Hellion (Darkest Dungeon II)/Barks

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Landing a CRIT

  • RrrrraaaaAAAAAA!
  • HA HAAA!
  • I will FEAST on your HEART!
  • HA-HA! Spirits claim you!
  • Nowhere to run, spitling!
  • No ghoul can stand against me!


  • Hurry these fools to the grave!
  • Forward, you pups! Hit them!


  • Shed my blood at your own risk!
  • Let it run like a river! HYAHHH!


  • My blood boils!
  • A foulness in my veins!


  • Auugh! Hellfire!
  • *pained shrieking*


  • Shut out from the warmth of the hearth forever...
  • You'll all know the truth soon enough...
  • My knees fail me!


  • ... if I flee now, I might live...!
  • We shall never see another sunrise.
  • Heart, don't fail me!

Torch Decrease

  • We seize glory from the jaws of fear! (Torch reaches 0)
  • A strange howl pricks my ears... (Torch reaches 20)
  • We stalk the night as owls! (Torch reaches 40)

Entering Death's Door

  • A warrior's death awaits me!

Ally On Death's Door

  • Dig your heels in!
  • You would shame us so?!

Surviving Hit on Death's Door

  • Is that all you've got?!
  • Mistook me for a pup, have ye?!
  • The war hawk screams!

Ally Surviving Hit on Death's Door

  • I am the first to fall, not you!
  • I have no use for your bones! Get up!

Hit by CRIT

  • Got my blood up now!

Ally Hit by CRIT

  • To bleed is to awaken!

Pushed by Enemy

  • Finally, a match for my strength!


  • More of them must fall before I am satisfied!
  • I have not yet spilt enough blood to fall!

Meltdown (Phased out)

  • They see into my coward's heart...!

Fog Appears (Shroud)

  • TBA

Fog Fades (Shroud)

  • TBA


  • Move aside, let me try!
  • RRRGH!

Don't Leave Me

  • Who shall lead the charge if you leave me!
  • Don't cast me out...!
  • At least let me finish the bloodletting!

Positive Act Outs

Stress Healing Partner - General

  • We thrill to the spilling of blood!
  • *SNIFF" Their sweat reeks of fear!

Buffing Partner - General

  • We shall revel on their graves!

Healing Partner - General

  • All part of the hunt!

Combo Attack - General


Retaliation - General

  • They shall CHOKE on our WRATH!

Protection - General

  • Bloodsong rises on the wind...!

Praise for Support Skill - General

  • YES! Hahaaa!

Praise for Attack - General

  • They bleed their last at your feet!

Stress Heal in Coach - General

  • I know you have another swing in you!

Stress Healing Partner - Hopeful

  • We have no time for fear!
  • There's none tougher than you!

Buffing Partner - Hopeful


Praise for Support Skill - Hopeful

  • HA HAAAAA! I shall lead the charge, then!

Praise for Attack - Hopeful

  • We shall take these lands back!

Stress Heal in Coach - Hopeful

  • We may die, but what a death...!''

Stress Healing Partner - Amorous

  • Come! Scream into the wind with me!

Healing Partner - Amorous

  • Those wounds will make handsome scars!

Protection - Amorous

  • None but I shall touch you!

Praise for Support Skill - Amorous

  • The fire in our hearts will BLACK THEIR BONES!

Praise for Attack - Amorous

  • I bed no weaklings!

Stress Heal in Coach - Amorous

  • How their blood shines on you...

Stress Healing Partner - Respectful

  • You are welcome at my fire.

Retaliation After Partner is Attacked - Respectful

  • Blood for blood!

Combo Attack with Partner - Respectful

  • We shall sing them to their graves!

Praise for Support Skill - Respectful

  • Wise to put my trust in you.

Praise for Attack - Respectful

  • You draw glory down upon us!

Stress Heal in Coach - Respectful

  • Look in my eyes! We tire not!

Negative Act Outs

Attacking Ally - General

  • A mouth without the arm to back it up!

Stress Damage on Ally - General

  • All gristle, no muscle to you.

Stress Damage on Ally on Road - General

  • IDIOT!

