Altar of Hope

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You will find brief succour in the soft glow of the Altar. Meditate on that which you have lost and that which you would rebuild.
~ The Academic

Every expedition in Darkest Dungeon II begins and ends at the Altar of Hope. The Altar serves as the game's primary interface for meta-progression—within the Altar are various locations where the player can spend their Candles of Hope Candles of Hope to gain permanent buffs and upgrades, and unlock heroes and items for subsequent expeditions.

Candles of Hope

Main article: Candles of Hope
A Candle of Hope

Candles of Hope Candles of Hope are the game's currency for meta-progression. Candles are primarily earned by successfully completing expeditions; bonus Candles may also be awarded for completing a variety of challenges during an expedition, including Hero Goals and Region Goals.

Locations in the Altar of Hope

The Intrepid Coast

Art altarbanner shroud general The Intrepid Coast.png

The Intrepid Coast contains a variety of expedition-wide upgrades, primarily upgrades to the Stagecoach.

The Living City

Altarbanner The living city.png

In the Living City the player may unlock new heroes, upgrade their attributes, and purchase new equipment for them.

The Working Fields

Art altarbanner farm items The Working Fields.png

The vast majority of items in Darkest Dungeon II, from Trinkets to Stagecoach Items, are unlocked in the Working Fields.

The Timeless Wood

Art altarbanner forest mems The Timeless wood.png

The Timeless Wood unlocks Memories—small bonuses that, when applied to a hero, allow them to persist across multiple expeditions.

The Mountain

Not to be confused with The Mountain.

Within the Altar of Hope, the Mountain is a location where players may purchase cosmetic options for their heroes. In addition to their default starting appearance, each hero may unlock three additional weapon skins and three outfits, each corresponding to one of their paths.

The Recollection

A selection of unlocked items.

The Recollection panel lists all items that the player has unlocked. Note that certain items, particularly items that are not unlocked in The Working Fields, must be first discovered during an expedition before they can appear in the Recollection.

