Plague Doctor/Barks

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Landing a Critical Hit

  • Look how they wither and die!
  • One more cadaver for the cart.
  • Become as dust!
  • Excise the tumor!
  • I'll keep this bit for later!
  • Bones break and flesh tears!

Entering Death's Door

  • All flesh fails, in the fullness of time.


Becoming Fearful

  • I am no stranger to death, but how can one bear these horrors!
  • I have seen much pain. And yet the thought chills me.
  • Blood in my eyes… blood in my throat… blood…
  • ...pulse quickens… humours churn… body reacts…
  • So this is the death-bed fear, is it?

Stressing Party

  • The bell tolls for us!
  • The body stands, but the mind buckles.
  • My research fails us here. We must away!

Switching Position to the Back

  • Death reaches for me!
  • No... I am not prepared!
  • Their corruption is overwhelming!

Passing Turn

  • I... I am afraid!
  • N-no! I must consult my notes…
  • So c-c-cold… can't focus!

Camping Stress

  • I don't want to die down here...
  • Death lingers at the door...
  • If I die, leave my body here to feed the maggots.

Getting Hit by Enemy

  • I cannot die... Please! I have yet to prove myself!
  • This should not be possible! My recipe must be incorrect!

Enemy Missed Self

  • What?! But I warded against you!
  • Dammit! My repelling tonic isn't working!

Party Member Attack Misses

  • Death and dying feels so different on the receiving end...
  • You failed. And now death comes for us all.

Party Member Getting Hit

  • Death is coming. The all-devourer, the all-destroyer...
  • Here I am, death! CONSUME ME!

Party Member Missed by Enemy

  • I saw greatness in my future... Now I see shadow!
  • If we die, donate my body to the university.

Refusing to Move

  • The black breath... It goes in once, then nevermore...
  • The physiology of terror has gripped me. I cannot.

Refusing to Perform Camping Skills

  • Unpack my supplies here? With creatures about!?
  • No. My chemicals will attract the enemy.
  • There's no time for that! They are nearly here!


Becoming Paranoid

  • I see how you all conspire to end me!
  • This has all been a decoy to steal my formulas! Deny it!
  • You will not have my secrets! NO YOU SHALL NOT!
  • I hear the miasma... it whispers of suffering!
  • Stop breathing on me! I'll catch cold!

Stressing Party

  • The very air carries death upon it!
  • Even if we survive, more will follow!
  • Death has caught our scent. There is no escape.

Switching Position to the Back

  • You'll not have my formulae! They are MINE! MIIIIIINE!
  • My secrets are my own! Stay back!
  • They know I can wield plague and corruption! They hate me!

Passing Turn

  • Toxic conspiracies — I smell betrayal!
  • I must protect my formulae from prying eyes!
  • I demand a second opinion!

Random Action

  • I diagnose you all with treachery!
  • Do not doubt that I can smell your corruption.
  • Vile turpitude! I defy you!

Camping Stress

  • You're sick — all of you, sick!
  • Injuries can be treated. Emotional trauma however…
  • How many times must I remind you to WASH YOUR HANDS?

Attacking Party Member

  • You want my secrets! You would take them off my corpse!
  • You fear my knowledge. You cannot understand it!

Refusing to Retreat

  • Oh yes. And in our haste, we would simply abandon the loot.
  • And you'll come collect the loot later, I bet. Ha!

Getting Hit by Enemy

  • They can't be real! A hallucination!
  • I am weak... They have poison breath! Can you smell it?

Enemy Missed Self

  • I am attracting them somehow! My vapors must be off!
  • Foul creature! It knows my power!

Party Member Attack Misses

  • Your deception has been found out. Traitor!
  • Your trickery stands out like a rotting wound!

Party Member Getting Hit

  • That one is diseased! I see all the signs!

Party Member Missed by Enemy

  • How could they have missed? It defies all sense...
  • I am no fool. You have paid them to spare you. Deny it!

Refusing to Move

  • Detestable urchin! I'll not fall prey to your… guile!
  • I'd rather keep you where I can see you…

Refusing to Use Item

  • ...Did you wash that?
  • Ew, no. It may have... germs.

Refusing to Get Healed

  • I know medicine… I recognize a knife in the back!
  • Get away from me! Have you not trained at all?
  • Thank you, but may I recommend a career as a butcher?

Refusing to Get Buffed

  • I have studied medicine enough… I see you are but a knife in the back!
  • Does that have any proven medicinal effect?
  • There is no science in that! Shamanism, perhaps!

Refusing to Perform Camping Skills

  • Absolutely not. These formulae are too valuable.
  • They would try to copy my work. I cannot risk that.
  • No... no, I must save my supplies. For later...

Refusing to be Target of Camping Skills

  • This is not medicine. It's another of your fandangos.
  • I've no patience for your... nostrums.