Insult for Support Skill - General

  • I need no help from YOU!

Insult for Attack - General

  • Shame upon your parents.

Attacking Ally - Hateful

  • Die or flee, I care not!

Stress Damage on Ally - Hateful

  • Imagine my glee as the worms take you!

Stress Damage on Ally on Road - Hateful

  • You'd have been culled as a whelp.

Insult for Support Skill - Hateful

  • USELESS! You'd serve us better as bait!

Insult for Attack - Hateful

  • Damn our enemies! I'll end you myself!

Stress Damage on Ally - Suspicious

  • You lurk at my back! Come forward!

Stress Damage on Ally on Road - Suspicious

  • CHICKEN'S HEART! You plan to abandon us!

Insult for Support Skill - Suspicious

  • Our hearth is no home for tricksters!

Insult for Attack - Suspicious

  • I fight to the last, unlike you!

Stress Damage on Ally - Resentful

  • Leave the weak behind at camp, I say.

Stress Damage on Ally on Road - Resentful

  • Milk-drunk weakling!

Insult for Support Skill - Resentful

  • I fight at your back no longer!

Insult for Attack - Resentful

  • Leaving the heavy lifting up to me, eh?!

Stress Damage on Ally - Envious

  • You don't know what shame is.

Stress Damage on Ally on Road - Envious

  • *spits* Pteh.

Insult for Support Skill - Envious

  • Kin we are not!

Insult for Attack - Envious

  • What?! How?


Adding Buff

  • TBA'

Guarding Ally

  • TBA'
  • TBA'
  • TBA'

Adding Token

  • TBA'

Follow Up Attack

  • TBA'
  • TBA'
  • TBA'

Follow Up on Debuffed Enemy

  • TBA'

Healing Ally

  • TBA'
  • TBA'
  • TBA'

Revenge Attack on Enemy

  • TBA'
  • TBA'

Moving Positions - Positive

  • TBA'

Removing DoTs

  • TBA'
  • TBA'
  • TBA'

Stress Healing

  • TBA'
  • TBA'

Jealous of Buff

  • TBA'

Jealous of Guarded Ally

  • TBA'
  • TBA'
  • TBA'

Jealous of Token

  • TBA'

Jealous of Food (Unused)

  • TBA'

Jealous of Healing

  • TBA'
  • TBA'
  • TBA'

Moving Positions - Negative

  • TBA'

Jealous of DoT Removal

  • TBA'
  • TBA'
  • TBA'

Positive Road Banter

  • TBA'
  • TBA'
  • TBA'

Negative Road Banter

  • TBA'
  • TBA'
  • TBA'

Inn Items

Armor Repair Kit

  • Spit and polish - good as new.

Blasphemous Idol

  • The old gods have their wisdom. Some of us have not forgotten.

Book of Bawdy Tales

  • Read it to me? ... Eugh, or maybe not.

BOOK: My time in the Desert

  • Wonder what they hunt out there

Book of Creative Insults

  • Townfolk bickering goes right over my head.


  • What are these? War songs without drums?

Boxing Gloves

  • I only pull my punches for friends

Calming Incense

  • *sniff* My eyes feel heavy already...

Candles and Chocolate

  • A lot of fuss for a tussle in the furs.

Clarifying Poultice

  • Hoo! That rouses the senses!

Clotting Poultice

  • Only a coward fears his own blood!
  • Blood is life! Ours and our kin!


  • Hmph. These things are so brittle!

Ceremonial Drum

  • Circle the drums! Beat hard! Beat fast! KALIIIII-YAH!

Slime Mold

  • It's food. You won't hear me complain.
  • (If full) - I want for nothing.

Stale Bread

  • Ah, well. It mops up the wine.
  • (If full) - I take smaller meals on the hunt.

Apple and Cheese

  • Cheese was a luxury in our camp. Mmm!
  • (If full) - *satisfied belch*

Steak and Spuds

  • Let me sear the next lot!
  • (If full) - I'll sleep heavy tonight.


  • A band of hunters bounding 'round the cookfire...
  • (If full) - My belly is full.

