Occultist (Darkest Dungeon II)/Barks

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Landing a CRIT

  • Best hope I slay you before it wakes!
  • Another fool for the fire!
  • Uneducated savage!
  • So uncivilized!
  • Behold! The unquenchable fire of the stars!
  • You think you know power?!


  • In toying with our enemies, we tempt fate.
  • Waver not! Set upon these fiends!


  • So my blood is still red...
  • I fear I smell enticing!


  • Someone must have an antidote!
  • I grow unsteady...!


  • Black fire, burning me from within...!


  • I paid dearly for this newfound sight...
  • Hide me belowground! I can't bear the sky!


  • I could surrender - let the beast claim me.
  • Each morning I wake a little less human...
  • No...! I must fight it! For the others!

Torch Decrease

  • Dark as a night without moons... (Torch Reaches 0)
  • The stars spell misfortune... (Torch Reaches 20)
  • Enough light to work by - just. (Torch Reaches 40)

Entering Death's Door

  • This was not the deal we struck!

Ally On Death's Door

  • Weather this as I know you can.
  • Do not die burdened with regret.

Surviving Hit on Death's Door

  • The human soul - remarkably resilient.
  • I serve powers greater than death, friend.

Ally Surviving Hit on Death's Door

  • With a little cunning, we can take them.
  • Pain is fleeting! Push through it!

Hit by CRIT

  • Careful - you'll rouse something you can't afford to.

Ally Hit by CRIT

  • A fierce blow, yet here you are.


  • I alone am master of my will!
  • Yield nothing to your fear!

Pushed by Enemy

  • All! Stand back!

Meltdown (Phased out)

  • Black-beast, claim what is left of me...!

Fog Appears (Shroud)

  • Stay close, lest they pick us off!

Fog Fades (Shroud)

  • TBA


  • This work is beneath me, yet I toil on...
  • Hold them at bay - I must work!

Don't Leave Me (0 Wheel Ambush)

  • Abandon me here and know my fury.
  • You will notice my absence.
  • Leave me in this hellscape? Undeserved.

Positive Act Outs

Stress Healing Partner - General

  • We shall safeguard one another.
  • A path will open when you least expect it.

Buffing Partner - General

  • A glimpse of my true strength - for you.

Healing Partner - General

  • Allow me to mend that.

Combo Attack - General

  • Can you feel it? A charge in the air...

Retaliation - General

  • They'll soon learn you have powerful friends.

Protection - General

  • Something in me hungers for a fight...

Attacking Ally - General

  • You're more useful as bait.

Praise for Support Skill - General

  • You augment our strength.

Praise for Attack - General

  • Well struck, my friend.

Stress Heal in Coach - General

  • Stay close. We are almost through.

Stress Self in Coach - General

  • One can only push a mind so far...

Stress Healing Partner - Hopeful

  • Rise above your terror!
  • When the darkness seems too much, look for me.

Buffing Partner - Hopeful

  • We will overcome our demons

Praise for Support Skill - Hopeful

  • Working in concert, we shall prevail.

Praise for Attack - Hopeful

  • Soon they shall tremble before you!

Stress Heal in Coach - Hopeful

  • We have much to learn from one another.

Stress Healing Partner - Amorous

  • The abyss shall touch you not.

Healing Partner - Amorous

  • I shall read to you while you recover.

Protection - Amorous

  • Fate has better things in store for us.

Praise for Support Skill - Amorous

  • In all my travels, you're a singular presence.

Praise for Attack - Amorous

  • A dark star thrills overhead.

Stress Heal in Coach - Amorous

  • The void calls - we shall defy it.

Stress Healing Partner - Respectful

  • The stars were generous to guide you here, friend.

Retaliation After Partner is Attacked - Respectful

  • A valued ally repaid in kind.

Combo Attack with Partner - Respectful


Praise for Support Skill - Respectful

  • I have much to learn from you.

Praise for Attack - Respectful

  • My, you surprise even me.

Stress Heal in Coach - Respectful

  • Power, heart, hope - let mine carry you.

Negative Act Outs

Dealing Stress On Ally - General

  • ... insufferable lout.

Insult for Support Skill - General

  • If I didn't know better I'd say you mistrust me.

Insult for Attack - General

  • Your will is weak as your arm.

