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Landing a Critical Hit

  • I will not be bound again!
  • I have clawed back my freedom from worse than you!
  • My curse feeds my rage!
  • I fear no demon for the greatest monster lies inside!
  • Destruction is all I can give this world!
  • Feel the wrath of the hopeless!

Beast Form

  • Snrrff.
  • Rrrolf.
  • IA! IARRRGH!!!


Becoming Fearful

  • What are we still doing here?! We must leave or PERISH!
  • Do you not see how our fate is sealed? HOW THE DIE IS CAST?!
  • My will's iron is bent and my blood is like icewater.
  • There is no midnight as black as this vision.
  • This is a trap!

Stressing Party

  • Out of the frying pan, into the fire!
  • If I fall here, at least I die a free man...
  • This is certainly doom that I feel. Our doom.

Switching Position to the Back

  • I may be doomed but I will escape if I can!
  • Something in the shadows! THERE!
  • My legs betray me!

Passing Turn

  • No! One mistake and it is over for me!
  • I can feel its cold hand squeezing my heart!
  • I do not know... I do not know!

Camping Stress

  • Imagine me, half-demon, terrified of those creeping shadows.
  • Surrounded by horrors, inside and out...
  • Was that faint gibbering a phantom of my subverted mind?

Getting hit by Enemy

  • Don't you see how s-strong I am?
  • Anything to satiate these fiends!
  • What else can I do? WHAT ELSE?!

Enemy Missed Self

  • Suicide is the egress from all of this! I must die!
  • I must perish so that it doesn't consume us all!
  • I tire of keeping this hellbeast from taking over!

Party Member Attack Misses

  • That's it, stir the hornet's nest - fool!
  • Why do you tempt fate, all of our fates, with this offense?!
  • I am ready to flee, just give the signal.

Party Member Hit

  • Keep yourself alive! If you fall...
  • Don't just throw your life away! We need each other!
  • Keep steady, damn you, I will not face them alone!

Enemy Missed Party Member

  • My heart is going to burst!
  • One more blow and we are done for!
  • Let us flee while they are off-balance!

Blocks Move

  • No, not on your life!
  • Ice-cold terror grips my will!
  • There is no shelter to be found!

Refuses to Perform Camping Skills

  • My hands shake too much!
  • They are too near!
  • Fear has slain my rational qualities!


Becoming Paranoid

  • Of course, why didn't I see it sooner!? Betrayers all of you!
  • You would abandon me alone here, would you not?
  • Out of respect, wait until I am fully dead before picking me over like vultures.
  • I trust you less than the common vagrants who patrol my city.
  • I have oft wondered if evil is drawn to my better half.

Stressing Party

  • I wonder my taint was spread to another here.
  • That dirge... one of you is in league with the elder things!
  • Strike my back and you will find you have stabbed an angry demon!

Switching Position to the Back

  • They are sent by the order to reclaim me!
  • It is me they want! No!
  • My curse is like honey to the flies of evil!

Passing Turn

  • One of the order's hired minions I reckon!
  • I have been betrayed once, never again!
  • I can always sense the machinations of the craven unfolding.

Random Action

  • Chaos snarls the threads of any plot.
  • None of your business!
  • I must act independently for none can be trusted!

Camping Stress

  • One wrong move, one word misplaced and your flesh is ours.
  • It has been known to defend me in my sleep.
  • You traitors conspire against a force you cannot comprehend.

Attacking Party Member

  • Consider this a warning from my better half!
  • Did you think I would wait for you to act against us?
  • A little blood should warn off the rest of you vultures!

Refuses to Retreat

  • A cunning ploy, yet transparent!
  • This position keeps my enemies in plain sight!
  • I would not just simply walk into your clumsy ambush!

Getting hit by Enemy

  • This is what you all wanted, no?
  • What else can I do?! I am surrounded by the treacherous!
  • I want you to strike now - you traitors!

Enemy Missed Self

  • This is the first maneuver by the conspirators!
  • Hah! Come out of the shadows you scum!
  • I suspected it! They have come for me!

