Jester (Darkest Dungeon II)/Barks

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Landing a CRIT

  • Hee heee heeeeee!
  • HA!
  • Truly amusing...
  • Slice, slice, slice!
  • Can't let things grow boring.
  • Got a little confident, did we?


  • Nobody wastes my time but me!
  • Prefer to gamble with coin, not my life.


  • Patch me up!
  • ... Perhaps more than a scratch.


  • Oh, I feel wretched...
  • Can't keep my stew down...


  • I have plans for this skin!
  • They're cooking me alive!


  • No way of knowin' if I'm already dead, is there?
  • What's that? Slice off the rest of my fingers?


  • No great loss if I fall - or vanish.
  • Never penned one song worth remembering...
  • I am mad already! Let the blows come!

Entering Death's Door

  • At last, the greatest joke of all...

Ally On Death's Door

  • It ain't over 'til it's over!
  • Nothing a sawbones can't fix.

Surviving Hit on Death's Door

  • Seems an encore is in order.
  • My lucky day.

Ally Surviving Hit on Death's Door

  • Afraid we need you alive.
  • Live - if only to spite them!

Hit by CRIT

  • I'll see the next one coming!

Ally Hit by CRIT

  • If you keep moving, you won't feel it.

Pushed by Enemy

  • Whew! Caught myself.


  • They declared me mad at court years ago!
  • I've played to tougher crowds than you!


  • HA... ... ha... *laughter becomes weeping*
  • I LISTENED to you all...! I DARED to hope...!

Fog Appears (Shroud)

  • This foul mist grows thicker!
  • The air stagnates...
  • Damn this fog!
  • Insufferable fog!
  • I hear them moving in the fog...
  • This fret assaults my eyes!
  • Stay close, lest they pick us off!
  • Be wary, they stalk us from the fog!
  • Malign currents on the wind...
  • This is no common storm...
  • We grow vulnerable to ambush...!
  • This fog veils some treachery, no doubt.
  • I've lost sight of them!
  • What trickery, this mist?
  • Illusion and deceit, this weather!

Fog Fades (Shroud)

  • Strike now, the fog abates!
  • The air clears...
  • At long last, a breeze!
  • The air stirs!
  • Their trickery falters!
  • Our foes once more in sight!
  • A break in the weather!
  • Their cover lifts!
  • Mind our flanks! The fog lifts!
  • I see the fiends! Press hard!
  • The wind shifts in our favour!
  • Begone, unearthly mist!
  • Now, while our blades strike true!
  • Lo, the enemy! Press them!
  • Regroup, the fog is lifting!

Generic Positive Act Outs

Stress Heal Ally

  • Steady those hands. We shall win this.
  • Steady there. You've got this!

Buffing Ally

  • Here, try this...

Heal Ally

  • Hard to tend your own wounds. Let me.

Combo Attack

  • Drive them back!


  • We'll make them regret that!

Guarding an Ally

  • Catch your breath. I'm here.

Skill Praise

  • Precisely like that!

Attack Praise

  • Yes! Relentless!

Stress Heal Partner - Hopeful

  • All is not lost.
  • Together we can push through this.

Buff Partner - Hopeful

  • I trust you'll use it wisely.

Skill Praise Partner - Hopeful

  • See? Few more of those...

Attack Praise Partner - Hopeful

  • They'll soon wish they'd fled!

Heal Partner - Amorous

  • Not you. Not now. Not yet.

Guarding Partner - Amorous

  • I'd suffer worse for you.

Stress Heal Partner - Amorous

  • One night together while the world burns - what do you say?

Skill Praise Partner - Amorous

  • I hope there's more where that came from...

Attack Praise Partner - Amorous

  • Damn - look at you. Incredible.

Combo Attack - Respectful

  • That is how it's done!

Retaliation - Respectful

  • Not on my watch!

Stress Heal Partner - Respectful

  • If anyone can lead us through this, it's you.

Skill Praise Partner - Respectful

  • Never a doubt in my mind.

Attack Praise Partner - Respectful

  • I knew I could rely upon you!

Specific Positive Act Outs

Stress Healing Ally

  • There, there. You've had worse!
  • Didn't think you one to give up.

