Ravenous Reach

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Spoiler Tag DD2.png

Ambition's reach forever exceeds its terrible grasp!
~ The Academic

The Ravenous Reach is the final boss of the Ambition Confession of Darkest Dungeon II.


Ravenous Reach is an amalgamation of arms that generates a large amount of Positive Tokens that makes the boss more powerful. It has 3 phases and each of them makes the boss more dangerous in terms of damage and reach.

Infernal torch.png Bastard's Beacon

The Bastard's Beacon is an Infernal Flame that gives the boss an unique modifier.

Unique buffs
+40% Max Icon HP dd2.png
+40% DMG
+2 Icon speed.png
+1 Bleed Duration Dealt
+10% Bleed RES Piercing
Apply on Hit: Bleed3 (10%)
Phase 1:
Ideation Skills: Adjacent Heroes: Add Combo
Phase 2:
Precise Intent Skills: Adjacent Heroes: Add Token torso target.png
Phase 3
Apply on Hit: Add Dd2 token vulnerable.png (15%)
Rumination Skill: Apply additional: Combo, 3 Horror, or Bleed6
Last Grasp Skill: Apply When Moving a Hero: Dd2 token immobilize.pngx2

Skills (Phase 1)

Skill Name Target Ranks DMG CRIT Self Effects
Blue circle 123.png Yellow circle 1234.png - - • Add Block+ x3 Only used at Round Start
• Add Combo
• 3 Dd2 token stress.png
• Random Adjacent Hero: Combo (33%)
Blue circle 4.png Yellow circle 1234.png 20-30 5%
Ignores Stealth
• Back 3 Move dd2.png
If target has Combo:
• Ignores DodgeDodge+
• +100% DMG, Add Stun

Skills (Phase 2)

Skill Name Target Ranks DMG CRIT Self Effects
Precise Intent
Blue circle 3+4.png
Blue circle lasso 1+2.png
Yellow circle 1234.png - - • Add Dodge x2 Requires Target has no Token torso target.png
• Add Token torso target.png
• 1 Dd2 token stress.png
Debuff dd2.png: +1 Bleed Received
If Target has Combo:
• Add Dd2 token immobilize.png x3
Blue circle lasso full.png Yellow circle 1234.png 6-12 5%
Requires Target Token torso target.png

Ignores Stealth

Skills (Phase 3)

Skill Name Target Ranks DMG CRIT Self Effects
- - • Add Riposte x2 Apply 1 at random:
• Add Combo (20%) or 3 Horror (40%)or Bleed6 (40%)
Last Grasp
6-12 5% If Target has Combo:
Heal 5% Icon HP dd2.png
• Deals +100% of Bleed as DMG
• Remove all Bleed
If Target has Combo:
• Remove all Positive Tokens
6-12 5%


This is a boss who relies on buffing itself with positive tokens. Expect high damage and Knockback 3 on your front fighter during the first phase, damage and bleed to pairs of heroes in the second, and horror, bleed and damage to your whole team during the last phase.

The Highwayman is the ideal counter, able to remove any positive tokens with Highway Robbery (or steal them with the improved version), making him exceptionally useful against all three phases. Additionally, his Double Cross removes Dd2 token blockplus.png in phase 1 and his Tracking Shot not only removes Dd2 token dodge.png in phase 2 but prevents the boss from gaining it for a short time. In phase 3, The Man-At-Arms can remove Dd2 token riposte.png with Bellow. Both have their own source of Dd2 token riposte.png, which is a way to remove Dd2 token blockplus.png/Dd2 token dodge.png from the boss without wasting turns.

The Occultist's Vulnerability Hex can deal with both Dd2 token dodge.png and Dd2 token blockplus.png, and he can heal from any position, which will be very useful against the boss' forced movement abilities. Also useful is the Vestal's Illumination, which either has the same anti-Dd2 token dodge.png effect as Tracking Shot, or can remove any type of positive token, depending on path. The Leper's Break also does a fine impression of Double Cross. These latter two, however, have trouble dealing with being out of position, so keep that in mind before bringing them along.

You can also consider bringing attacks that ignore tokens. The Grave Robber and Duelist have options for ignoring Dd2 token dodge.png and Dd2 token blockplus.png and can use their ample supply of Dd2 token dodge.png to minimize the threat of Ripostes. The Man-At-Arms' Courageous Abandon can potentially deal huge damage in Phase 1, but is tricky to set up. DoT dealers like the Plague Doctor will be useful on phases 1 and 3 since DoTs bypass Dd2 token blockplus.png and only trigger Dd2 token riposte.png once at most, but will want RES piercing for phase 2's 75% resists across the board. The boss will also lose all DoTs between phases, so use Cause of Death as soon as you can. Regular debuffs will be useful on phase 2 and 3, but the boss is very resistant to them in phase 1 (75%).

A particular strategy for phase 1 is to make use of a Sergeant Man-At-Arms or "The General's Dream" trophy to avoid having any of your heroes displaced. This way, the entire battle dynamic changes: instead of having heroes being knocked around, ONLY the frontmost hero will be taking damage, so the other heroes can focus on damaging the boss and supporting the tank. Also note that while the attack ignores Dd2 token dodge.png, the boss still is vulnerable to Dd2 token blind.png. If you choose to bring a Sergeant, consider aiming for the Leviathan trophy "The Undertow", which will heal him every time he resists being moved.

In phase 3, you can use the trinkets Sodden Sweater or Fate's Foreteller and as many sources of Bleed dd2.pngRES as needed to make heroes nearly immune to the boss' attacks. Both Rumination and Riposte will heal the character when they resist the Bleed dd2.png and Last Grasp will likely do less damage than they healed. To maximize your chances of getting these trinkets, you'll want to visit the Lair in the Shroud, and the Hoarder as many times as you can. Keep in mind Fate's Foreteller costs 65Baubles.png!

Regional Dreaming General Harvest Child Leviathan Librarian
Cultists Deacon Cardinal Exemplar
Roaming Antiquarian Chirurgeon Collector Death Shambler Warlord (DLC)
The MountainContains spoilers for the Darkest Dungeon
The Shackles of Denial Seething Sigh Focused Fault Ravenous Reach Body of Work