Attacking Ally - Hateful

  • RrrrRGH. Hnagotha ILYAA'A!

Stress Damage on Ally in Coach - Hateful

  • I'd spit on you, but you aren't worth the water.

Stress Damage on Ally - Hateful

  • R'luhz ngy'haaAAH!

Insult for Support Skill - Hateful

  • Trouble me no longer, filth.

Insult for Attack - Hateful

  • Importunate even in your failures.

Stress Damage on Ally - Envious

  • Water-fat and unreliable, you are.

Stress Damage on Ally in Coach - Envious

  • Your mind and body are wholly your own. Savour that.

Insult for Support Skill - Envious

  • I have a long memory.

Insult for Attack - Envious

  • *clenches teeth*

Stress Damage on Ally - Suspicious

  • You have a most malevolent aura.

Stress Damage on Ally on Road - Suspicious

  • Everywhere, malfeasance lurks!

Insult for Support Skill - Suspicious

  • My intuition stirs - a warning.

Insult for Attack - Suspicious

  • I am no stranger to deception. Hmm.

Stress Damage on Ally - Resentful

  • I doubt your allegiance, friend.

Stress Damage on Ally on Road - Resentful

  • Bumbling amateur. You'll be our ruin.

Insult for Support Skill - Resentful

  • What foolish urge compels you...?

Insult for Attack - Resentful

  • So much the worse we are for your "help."


Adding Buff

  • The stars are, at times, benevolent.

Guarding Ally

  • If you'd permit my assistance...
  • Fate has other things in store for you. (Ally's on Death's Doors)
  • Let the unseen ward us... (Ally's Injured)

Adding Token

  • My power is yours.

Follow Up Attack

  • Snuff them out!

Follow Up on Enemy with Combo

  • They'll be feeling that one.

Follow Up on Critted Enemy

  • I admire your cunning.

Follow Up on Debuffed Enemy

  • Now we know what weakens them...

Healing Ally

  • Allow me.
  • It is not your time. (Ally's on Death's Doors)
  • This may hurt. (Ally's Injured)

Revenge Attack on Enemy

  • Were you using me as bait? Hah.
  • Deepest thanks. (If Enemy Critted)

Moving Positions - Positive

  • This position may prove an advantage.

Removing DoTs

  • Be still! This is my specialty!
  • Thought we'd lost you. (Ally's on Death's Doors)
  • Don't let that run rampant. (Ally's Injured)

Stress Healing

  • Your dismay echoes my own - but onward!
  • Move beyond fear. I know you can. (Ally's High Stress)

Jealous of Buff

  • You may live to regret that.

Jealous of Guarded Ally

  • A fell omen, that. (While Injured)
  • You would make a sacrifice of me? I see. (While on Death's Doors)

Jealous of Token

  • You fear my strength.

Jealous of Healing

  • I am slow to anger, but...
  • A traitor in our midst, perhaps. (While Injured)
  • Toying with our fates, I see. (While on Death's Doors)

Moving Positions - Negative

  • You presume much.

Jealous of DoT Removal

  • Test fate at your own risk.
  • I have a long memory... (While Injured)
  • Unwise. (While on Death's Doors)

Positive Road Banter - Tense

  • You tell such intriguing stories
  • Pass the snuff box, would you?

Positive Road Banter - Irritated

  • You're an old soul.
  • Been some time since I had a friend.

Positive Road Banter - Roiling

  • Let us tend the torch together.
  • What's that? I was being "morose"?

Negative Road Banter - Tense

  • Respect my silence, please.
  • Be wary of prying, friend.

Negative Road Banter - Irritated=

  • I am a patient man, but I have my limits
  • *long-suffering sigh*

Negative Road Banter - Roiling

  • Pester some other poor soul.
  • Test me and suffer the consequences.

Inn Items

Armor Repair Kit

  • I don't wear much, but I ought to tend it.

Blasphemous Idol

  • I will try to extract favours from this imp.

Book of Bawdy Tales

  • All tomes are worthy of study.

BOOK: My time in the Desert

  • Perhaps I am in the mood for nostalgia...

Book of Creative Insults

  • Means to unbalance the enemy's mind.


  • Poems and spells both - mirrors turned inwards.

Boxing Gloves

  • I'm quicker than the lines on my face suggest.

Calming Incense

  • Tension melts away. The prowling mind stills.