Buffing Ally

  • You hold this little crew together.

Healing Ally

  • I've seen you scraped up worse.

Combo Attack

  • You know where to land 'em.


  • Made you look.


  • Bah - I'm quicker anyhow!

Skill Praise

  • Impeccable timing.

Attack Praise

  • Goodness you're fast.

Stress Healing Partner - Hopeful

  • You'll land on your feet. Probably.
  • Ah, the songs we'll write together...

Buffing Partner - Hopeful

  • I'll conspire with you any day, heh heh.

Skill Praise Partner - Hopeful

  • Yes! More of that!

Attack Praise Partner - Hopeful

  • The worm turns!

Healing Partner - Amorous

  • A silly thing, infatuation. Yet here I am.

Guarding Partner - Amorous

  • And ruin my plans for you tonight?! Pfah!

Stress Healing Partner - Amorous

  • I could play for you for hours.

Skill Praise Partner - Amorous

  • It pains me how fond I am of you.

Attack Praise Partner - Amorous

  • Love to watch you cut 'em down.

Combo Attack - Respectful

  • That move always got a laugh at court.

Retaliation - Respectful

  • I've decided - you don't get to die.

Stress Healing Partner - Respectful

  • Fastest fingers I've ever seen!

Skill Praise Partner - Respectful

  • Finally, a brain worth takin' hints from.

Attack Praise Partner - Respectful

  • I never know what you'll hit 'em with next.

Generic Negative Act Outs

Stress Damaging Ally

  • Unthinking, ill-disciplined...!

Skill Insult

  • Wasted effort, that.

Attack Insult

  • What were you thinking?!

Stress Damaging Partner - Suspicious

  • You're watching me closer than the enemy...

Skill Insult Partner - Suspicious

  • You cling to the shadows - why?

Attack Insult Partner - Suspicious

  • You're stalling your blows!

Stress Damaging Partner - Envious

  • You have no idea how lucky you have it.

Skill Insult Partner - Envious

  • When I've needed you, nothing!

Attack Insult Partner - Envious

  • Just wait 'til your luck runs out.

Stress Damaging Partner - Resentful

  • And we're supposed to trust your genius?

Skill Insult Partner - Resentful

  • Our odds look grim...

Attack Insult Partner - Resentful

  • Spare me the excuses.
  • Up to your usual tricks.
  • Another rare misstep, I'm sure.

Attacking Partner - Hateful

  • You're gambling with our fates!
  • Suffer.

Stress Damaging Partner - Hateful

  • Go on, walk us right into their jaws, then.

Skill Insult Partner - Hateful

  • May you fall before I do.
  • Wastrel!
  • I'd almost think you drunk!

Attack Insult Partner - Hateful

  • Blast it, you're not helping!
  • Shape up or step aside!
  • Do you wish us dead?!

Specific Negative Act Outs

Stress Damaging Ally - Generic

  • Always out of tune and off-beat.

Skill Insult - Generic

  • You baffle me.

Attack Insult - Generic

  • Kill them, don't tickle them!

Stress Damaging Partner - Suspicious

  • Sleep with one eye open.

Skill Insult Partner - Suspicious

  • Did that look sneaky to anyone else?

Attack Insult Partner - Suspicious

  • I'd pity you if I trusted you.

Stress Damaging Partner - Envious

  • You'd probably outshine me if you practiced...

Skill Insult Partner - Envious

  • You wound my feelings.

Attack Insult Partner - Envious

  • I'll write the ballad now. Idiot.

Stress Damaging Partner - Resentful

  • About to interrupt me again?

Skill Insult Partner - Resentful

  • Heh heh. Just you wait.

Attack Insult Partner - Resentful

  • You mock us, surely!

Attacking Partner - Hateful

  • If I break your knees, they'll get you first.
  • Who's laughing now?

Stress Damaging Partner - Hateful

  • You bring out the worst in me.

Skill Insult Partner - Hateful

  • You rend my nerves to pieces!

Attack Insult Partner - Hateful

  • I hate you with particular gusto.


Adding Buff

  • Oh, I'll cheer you on if I must.