Party Member Attack Misses

  • What mimery to miss so!
  • Are you the only one in league with them...?

Party Member Hit

  • I see it! Conspiracy unfolding!
  • The long arm of shadow moves its pawn against me!
  • Hah! Proof! You have thrown in with them as well!

Enemy Missed Party Member

  • Did you catch the signal?
  • Your schemes to slay me are plain as day!
  • Even the fiends conspire with you, yellow craven!

Blocks move

  • I would rather wait and keep watch of the shadows.
  • I would stay, your orders are cast in doubt.
  • Hold fast! They could be anywhere!

Refuses to use Item

  • You aim to awaken it!
  • No, I get a bad feeling when you're near.
  • Where did you come from? You weren't here just a moment ago.

Refuses to get Healed

  • How did you know I needed that?
  • It reeks of conspiracy, coward.
  • I am not the easy victual you take me for.

Refuses to get Buffed

  • That looks intended to weaken, not invigorate.
  • No! That might awaken it!
  • I have read of such soul traps in forbidden scrolls.

Refuses to Perform Camping Skills

  • I will not drop my guard, not even for you.
  • Is this a trick then?
  • A weak ruse, I should kill you

Refuses to be Target of Camping Skills

  • What a clever poison, perhaps I can kill you with it later.
  • KEEP AWAY! You threaten to awaken it!
  • Wouldn't it be easier to kill me in my sleep?

Refuses to Eat when Camping

  • Eventually it will devour one of you traitors.
  • I'd rather starve than die painfully from your clumsy toxins.
  • I am fine with what I packed for myself.


Becoming Masochistic

  • Now I will know the dark delight of bloodletting, as it does!
  • Each scar is a blissful lesson to be meditated upon.
  • Blood will transmute me! Transmute us all!
  • Perhaps this violence will soothe it, keep it sleeping...
  • Finally the pain promised by what whispers dark inside me!

Stressing Party

  • Death could hardly be sweeter than this agony!
  • The more I bleed, the less I feel it, sadly.
  • Pain was the true key to my cell door.

Switching Position to the Front

  • Perhaps now we can both die!
  • Anyone with this burden would pursue death!
  • Each drop of blood is treasured, sacred!

Random Action

  • Multiply the bloodshed! Especially mine!
  • Anything! Anything for more blood!
  • Grim fortune make my flesh smile with blessed wounds!

Camping Stress

  • Pass me the salt, my wounds have dulled.
  • A rested mind perceives a sharper agony.
  • Ah to awaken and tear off fresh scabs.

Marking Self

  • Here! Strike me here! I beg you...
  • Again! Refresh this pain!
  • Dig your talons and weapons into my flesh!

Damaging Self

  • It's never quite as satisfying as when inflicted by another.
  • Observe, fiends. This where it hurts the best.
  • Please tell me you can do worse than this!

Refuses to Retreat

  • This is my kind of bloodbath!
  • This slaughter suits us both!
  • And what? Return to the dull hamlet?

Getting hit by Enemy

  • There are no tomes that describe the ecstacy I have just experienced.
  • The relief of pain distracting me from its foul will...

Enemy Missed Self

  • A free man never begs for what he can take, and I can take it!
  • Next time make it count!
  • Oaf, I'm right here!

Party Member Hit

  • That was delicious.
  • Positively invigorating. All that blood...
  • Can I be next? Please?

Blocks Move

  • This is where they like to swing!
  • Too busy licking my own wounds.
  • Do not disturb this sweet agony!

Refuses to use Item

  • What logic is there in soothing wounds?
  • That stitching needle looks too thin.

Refuses to get Healed

  • The pain helps steel me against its will.
  • I will pull the stitches, then you may sew me again.
  • I am nowhere near the bright agonies I crave.

Refusing to get Buffed

  • The greatest alchemy is borne in sweet agony.
  • Pain is what I owe for freedom.
  • Hah, even the wheel couldn't break me!

Refuses to Perform Camping Skills

  • Do not interrupt agony's sweet song!
  • Too busy re-salting my wounds!
  • Only if you'll flog me.