Candles and Chocolate

  • Let us intertwine auras.

Clarifying Poultice

  • I must manifest my psyche unto the flesh.

Clotting Poultice

  • Blood stains more than the ground.


  • I prefer dice, but we're a ways from the dens of home.

Ceremonial Drum

  • A song can transport you to another time...

Slime Mold

  • Similar to the Xiccarphian fungoids I once hunted...
  • (If full) - My hunger is sated.

Stale Bread

  • Spurn no meal if offered in hospitality.
  • (If full) - I have had my fair share.

Apple and Cheese

  • Sensorially adequate.
  • (If full) - I am content at present.

Steak and Spuds

  • A cantrip to soften the gristle, then.
  • (If full) - One of the better meals I've had in these blighted lands.


  • Humble but filling.
  • (If full) - Now I shall sleep off some bruises.

Holy Beads

  • I know your saints by much older names...

Impermeable Poultice

  • We wouldn't make it to a convalescence ward.


  • A dated technique, but sometimes effective.

Meditative Totem

  • Ah - the clarity of a quiet, focused mind.

Mop and Bucket

  • Cleanliness repels many a sordid beings.

Nightshade Concoction

  • This anchors my spirit more firmly.


  • We may free my mind yet. Do it.


  • Dimensions bloom with each puff.

Playing Cards

  • Much of the self is revealed in how one plays cards.

Restorative Herbs

  • Material solutions for the corporeal shell.

Roast Pig

  • I'd hope they didn't source this from the Sluice.
  • (If full) - I need no further nourishment, pleasant as that smells.

Songbook of Amorous Ballads

  • Would be more of a trio, technically speaking.

Songbook of Touching Dirges

  • *soft, discordant humming*

Songbook of Rousing Tunes

  • My blood stirs! Let us have at them!

Soothing Poultice

  • Cool as shade on the brow.

Speed Bag

  • Allow me to remove some layers first.

Invigorating Stew

  • Have you ever seen a salt flat? ... Oh, no reason.
  • (If full) - Leave me to my contemplations.

Stimulating Poultice

  • My mind never slumbers. Now my body won't either.

Stitching Kit

  • I must be more careful next time...

The Wine

  • Come, come, I prefer not to imbibe alone.

Tinned Delicacies

  • A sailor's bounty. Perhaps a ship ran aground nearby.
  • (If full) - We've a hard journey ahead. Save it.

Knotted Tug Rope

  • I was dreadful at this in my youth...

Wax Inoculant

  • I take no risks with my vital humours.


  • A dull blade sings doom.

Whiskey Barrel

  • To good friends and good fortune.

Whiskey Bottle

  • I rarely drink to excess - share the bounty?

Whiskey Flask

  • Not without flavor.

Whittling Tools

  • The mind is most at ease when the hands are not.

Wild Tea

  • How odd - my mind both loosens and sharpens...!

Morbid Joke

  • You certainly have a way with words.

Improvised Strategy

  • Persuasive.

Experimental Remedy

  • I dearly hope my sense of smell recovers.

Oddly-Tuned Lute

  • What an oddly pleasing resonance...

Precious Collection

  • I too hold on to some remnants of a former life...

Guided Meditation

  • Let us travel both time and space.
  • Who knows what we might discover?
  • Walk with me. Let me take you to the outer spheres...

Pain Box

  • If it brings you focus, friend.

Unique Reliquary

  • Flesh and bone wield powers beyond our grasp.

Book of Parries (Unused)

  • I prefer the proven defense of range, but...

Hero Shrines

Shrine 1

  • It was... lonely, in the void.

Shrine 2

  • Something in those silent halls sang out to only me.

Shrine 3

  • Why mourn things that only held me back? (Success)
  • True seekers shed such limitations. (Failure)

Shrine 4

  • All knowledge comes at a price. (Success)
  • They were fools to trust me. (Failure)

Shrine 5

  • Well... my mind is certainly no longer lonely.

Shrine 6

  • The stars roil and seethe. I never truly sleep.