Guarding Ally

  • Oho, not without a fight.
  • Allow me to draw their ire.
  • Relax. I'm sturdier than I look.

Adding Token

  • Look! A weak spot!

Follow Up Attack

  • What a pair, you and I.
  • I trained as a soloist, but...
  • On three...

Follow Up on Debuffed Enemy

  • Got one over on 'em!!

Healing Ally

  • I'll fix that if you stop bleeding on me.
  • You can't leave me short-handed.
  • We'll fix it up proper on the coach later.

Revenge Attack on Enemy

  • That'll do!
  • I'm touched.

Moving Positions - Positive

  • And a one and a two...

Removing DoTs

  • Not your finest moment. Here.
  • Cuttin' it close, friend.
  • Fine. From my stash.

Stress Healing

  • Think on it - you ain't died yet.
  • Don't count yourself out.

Jealous of Buff

  • Am I a joke to you?

Jealous of Guarded Ally

  • Did I tick you off somehow?
  • I'll carry on alone, thanks.

Jealous of Token

  • We'll see who's laughing when you need help!

Jealous of Food (Unused)

  • You don't get to take this from me!

Jealous of Healing

  • I mistook you.
  • I'll carry on bleeding, then.

Moving Positions - Negative

  • What's the matter - don't trust me?

Jealous of DoT Removal

  • Think me useless, do you?
  • I'll sort myself out, then.
  • So it's come to this.

Positive Road Banter

  • Heh heh. Good one.
  • Tell you 'bout my travels? Suppose I can.
  • You're a good egg.
  • Can you carry a tune?
  • ... Good one.
  • Clever head on those shoulders.

Negative Road Banter

  • Oh, you're no fun.
  • Goodness, who let you aboard?
  • Your presence is a drain on morale.
  • You exhaust me.
  • Entertain yourself. I'm done.
  • Won't let YOU of all people crash my pity party.

Inn Items

Armor Repair Kit

  • There is a breastplate under this.

Blasphemous Idol

  • I am desperate for inspiration.

Book of Bawdy Tales

  • Finally, one I haven't read yet.

BOOK: My time in the Desert

  • Endless wastes. Could distract me from these endless wastes.

Book of Creative Insults

  • It's a little insulting I have to read this.


  • I only borrow, never steal.

Boxing Gloves

  • This'll be fun. Step right up.

Calming Incense

  • Had a patron named Neroli once. *sniff*

Candles and Chocolate

  • Usually I only need my lute...

Clarifying Poultice

  • For dancin' long into the wee hours.

Clotting Poultice

  • Prefer not to get nicked, choosy beggar that I am.


  • No sleights of no hands, I swear.

Ceremonial Drum

  • Most nights I have to play it all myself.

Slime Mold

  • Sure this wasn't growing on the real food?
  • (If full) - Had my fill of that slimy stuff.

Stale Bread

  • Which will grow older - this old bread or us?
  • (If full) - I know I appear starved, but no.

Apples & Cheese

  • A satisfying snack... Got more?
  • (If full) - A full belly! Luxorious.

Steak and Spuds

  • I prefer mine a little bloodier... heheh.
  • (If full) - Would that I could...


  • Shall we sell these by the roadside next?
  • (If full) - Fed and fit for whatever awaits.

Holy Beads

  • Prayer - or poetry for desperate souls.

Impermeable Poultice

  • Snakes, spiders - a humiliating way to die.


  • Think that one's lookin' at me.

Meditative Totem

  • What a weird little trinket! Who made you?

Mop and Bucket

  • The soft swish is most relaxing.

Nightshade Concoction

  • As if I needed to anger Death further...


  • Sweet muse!

Playing cards

  • Why d'you lot always assume I'm a cheat?

Restorative Herbs

  • I did not actually wish to smell more of this place.

Roast Pig

  • Without the pageantry of a banquet? Even better.
  • (If full) - My stomach rumbles no more!

Songbook of Amorous Ballads

  • Careful - might write a new one for you.

Songbook of Touching Dirges

  • *gentle, melanchony strumming*

Songbook of Rousing Tunes

  • *fierce strumming* I can hardly keep up!