Refuses to be Target of Camping Skills

  • Oh no, I love this feeling!
  • I found my self through torture and the blessed pain.

Refuses to Eat when Camping

  • Starvation is a fine pain to savour slowly.
  • Food would distract from the slow burn of my wounds.
  • Is that lye? NO thank you.


Becoming Abusive

  • Bung it up again and I'll awaken it!
  • You vex me worse than my mortal affliction!
  • You look like rejects from an opium den's lavatory bucket.
  • All I see around me is dangerous incompetence.
  • What a cruel twist of fate to be stick with you mummers.

Stressing Party

  • Thugs! I doubt any of you can even read letters!
  • What tomfoolery are you on about them?!
  • Pfah! I spit at your mental indiscipline!

Random Action

  • Of course you can't fathom why, you're all imbeciles!
  • What does it look like I'm doing?
  • I will not be restrained by idiots!

Camping Stress

  • I sleep now praying it awakens and rends you louts to ribbons.
  • Snoring has been known to awaken the beast.
  • Are you incompetent in your dreams as well?

Attacking Party Member

  • A solid clout for a bothersome lout!
  • If you won't heed my words then heed this!
  • A fitting reward for your stupid behaviour!

Party Member Attack Hits

  • Yes, aren't you just the slayer of beast and demons?
  • I thought that one looked sickly.
  • It appears to have tripped onto on your weapon.

Party Member Attack Misses

  • How you pretended to be mighty!
  • Untrained and dangerous to us all!

Party Member Hit

  • Going to bleed profusely on them, then?
  • We will never hear the end of this.
  • I am sure that arm was vestigial.

Blocks Move

  • Your orders have always been tainted with incompetence!
  • Strategy? More like a herd of cats!
  • Your will is incomprehensible and irrational.

Refuses to Perform Camping Skills

  • I should probably save my time for one worthy of it.
  • I have no patience for the ignorant.
  • Do you think there's actually a cure for stupidity?

Refuses to be Target of Camping Skills

  • Help from a fool is twice the trouble.
  • I am not entire convinced of your ability.
  • You don't actually know what you are doing, do you?


Becoming Selfish

  • I claim this victory for the brothel!
  • I am literally twice the threat of any of you.
  • None of you exhibit the discipline needed.
  • Don't be surprised to find me gone on the morrow.
  • Just remember: the more gold I get, the less of IT you'll see.

Stressing Party

  • Twice the manpower, twice the pay!
  • I would be better to simply forsake you all here!
  • This all reminds me of how I am destined for greater things!

Switching Position to the Front

  • Those eyes will make excellent reagents.
  • Finished making a fool of yourself?
  • I am doing you a favour, trust me.

Switching Position to the Back

  • Our tactics are all wrong ! Any idiot can see that!
  • I am far more efficient acting from here.
  • I was here first!

Passing Turn

  • Perhaps when I feel like it. Maybe.
  • At your convenience? I think not.
  • My chances are best here, damn the rest of you.

Random Action

  • My will reigns here!
  • Maybe you should not what I do.
  • I do what I need to do. You are all done for anyway.

Camping Stress

  • Give me that! I eat for two.
  • Keep silent, I must focus to soothe the other.
  • How can it be my fault? I have no control over it!

Getting hit by Enemy

  • If I can do this, then I certainly deserve more respect!
  • Well don't just gawk, get me a bandage post-haste!
  • My contract states I now qualify for an additional share!

Party Member Attack Hits

  • I was just going to do that!
  • Attacking out of turn again?
  • I had distracted it for MY attack!

Party Member Attack Misses

  • If it survives to wound me, I shall return your favour.
  • I cannot fight them all myself!

Refuses to Perform Camping Skills

  • Make it worth my time first.
  • I'd rather save my strength for the next battle.
  • Amusing proposition, but no.


Becoming Hopeless

  • I fear it is inevitable that it will consumes me from within.
  • Was this all worth it? For knowledge... for gold.
  • This burden dims my very soul.
  • It feeds off of my essence, even now I falter...
  • The hours tumble by, dull and empty since that terrible day.