Holy Beads

  • My ancestors never needed these.

Impermeable Poultice

  • Smells foul so it must work.


  • Is this... food?

Meditative Totem

  • Spirits of old, my blood who came before me...

Mop and Bucket

  • If they can't smell the blood, they can't track us.

Nightshade Concoction

  • Chase it with wine if you must. Feh.


  • This... cuts ghosts out of your head...?


  • Mm. Stinks of steppe grass.

Playing Cards

  • But what do I get if I 'win?'

Restorative Herbs

  • Stinks... but wound rot stinks worse.

Roast Pig

  • Crisp the skins for later.
  • (If Full) - Woe that I am too full!

Songbook of Amorous Ballads

  • A song for the fireside, eh? Come closer.

Songbook of Touching Dirges

  • We sing for the kin we've laid to rest.

Songbook of Rousing Tunes

  • KII-YAH! Shed your skins and howl!

Soothing Poultice

  • Ahh, cool as fresh mud

Speed Bag

  • Train with me, eh? Best keep up!

Invigorating Stew

  • A good use for old game.
  • (If full) - Leave the broth to thicken overnight.

Stimulating Poultice

  • The blood-rush begins...! Who's up to box?!

Stitching Kit

  • What's one more scar!

The Wine

  • Now 'this' is wine! Come, enjoy with me!

Tinned Delicacies

  • Meat without blood? City-folk tricks.
  • (If full) - No more of this joyless meat!

Knotted Tug Rope

  • Rrrragh! Hold on tight!

Wax Inoculant

  • The prey in these wastes is half-rotted.


  • A clan is only as strong as its weakest blade

Whiskey Barrel

  • Drink fortifies the spirit!

Whiskey Bottle

  • Share my drink? Hmmph. Only since you asked.

Whiskey Flask

  • Barely a whelp's gulp in here!

Whittling Tools

  • Anyone have a larger knife?

Wild Tea

  • Let us commune with our kin departed.

Morbid Joke

  • Ha HAH!

Improvised Strategy

  • Too much talking.

Experimental Remedy

  • What foul spirits! Yet refreshing!

War Paint

  • Mmm. Smells like my first hunt.
  • These flowers don't grow around here...
  • Mother. Let me do your colours proud.

Oddly-Tuned Lute

  • Needs drums.

Pain Box

  • No.

Precious Collection

  • Talismans hold power.

Guided Meditation

  • Our spirit guides would smoke this stuff...

Unique Reliquary

  • You speak to your gods - I to mine.

Book of Parries (Unused)

  • Hmph. If you have to parry, your first strike was weak.

Hero Shrines

Shrine 1

  • Glory was mine for the taking.

Shrine 2

  • (Success)True battle was nothing like the training pits.
  • (Failure)The naysayers in camp... they knew...!

Shrine 3

  • My brothers, my sisters, calling for me as they died...

Shrine 4

  • (Success)A coward's death was too good for me!
  • (Failure)When an ox can no longer pull, we put it down.

Shrine 5

  • Let my coward's blood soak the dirt.

Shrine 6

  • If I slay my way to glory, what kin await me...?


Exiting Altar of Hope

  • These folk will find their mettle!
  • Hear that? A falcon! She screams a fair omen!

Crossing the Bridge in the Valley

  • Let us leave the past behind!
  • Is this where we find glory...?

Exiting Oasis

  • Smells like horse in here.
  • Fresh bloodstains await us!

Creature Den Success

  • Wouldn't chance the meat. Pity.

Creature Den Retreat

  • Madness! Run!

Resistance Encounter

  • TBA

Resistance Encounter Success

  • Let's do it again! I'm no coward, I tell you!

Resistance Encounter Retreat

  • By the skin of our damned teeth.

Assistance Encounter

  • TBA

Exiting Assistance Encounter

  • On to the next!
  • Feh - they should be fighting!

Region Gate

  • Gods protect us.
  • I'm having a drink.

Exiting Crossroads

  • Hyaaaah! Let's go already!
  • Let us all find noble deaths, then!