Soothing Poultice

  • I do fear I'm dreadfully flammable.

Speed Bag

  • My timing is impeccable.

Invigorating Stew

  • And here I was going to make my stomach do the singing.
  • (If full) - A second bowl? Where would I put it?

Stimulating Poultice

  • Who you callin' slow?

Stitching Kit

  • My skin is a patchwork of scars by now...

The Wine

  • A rare treat, pilfered from some louche estate.

Tinned Delicacies

  • So this is how the other half travels.
  • (If full) - No, no, none for me.

Knotted Tug Rope

  • I'm stronger than I look.

Wax Inoculant

  • Whatever keeps the voice box clean.


  • This is going to take a while.

Whiskey Barrel

  • Let's gather round for... A round...

Whiskey Bottle

  • You won't regret splittin' this with me...

Whiskey Flask

  • A nip to loosen our over-tight strings.

Whittling Tools

  • A pipe, perhaps. Could always use another.

Wild Tea

  • They say symphonies are written on this stuff.

Morbid Joke

  • ... ... ... Heh.

Improvised Strategy

  • Ah, forethought, my old nemesis.

The Very Best

  • TBA

Experimental Remedy

  • You're 'hilarious'.

War Paint

  • TBA

Tar-Filled Colambre

  • TBA'

Oddly-Tuned Lute

  • Liven up, would you?
  • I love a captive audience.
  • *melodious humming*

Precious Collection

  • Shiny.

Guided Meditation

  • Here, I'll strum a few notes...

Book of Parries (Unused)

  • Didn't even know I could parry with a sickle.

Hero Shrines

Shrine 1

  • That accursed melody was a trap beyond all cunning.

Shrine 2

  • That song found ambition buried dead in my heart and made it dance...

Shrine 3

  • And so the trap snapped shut on me.

Shrine 4

  • Just as it was meant to, the song loosed the leash of my inhibitions...

Shrine 5

  • Ask any animal if it was worth it to gnaw off a limb for freedom.

Shrine 6

  • I'll get my audience in the end...



  • Something reeks most foul. Is it me?
  • *glug* Oh, look. My flask has run dry.
  • We shall march to our deaths smelling of soap.
  • And risk making myself ill?

Exiting Oasis

  • Eugh. My stockings got wet...
  • I daresay that was almost pleasant.

Creature Den

  • Reeks of musk and critters. (Combat)
  • I've tangled with street curs. They're no tougher. (Fight with Advantage)
  • Surely we've more interesting foes ahead. (Avoid)

Resistance Encounter

  • Ah, bloodshed, my muse. (Combat)
  • A rousing ballad, for the charge! (Fight with Advantage)
  • A retreat ballad? Why not? (-15 Flame, Avoid)

Resistance Encounter Success

  • Ahh, the melody of murder is on the wind...

Resistance Encounter Retreat

  • ... anyone for a song?

Assistance Encounter

  • No, no! I'm inspired! I must write! (Avoid)
  • Fetch the drums and tambourine! (-Flame, ++Food)
  • Relics. Gold. Silver. Give it here. (Steal)

Exiting Assistance Encounter

  • Heh heh. So long, then.
  • To their tenuous survival. Hear, hear!

Valley Assistance Encounter

  • TBA

Region Gate

  • TBA

Exiting Crossroads

  • TBA

Exiting Hospital

  • She should lighten up a little.
  • Infirmaries - all the same.

Exiting Hoarder

  • All that and no accordion? Ridiculous.
  • More clutter, eh? Just what we need!

Exiting Valley Hoarder

  • A full flask and a foolish quest!
  • The epics I'll write if we survive this...

Exiting Watchtower

  • *quiet, off-kilter laughter*
  • A beautiful day, wouldn't you agree? Heheh.
  • Heh heh. Pathetic little creature. Let's free it. [Thing in the Corner]

Exiting Academic's Study

  • Must've dozed off...
  • *yawn*

Cultist Encounter

  • Ah, bloodshed, my muse. (Fight)

Cultist Encounter Success

  • That melody... I've killed to it before...