  • Now, somewhere dry to hang my robes... (Torch +5, Clear 5 Stress Self)
  • I sense we are needed in haste - I'll fill a flask. (Torch +5, +3 Mineral-Rich Spring Water)
  • Only fools waste water. (Torch +5, Clear 5 Stress Self, +3 Mineral-Rich Spring Water)
  • Is it wise to waste our dwindling torchlight here? (Exit)

Creature Den

  • No creature in this place is truly mundane... (Fight)
  • Lower minds are easier to deceive. Allow me... (Combat Advantage)
  • My spine prickles. Let us away. (Retreat)

Resistance Encounter

  • I must wet my knife to draw upon my power. (Fight)
  • Impede us and know vengeance! (Fight)
  • No stranger am I to the horrors of man or beast. (Combat Advantage)
  • This place exudes a powerful malignance... (Retreat)
  • Their power is too great! Flee! (Panic Retreat)

Resistance Encounter Success

  • Blood will always flow. On this day, it wasn't ours.

Resistance Encounter Retreat

  • I must... meditate. The beast strains at his cage!

Assistance Encounter

  • Good deeds quiet the whispers.
  • Let us spread calm instead of fear.
  • Hard work soothes the unquiet mind. (+Food)
  • We should aid any who forestall the abyss. (+Combat Items)
  • They could have books or other sundries. (+Inn Items)
  • A foolish turn, rejecting this offer. (+1 Armor)
  • We must pace ourselves and the coach. (+1 Wheels)
  • They may have travelled where my scrying cannot. (Scout)
  • The night is lonely and long - come, join us at the fire.
  • They might take comfort in our morbid trophies.
  • From modest action can come great consequence.
  • We need not only help with our knives.
  • We could even cook for them - what say you?
  • Our gold makes more difference out here than in our coffers. (Donate)
  • Ointments, powder, better use to us than relics. (Donate)
  • There was a time I'd have clung to my finery... (Donate)
  • Wise is the man who spends his last coin on another. (Donate)
  • This scarf was lent to me when I fell on hard times. (Donate)
  • If you do not feed me, it will. (Steal Food)
  • This is not a gamble you will win. Hands up. (Steal Relics)
  • I sense misfortune coming if we linger here. (Exit)
  • I have not lost my humanity. They need us. (If Compassionate Quirk)
  • They always beg our help - and for what? (If Curmudgeon Quirk)
  • I have slain a man for a waterskin once before. (If Greedy Quirk - Steal Food)
  • Material sins dissolve upon death. (If Greedy Quirk - Steal Relics)
  • Work interferes with my inner calm. (If Lazy Quirk)
  • You know that poet's works? Let us recite one... (If Racounteur Quirk)
  • I am not without pity, but we have little to spare. (If Selfish Quirk)
  • THE LARGEST ONE. I REQUIRE ITS EYES. (If Thanatomania Quirk)
  • A fell mood grips me. I require a target. (If Vicious Quirk - Steal Relics)
  • I require a handful of molars. Theirs will do. (If Vicious Quirk - -Torch)

Exiting Assistance Encounter

  • Every encounter a karmic shift.
  • Under different stars, we could have been them.

Region Gate

  • It is worse than my dreams foretold.
  • Oblivion encroaches, circling in...!

Crossing Bridge

  • We are beyond the wards now... vulnerable.
  • We have trained for this - but are we ready?

Exiting Hospital

  • We leave better than we arrived.
  • Tending to the wounded as the world burns - noble, if futile.

Exiting Hoarder

  • His mind is as jumbled as his merchandise.
  • I shudder to think of how he accrued his wares.

Creature Den Success

  • Minor horrors in the scheme of things.

Creature Den Retreat

  • An unnatural gait to those creatures...

Exiting Oasis

  • Clean fingernails and rested mind - a rarity.
  • An oasis on the road is a rare blessing.

Exiting Watchtower

  • Oblivion opens her throat to us...
  • What is clear now is that everything depends on our success.

Exiting Academic's Study

  • Fascinating. Could we not go back for a second look?
  • Such an eclectic collection!

Cultist Encounter Success

  • Another abomination falls!

Cultist Encounter Retreat

  • I-I could never have imagined...

Mountain Cultist Encounter

  • The black-beast and I are aligned - they die here.
  • Their power wanes when they stray from the Abyss.
  • Banish them once more to the outer spheres!

Tangle Lair Success

  • Perhaps I will sleep unbothered tonight...

Tangle Lair Retreat

  • What haunts await us next we close our eyes...?

Foetor Lair Success

  • Life may return to these fields in time.

