis present on another hero. It also features a 1 turn cooldown when unmastered, so if this is to be your primary strategy, be sure to master "Reflection" prior to the third region.

As Man at Arms, Bulwark's mastered "Stand Fast" skill can remove Combo from himself, generating Dd2 token blockplus.png, and subsequently increasing his survivability. However, unlike "Reflection," "Stand Fast" has a 2 turn cooldown. Man-at-Arms can also perform "Defender" to guard an ally with Combo, forcing "The Fall" to hit himself instead, where Exemplar cannot gain Dd2 token worship.png under the condition he doesn't have Combo himself.

As Vestal, she generate guard through her "Sanctuary". However, she does have the ability to remove Combo.

As Bounty Hunter, performing "Body Guard" and "Staredown" can force Exemplar to act on him instead of an ally who has Combo.

As Flagellant, Maniac's mastered "Sepsis" skill can transfer Combo from himself to the enemy. In addition, Maniac's mastered "Lash's Gift" skill can transfer Combo from allies to himself.

As Duelist, mastered "Meditation" can remove Combo. Intrepide's mastered "Disengage" skill can generate stealth; when mastered, it can also allow allies to guard her.

Another viable strategy revolves around preventing Dd2 token combo.png from being applied to begin with. If the Exemplar's "Prelude" misses due to Dd2 token dodge.png, Dd2 token dodgeplus.png or Dd2 token blind.png, it will not generate Dd2 token combo.png, and the Exemplar will not be able to use "The Fall" in its next turn. This means that skills like Plague Doctor's "Blinding Gas" or the Grave Robber's "Absinthe" and "Repartee" can be used to great effect, although this strategy is inherently inconsistent due to the random nature of tokens that affect hit chance.

Additionally, Exemplar cannot target heroes with Dd2 token stealth.png, meaning that Grave Robber's "Shadow Fade" and Runaway's "Run and Hide" can be used to delay the Exemplar using "The Fall" on them. It is also possible to lure the Exemplar to attack heroes other than those with Dd2 token combo.png by using Dd2 token taunt.png, delaying usage of "The Fall," as Dd2 token taunt.png tokens take precedence over Dd2 token combo.pngsynergy. Moreover, due to "The Fall" only being able to target ranks 1, 2 and 3, it is possible to prevent this attack entirely by having Dd2 token taunt.png on a hero in rank 4. This will force it to attack the hero with Dd2 token taunt.png taunt, which it can only do by using "Prelude" or "Rapturous Beauty."

Dealing with allies:

While the Exemplar summons allies, it is often, but not always, not worth attacking them. This is because the Exemplar will kill its ally eventually; if you fail to kill their ally before the Exemplar uses "Pillar of Sacrifice", you will have wasted damage that could have been used on the Exemplar itself. However, killing the Exemplar's minion before it uses "Pillar of Sacrifice" will deny it the significant positive buffs that skill provides, until it summons a new minion using "Exultation."

While attacking them can often be unwise, the Exemplar's allies are still a noteworthy threat. At an Oblivion's Rampart, the Exemplar always appears with an Altar supporting it from Rank 4. At the start of the battle, Altars provide an buff that changes depending on the Confession of the current expedition. This buff ranges from being negligible, to potentially catastrophic. If the Confession is Resentment, consider paying careful attention to your attacks relative to how many Dd2 token worship.png the Exemplar has, in order to reduce the risk of the Exemplar gaining a Dd2 token crit.pngtoken before it uses "Exultation." Additionally, the Altar provides the Exemplar with Dd2 token regen.png and Dd2 token block.png regardless of the Confession, prolonging the fight.

The Herald is another dangerous ally for the Exemplar. It can inflict high Dd2 token stress.png on any hero and destroy their positive tokens regardless of their rank, and apply Bleed dd2.png and Burn dd2.png to heroes in the back ranks. Additionally, it can also remove negative tokens from the Exemplar. These abilities can significantly swing the battle in the Exemplar's favor, and, combined with Heralds' low health and lack of any defensive tokens, make spending the turns to kill them with your own heroes as soon as possible an option worth considering.

While Evangelists are capable of applying high amounts of Bleed dd2.pngwith fairly damaging attacks, and can generate Dd2 token crit.png for themselves, they are not advisable to try to kill before the Exemplar sacrifices them, due to both their relatively high health, and ability to generate Dd2 token block.png for themselves. Evangelists are also the only Exemplar minion with Death Armor Death Armor, making them able to not immediately die upon reaching 0 health. Unlike all other Exemplar allies, Evangelists will always appear in Rank 1.

Finally, the Cherub is the least threatening minion, doing a paltry 1-2 damage with its attacks, but still being capable of applying negative tokens like Dd2 token blind.png and Dd2 token weak.png, along with a significant Dd2 token stress.png debuff. Cherubs, like Evangelists, can also be hard to kill due to their capability to give themselves Dd2 token dodgeplus.png. While the negative effects they apply can be bothersome, Cherubs are rarely worth diverting attention away from the Exemplar for.

General advice:

Debuffs that reduce the effectiveness of the Exemplar's attacks, like Dd2 token blind.png andDd2 token weak.png, as well as positive tokens that do the same, like Dd2 token dodge.png, Dd2 token dodgeplus.png, Dd2 token block.png and Dd2 token blockplus.png have immense value in this fight, as the Exemplar's attacks universally do very high damage. However, due to the Exemplar's high debuff resistance, debuffs can be unreliable, so a consistent strategy revolving around positive tokens for your own heroes is preferred.

Furthermore, due to the Exemplar having the maximum amount of Death Armor Death Armor tokens at three, it can survive taking damage several times at Death's Door Death's Door. This can be mitigated with the use of Execution Execution or the Death Cap Spores combat item to reduce the amount of times it can take damage before dying. Finally, applying Bleed dd2.pngBlight dd2.png and Burn dd2.pngcan give further chances to deal the final blow on the Exemplar's own turns, or at the very least counteract the Dd2 token regen.png the Exemplar gains from "Pillar of Sacrifice," from healing the Exemplar off of Death's Door.

As with any enemy, the Exemplar can be Ordained, and in the guaranteed encounter with it in the third Oblivion's Rampart, it will almost always be Ordained, as the chance for Ordained enemies increases to 90% in the third region. This is extremely significant not only for the boost to the Exemplar's already formidable health and damage, but for the unique, special effects Ordainment provides to enemies depending on the Confession. The most significant of these is the Obsession Confession, where any critical hit "mirrors" any positive tokens on whoever was hit, meaning that if unlucky, the Exemplar could gain extra tokens it's normally incapable of receiving, ranging from Dd2 token crit.png and Dd2 token strength.png to Dd2 token dodgeplus.png and Dd2 token blockplus.png.


Despite being a boss like the Shambler and Death, unlike them, the Exemplar does not have unique loot, providing only standard loot for Oblivion's Ramparts when fought at the end of the third region.


  • The Exemplar used to replace enemies that would appear at any road battle the player entered when they had 5 Loathing prior to the "Redemption Road" update. This meant that if the player failed to mitigate loathing, they would be the victim of an Exemplar spawning at a road barricade. Exemplars could spawn prior to region 3 this way, as well as spawning with any cultist rather than the Altar it is guaranteed to spawn with at its regular place of residence.

Regional Dreaming General Harvest Child Leviathan Librarian
Cultists Deacon Cardinal Exemplar
Roaming Antiquarian Chirurgeon Collector Death Shambler Warlord (DLC)
The MountainContains spoilers for the Darkest Dungeon
The Shackles of Denial Seething Sigh Focused Fault Ravenous Reach Body of Work