Cultist Encounter Retreat

  • What's that ringing in my ears?!

Tangle Lair Success

  • How very like soldiers - dying in rank.

Tangle Lair Retreat

  • That drumming... it's IN my HEAD...!

Foetor Lair Success

  • You won't be dining on us tonight, fiends!

Foetor Lair Retreat

  • *sniff* Skin blackening over meat...

Sprawl Lair Success

  • Talk about a pyrrhic victory. Heheh.

Sprawl Lair Retreat

  • *slow, discordant humming*

Shroud Lair Success

  • Bon voyage!

Shroud Lair Retreat

  • I prefer to die where they can find my corpse!

Exiting Oblivion's Ingress

  • Ha HA! Time for a song!

Exiting Academic's Cache

  • Will any of this stuff even matter?
  • Where are we going to put all this?

Specific Boss Barks


  • TBA

Harvest Child

  • You wouldn't like me when I'm hungry. (Harvest Hunger, move forward)

Focused Fault

  • TBA

Body Of Work - Face Your Failure

  • D'you think the bards will get our stories right?
  • Rehearsals are over, this is the big show.
  • Darken my ear no longer, bastard thing!
  • Enough melody, enough murder.
  • Free of that damnable melody at last!
  • From here on out, it's major keys only...



Travelling Stress

Travelling Stress Heal

  • Perhaps there is hope for us yet...
  • We are not so dissimilar...
  • I accept you. We all do.
  • Chin up, shoulders back. We can do this.
  • The road is tough but we're going to make it.
  • Let us share tales of merrier times.
  • Come what may, we are united!
  • Hang in there.
  • Can I get you anything?
  • It's a long road, but we've got each other.
  • Want to share? I've got extra...
  • You're even tougher than you look.
  • I'm glad you're here, for what it's worth.
  • You're going to live. I won't hear otherwise.
  • At least we aren't facing this alone.
  • Maybe all hope is not lost...
  • There are times I almost feel hopeful.
  • I had a pleasant dream, for once...
  • Whatever comes, we are united.
  • Perhaps we'll find glory after all...
  • This world is worth saving.
  • We are making a difference out there.
  • Hope is seductive, isn't it?
  • We're making good time.
  • If this is my fate, I'm content.
  • All is not lost.
  • We will best these fiends!

Travelling Stress Damage

  • Buffoon!
  • We're not going to make it, are we?
  • Everywhere, the world comes undone...
  • Stuck in a coach with the likes of you - feh.
  • I'm hungry and tired!
  • This cursed coach is a bouncing racket!
  • Let me out of this blasted coach!
  • Here we are, four corpses in a rolling coffin...
  • I can't bear to look out the window...
  • It's like a nightmare out there.
  • Like rats in a trap...
  • What if it's all for nothing...?
  • Can I really trust you to have my back...?
  • Can't sleep. Awful food. Worse company.
  • A waking nightmare...
  • We never seem to make any progress...
  • Just leave me by the roadside.
  • This was all a mistake...!
  • We're driving in circles...
  • Are we lost?
  • This is not the life I dreamt for myself...
  • Everywhere we pass - ruin, destruction...
  • Fools, fools we are...
  • We were damned before we set off.
  • Why us? Why me?
  • I'm not crying...! Look away!
  • I grow so weary of this fight.
  • Would it be so bad to give in...?
  • Won't let YOU of all people crash my pity party.

Travelling Path Type reaction

Safe Path

  • Perhaps I'll write something new...
  • Quiet along this route... odd.
  • *quiet strumming*
  • Take a good break when it comes.

Rough Path

  • Watch my lute!
  • Ouch!
  • Mind the lanterns!
  • This is worse than any bandits.

Hazardous Path

  • Cheap trick, I say!
  • Heh heh. You get used t'this on stage.
  • Is that the ruins of another coach?
  • A curious art form.

Combat Path

  • No rest for the wicked.
  • Need to stretch the legs anyhow.
  • They're upon us!
  • Someone else take point.

Oblivion Tear

  • hahaHAHAH!
  • N-not that song! NO!
  • Cease your laughing this instant!
  • What do you mean? This mask is my face.