Foetor Lair Retreat

  • We are all but flesh in the jaws of something greater.

Sprawl Lair Success

  • So many precious volumes lost... yet we remain.

Sprawl Lair Retreat

  • The minds of "great" men - all rotten! All depraved!

Shroud Lair Success

  • Back to your trench, foul leviathan!

Shroud Lair Retreat

  • Strange tides, a stench that clogs the nose...

Exiting Oblivion's Ingress

  • TBA

Exiting Academic's Cache

  • We must tend our stores wisely.
  • A most fortunate find.



Specific Boss Barks


  • He would transmute knowledge into chaos! (Page Burner)

Harvest Child

  • MORE. WE REQUIRE MORE. (Eaten either meat)
  • I have hunger beyond your ken. (1 Stress, Ally eats meat while Harvest Hunger debuffed)

Focused Fault

  • It sees the beast within me! (Seen Tokens)
  • Am I man or creature? Perhaps you can ascertain. (Stress From Seen Tokens)
  • I am untethered, to be feared even by friends... (Stress From Seen Tokens)

Body of Work - Face Your Failure

  • Quiet your fear, your grief - it is time. (Being hovered over)
  • I alone am master of this body! (Being hovered over)
  • You know nothing of sacrifice! Away, shade! (Being Chosen)
  • Come to drag me to the void, have you? (Being Chosen)
  • I cannot relinquish this power - but I can wield it with restraint. (Defeated Failure)
  • You cannot frighten me. I know you. (Defeated Failure)

Road Type Reaction

Safe Path

  • Free for a moment's scrying.
  • In these quiet moments, find gratitude.
  • Wisely scouted.
  • Let us hope our good fortune holds.

Rough Path

  • I can't concentrate!
  • Rickety, damnable old wagon...
  • Disrupt me not!
  • Suns above!

Hazardous Path

  • Opposition is to be expected.
  • Premeditated? Perhaps.
  • The world is all debris...
  • Clean-up will take decades...

Combat Path

  • Let none deter us.
  • Deep is my hunger, at times...
  • We shall rid the road of vermin.
  • Black stars rise...

Oblivion Tear

  • My...mind...I can't...
  • The void is restless!
  • I knew I could not hold it back forever...!

Travelling Stress

Travelling Stress Heal

  • Perhaps there is hope for us yet...
  • We are not so dissimilar...
  • I accept you. We all do.
  • Chin up, shoulders back. We can do this.
  • The road is tough but we're going to make it.
  • Let us share tales of merrier times.
  • Come what may, we are united!
  • Hang in there.
  • Can I get you anything?
  • It's a long road, but we've got each other.
  • Want to share? I've got extra...
  • You're even tougher than you look.
  • I'm glad you're here, for what it's worth.
  • You're going to live. I won't hear otherwise.
  • At least we aren't facing this alone.
  • Maybe all hope is not lost...
  • There are times I almost feel hopeful.
  • I had a pleasant dream, for once...
  • Whatever comes, we are united.
  • Perhaps we'll find glory after all...
  • This world is worth saving.
  • We are making a difference out there.
  • Hope is seductive, isn't it?
  • We're making good time.
  • If this is my fate, I'm content.
  • All is not lost.
  • We will best these fiends!

Travelling Stress Damage

  • Buffoon!
  • We're not going to make it, are we?
  • Everywhere, the world comes undone...
  • Stuck in a coach with the likes of you - feh.
  • I'm hungry and tired!
  • This cursed coach is a bouncing racket!
  • Let me out of this blasted coach!
  • Here we are, four corpses in a rolling coffin...
  • I can't bear to look out the window...
  • It's like a nightmare out there.
  • Like rats in a trap...
  • What if it's all for nothing...?
  • Can I really trust you to have my back...?
  • Can't sleep. Awful food. Worse company.
  • A waking nightmare...
  • We never seem to make any progress...
  • Just leave me by the roadside.
  • This was all a mistake...!
  • We're driving in circles...
  • Are we lost?
  • This is not the life I dreamt for myself...
  • Everywhere we pass - ruin, destruction...
  • Fools, fools we are...
  • We were damned before we set off.
  • Why us? Why me?
  • I'm not crying...! Look away!
  • I grow so weary of this fight.
  • Would it be so bad to give in...?