Stressing Party

  • I fear my demon makes me immortal, dooming me forever.
  • No heavier chains than those of doubt and misgiving.
  • I fear I am trapped inside of it, an eternal nightmare.

Switching Position to the Front

  • I must die so that I can take this thing back to hell!
  • Let the impure be sacrificed for those more worthy.
  • I am a threat to the innocent. Darkness claim me.

Switching Position to the Back

  • Better that someone strong face these monsters.
  • My blows are useless.
  • Here. Best to die right here.

Passing Turn

  • No, you don't want me ruining it all for us.
  • I'm cursed, better I didn't do anything.
  • It whispers... I must be still or we'll suffer.

Random Action

  • I am merely a puppet to what crawls insidious through my blood.
  • I am bound to chaos, why not accept it?
  • How can I ever be certain my tainted will is my own?

Camping Stress

  • Asleep or awake, the nightmare is without end.
  • Next time I may not regain my humanity...
  • It whispers constantly and I dread the moment of understanding.

Marking Self

  • This is my only chance for true freedom.
  • Strike me down, if the beast will permit it!
  • This world would be better off without us!

Damaging Self

  • If another can finish this...
  • Can one feel pain in a nightmare?
  • Death is the key to this cage.

Refuses to Retreat

  • Don't you see? If I die, WE die!
  • I have no shelter to regain. No solace exists for me.
  • There is no peace so long as I am cursed.

Refuses to use Item

  • Sooner than later it will possess me completely.
  • You should't bother with the damned.
  • Is it no obvious I haven't much longer as myself?

Refuses to get Healed

  • Heal me, you heal the beast.
  • Best to keep my dark half weakened. It will return soon...
  • Do you think that will help? I am mortally cursed!

Refuses to get Buffed

  • Alchemy created this divide inside me, and naught else will work.
  • Too risky, I teeter on the threshold and it lurks beyond!
  • It fear it stirs inside me, back away!

Refuses to Perform Camping Skills

  • Better you stay well back, it stirs...
  • I would but I am not fully in control...
  • Be silent, I am willing it to be still!

Refuses to be Target of Camping Skills

  • Soon my fate will be upon me, and you.
  • I can't decide if it would help the beast or hinder it.
  • An insignificant drop in the bucket.

Refuses to Eat when Camping

  • I am full... are any children missing from the hamlet?
  • Perhaps starvation is the key to purging this taint.
  • When I am hungry it is easier to fight it.


Becoming Irrational

  • But what you don't comprehend is the tremendous size of our cage!
  • It tells me I can only feed on river mud.
  • The rumours are true! I am the true king of this land!
  • Please silence your destriers, good sirs!
  • I have heard whispers that the woman over the sea have green hair.

Stressing Party

  • I wrote tomes far in the past to trap my future self, now!
  • Mother! Mother! Are we off to the monastary?
  • Graaawwoowrrrr!

Switching Position to the Front

  • Out of my way, I would have the last hen!
  • I will not suffer the sprat of the sea on my new cloak!
  • Haha, join us in this fun! Hahaha!

Switching Position to the Back

  • Never stand beneath Algol, it is the star that spawns nightmares!
  • Too quick for you!
  • .nrut fo tuo kaeps reveN

Passing Turn

  • Apologies, in the middle of a delicate experiment.
  • Not until someone thaws me!
  • Deeper than ever, far beyond any star, I hear them...

Random Action

  • See! I can catch the snowflakes on my tongue!
  • This colour looks amazing on me. I'll take it!

Camping Stress

  • This bedroll will make a fine cape!
  • What sweet fortune to bed down in flowers!
  • The fire will sleep with me! It is decided!

Marking Self

  • A field of gold, watered in blood!
  • A dozen crowns for the one with the limp!
  • I am present, Brother Nuncio!

Attacking Party Member

  • Perhaps we could meet behind the tavern later?
  • Did you wish to borrow my chain?
  • This is a game I read about in the eastern histories.