Exiting Hospital

  • I can respect skill like that, even in some city nun.
  • The horrors she must have faced...

Exiting Hoarder

  • We could have simply strongarmed him!
  • Weak little weasel of a man - bah!

Exiting Valley Hoarder

  • Sooner we're moving, the better.
  • A well-stocked larder!

Exiting Watchtower

  • The forests, the fields - gone! Ruined!
  • We are in hell, aren't we?

Exiting Academic's Study

  • Rubbish and nonsense!
  • Get us out of here. Find us a foe to face!

Cultist Encounter Success

  • HAH! The rush of a hard-earned kill!

Cultist Encounter Retreat

  • *chattering teeth*

Tangle Lair Success

  • Listen. The birds are finally stirring again.

Tangle Lair Retreat

  • Rot! Bile! Scavengers closing in...!

Foetor Lair Success

  • *spits* Spirits curse this forsaken place. Let's go.

Foetor Lair Retreat

  • Flee! And salt the earth behind us!

Sprawl Lair Success

  • Weak city bodies AND hearts! FALL ON MY BLADE!

Sprawl Lair Retreat

  • Fools for trying. Cowards for running. RRRGH...!

Shroud Lair Success

  • The dry land belongs to us, fiend!

Shroud Lair Retreat

  • Bells toll for us in the fog! RUN!

Oblivion's Ingress Success


Oblivion's Ingress Retreat

  • N-no! No more!

Exiting Academic's Cache

  • Ha HAH! Good for us!
  • Off we go, then!

Gaunt Chirurgeon Success

  • Damn him and damn his tricks!

Gaunt Chirurgeon Retreat

  • I almost had him! Cowards!

Specific Boss Barks


  • TBA

Harvest Child

  • TBA

Focused Fault

  • TBA

Body Of Work - Face Your Failure

  • In death, we become legends!
  • Know that in falling, we taste GLORY!
  • Long have I awaited you! TO ME, SPIRITS!
  • This time, I stand my ground!
  • My honor is reclaimed! I am whole!
  • Who cowers in fear now!?



Travelling Stress

Travelling Stress Heal

  • Perhaps there is hope for us yet...
  • We are not so dissimilar...
  • I accept you. We all do.
  • Chin up, shoulders back. We can do this.
  • The road is tough but we're going to make it.
  • Let us share tales of merrier times.
  • Come what may, we are united!
  • Hang in there.
  • Can I get you anything?
  • It's a long road, but we've got each other.
  • Want to share? I've got extra...
  • You're even tougher than you look.
  • I'm glad you're here, for what it's worth.
  • You're going to live. I won't hear otherwise.
  • At least we aren't facing this alone.
  • Maybe all hope is not lost...
  • There are times I almost feel hopeful.
  • I had a pleasant dream, for once...
  • Whatever comes, we are united.
  • Perhaps we'll find glory after all...
  • This world is worth saving.
  • We are making a difference out there.
  • Hope is seductive, isn't it?
  • We're making good time.
  • If this is my fate, I'm content.
  • All is not lost.
  • We will best these fiends!

Travelling Stress Damage

  • Buffoon!
  • We're not going to make it, are we?
  • Everywhere, the world comes undone...
  • Stuck in a coach with the likes of you - feh.
  • I'm hungry and tired!
  • This cursed coach is a bouncing racket!
  • Let me out of this blasted coach!
  • Here we are, four corpses in a rolling coffin...
  • I can't bear to look out the window...
  • It's like a nightmare out there.
  • Like rats in a trap...
  • What if it's all for nothing...?
  • Can I really trust you to have my back...?
  • Can't sleep. Awful food. Worse company.
  • A waking nightmare...
  • We never seem to make any progress...
  • Just leave me by the roadside.
  • This was all a mistake...!
  • We're driving in circles...
  • Are we lost?
  • This is not the life I dreamt for myself...
  • Everywhere we pass - ruin, destruction...
  • Fools, fools we are...
  • We were damned before we set off.
  • Why us? Why me?
  • I'm not crying...! Look away!
  • I grow so weary of this fight.
  • Would it be so bad to give in...?