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Testing CSS Changes Locally

The steps are current as of 2023-10-02, tested on Chrome.

  1. Download some pages to test styles with. E.g. Curios. Make sure to save as HTML (complete).
  2. Download the base stylesheet: [1]. This is the stylesheet that ships by default which we can't edit directly.
  3. Also download MediaWiki:Common.css.
  4. Link both of the stylesheets into the HTML files you downloaded in the first step. You can link them at the very end of the header section, e.g.,
<link rel="stylesheet" href="base.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="common.css">

Note that you'll have link the CSS files into each HTML file you're testing. It's important that the base style sheet gets loaded prior to Common.css.

Now you should be able to make changes to your local copy of common.css and see how they affect things.


I am currently in the process of migrating a lot of the data on the wiki to a new system called Cargo. Feel free to ping me on Discord if you have any questions or would like to help out. (Help would be greatly appreciated!)