User:Aubrey Light

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Portraits-vestal.png ( ˙▿˙ ) Hi!!
Hello, Im Aubrey, administrator (and leader) of the Official Darkest Dungeon II Wiki team. If you find any problem, mistake or error with the wiki you can contact me on discord (aubrey_light) or reddit. (u/Aubrey_Light)

i like octopus
my favorite hero is vestal :D

Credits: Thanks a lot to

  • Tranquil! For the renders, edits and the one that started all this project :3 <3
  • md143rbh7f! For the amazing work in all technical and code and stuff i dont understand...
  • rainy! new main page and general edit and manteinance of pages. <3
  • Arsalan! technical and code and stuff i dont understanddddddddddd
  • Quartzbeam! for filling the Team names page (THANK YOU OMG)
  • QuilavaQueen! useful information for Assistance Encounter, Creature Dens, etc
  • willow! useful information and data for multiple pages (bosses pages!)
  • sirmancan! useful information for multiple pages (candles! Candles of Hope)
  • loyalcygnaran Help providing video for bosses pages and correction in multiple mistakes (THANK YOU)
  • Unbif777 Multiple corrections and mistakes on outdated pages :>

and everyone to contribute to make this wiki better...