Damaging Self

  • Which of you wanted wine?
  • It is time I pulled myself inside out!
  • There! I am absolved! the moon can return!

Refuses to Retreat

  • That vessel is not suitable for the ethers!
  • I have been promised a trip on dragon back!
  • You fool! We have already fled!

Getting hit by Enemy

  • The hawk did it! Look and see where it went to!
  • I am formally lodging a complaint with the Minister!
  • Ah! Found it!

Enemy Missed Self

  • What a strange bird that flew by!
  • A fairy wind...look for toadstools!
  • It sounded just like a screaming tree!

Party Member Attack Hits

  • Uhm hum! Proper!
  • There is a curious odour that escapes me.
  • Where is poetry in this wound?

Party Member Attack Misses

  • A rainbow blesses your weapon!
  • What sweet music you make!

Party Member Hit

  • We are the very world! It is us!
  • It was a strange mirror revealing the beings that cling to our ethers.
  • Snow? Seems early in the year. What say you?

Enemy Missed Party Member

  • Iceberg? What's an iceberg?
  • Those damnable flutes again...
  • Someone needs more time in the practice yard.

Blocks Move

  • The orders were for me to stay here.
  • A flower with legs? Foolish notion.
  • Such dreams of a flaming sword and streams of molten nickel.

Refuses to use Item

  • No, no, I have no coins on me and the missus is nowhere to be found.
  • Not a fair trade, this donkey is made of pure eastern silk.
  • Pointless, I already have seven of those.

Refuses to get Healed

  • Only if you'll listen to my latest epic.
  • That morning it rained nails and rotten wheat.
  • I passed the howling woman again, is she drowning?

Refuses to get Buffed

  • Diamond tail is raven, fan tail is crow.
  • Never trust a calf that screams like a woman.
  • I am preoccupied with measuring those distant orbs.

Refuses to Perform Camping Skills

  • My apologies but the King is not accepting further petitions.
  • How can you perceive me in this etheric mode?
  • You never visited me in my cell, as you promised!

Refuses to be Target of Camping Skills

  • No fish to sell today!
  • A great red comet haunts my dreams...
  • I have heard tales that we live on a great egg.

Refuses to Eat when Camping

  • Blue is a fine meal, but yellow is what I truly need.
  • I only eat gold since speaking with the saints.
  • Troublesome news: the furniture has marched off in protest.


Becoming Stalwart

  • I can master it! We can master our fate!
  • As long as I am free, I will fight!

Stress Healing Self

  • This struggle may never end but I will not give in now!
  • I have found new fire inside me!


Becoming Courageous

  • As long as we are one, we can prevail!
  • Steel your hearts and victory is ours!

Stress Healing Party

  • What could you possibly fear? It's only death!
  • We did not come this far to turn craven!


Becoming Focused

  • They are vulnerable! Strike!
  • It is obvious where we must hit them!

Buffing Party Member

  • It stirs within! They must be afraid!
  • Strike the nerve I showed you, the art is ancient but lethal.


Becoming Powerful

  • We will crush them!
  • Run them down and slaughter them!

Buffing Party

  • We end this now!
  • Fate conspires for us, surprisingly!


Becoming Vigorous

  • Hah! You have not seen anything yet!
  • This body still stirs, these lungs draw breath!

Self Healing

  • It seems I can feed from it as it feeds on me.
  • This is beyond my knowledge, but I do feel strengthened!

Final Boss (Spoiler)


This article or section may contain spoilers about the final boss. You might want to avoid reading further if you don't want to spoil the surprise for yourself!

Raid failure banner.png
Whatever awaits, it cannot be worse than what I've endured.
~ Abomination on being executed by the Heart of Darkness.

Unused Dialogue (Party Restriction)

Previously religious heroes would refuse to join a party with an Abomination, but this restriction was lifted with the release of Exclusive to The Color of Madness DLC The Color of Madness. The following dialogue no longer appears in the game.

By the Abomination

  • Those of faith have no tolerance for those with my condition.

By Religious Heroes

  • I will not serve with this... creature.