Refusing to Eat while Camping

  • What, pray tell, is in this... "food?"
  • (sniff) Oh god! Smells of decomposing navel!


Becoming Masochistic

  • I can survive endless blight! Cast it upon me!
  • Injury is the source of infection... sweet infection.
  • Finally... the doctor becomes the patient!
  • Ah... my wounds fester... I must have MORE!
  • Cut me again, villain. My humours seed the night air!

Stressing Party

  • Blood and bone! We are all blood and bone!
  • These scars and wounds merely temper my flesh!
  • Do thy worst! You will not find me lacking!

Switching Position to the Front

  • I've seen a lifetime of horrors — come on then!
  • What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!
  • One more dance with death!

Random Action

  • Knowledge requires risk... and pain!
  • Nothing ventured, nothing gained!
  • I will go to any lengths to prove my theories!

Camping Stress

  • Hah! I don't even want the wounds to heal.
  • Must save these scabs for later.... ouch! ....ow!
  • ...and two drops of blood... Aye, that smarts!

Marking Self

  • Injure me! I can heal any wound!
  • Stand forth! Test the strength of my physic!

Damaging Self

  • When one is a healer, one is nearly immortal!
  • A scratch worries me not! Life and death are my playthings!

Refusing to Retreat

  • Every wound is the genesis of a new world.
  • No. I am testing my new pain-relieving tonic.

Getting Hit by Enemy

  • Yes... feed my blood to the crawling things!
  • Fools. If my blood were to somehow penetrate your flesh...

Enemy Missed Self

  • No... Kill me! Save me from myself!
  • This death could be quick. A luxury in these times.

Party Member Getting Hit

  • Work your evil on me, villain! I crave the knowledge of it!
  • No, me, me! I need wounds to feed my experiments!

Refusing to Move

  • There is a foul breeze where I stand. I must learn its nature.
  • No. I must keep these wounds out of the light. So they... improve.

Refusing to Use Item

  • I can heal myself, thank you.
  • Stop! I am testing a theory!

Refusing to Get Healed

  • Leave me — the pain fuels my focus.
  • Stay back. I am cultivating this wound... for science.
  • The body's natural healing will suffice today.

Refusing to Get Buffed

  • You're no more qualified than I.
  • The body and mind can o'ercome all. Watch.
  • I put my trust exclusively in the corporeal.

Refusing to Perform Camping Skills

  • ...I prescribe two parts placebo, one part hardship.
  • Sometimes blood is just as useful outside as in.
  • Preventing injury is not my area of study.

Refusing to be Target of Camping Skills

  • No thank you. I am training my immunity.
  • I prefer a good bleeding.

Refusing to Eat while Camping

  • I would rather expire slowly than eat this.
  • No. Fasting sharpens the instincts.


Becoming Abusive

  • You are all mewling babes. I will show you strength!
  • Silence! Or I'll expose you all to corrosive humours!
  • Your wake bears the linger of rotting flesh...
  • You halfwits are interrupting my concentration!
  • Uneducated brutes! The ignorance! The idiocy!

Stressing Party

  • Your wounds aid my studies immensely!
  • Hmmm... deformed at birth or merely hideous?
  • Gah! Your rank odors suggest a fungating wound!

Random Action

  • Medicine marks a new age, ignorant barbarians!
  • Yes, pray for salvation! Meanwhile, I will WORK for it!
  • You rely overmuch on luck. I prefer truth!

Camping Stress

  • Cross me and you'll wake up sick.
  • I marvel at some people's ignorance. For shame.
  • Conversation? No. …Vivisection? Very possibly...

Attacking Party Member

  • You are fouling my aim! Brute! Idiot!
  • You have more value as a cadaver for my experiments.

Party Member Attack Hits

  • Butcher! Absolutely no precision at all.
  • You make a better patient than a surgeon...

Party Member Attack Misses

  • No, NO! Where is your passion? Where is your focus?!
  • I can see your potential! And yet you spurn it!?

Party Member Getting Hit

  • …You would be worth more to me as a cadaver.
  • So many useful organs... all wasted on you.

Refusing to Move

  • Stop pestering me! Or I shall poison your grog!
  • You share my air too willingly. It is your loss, fool...

Refusing to Perform Camping Skills

  • Ha! My tonics are not for such weaklings as these!
  • In my professional opinion, nothing can be done for such sorry patients!
  • Why bother? You are all little more than meat.

Refusing to be Target of Camping Skills

  • You are unschooled, yes? Then I must decline.
  • I'll not risk sullying my physique with your bumbling efforts!


Becoming Selfish

  • If anyone gets out alive, it will be me!
  • Perhaps the party would make a donation to my research?
  • Surely you find my experiments to be of great value...
  • My fees just increased. Don't question me — I am a doctor!
  • Save the physic first! Else who will maintain your vigor?

Stressing Party

  • I won't end up a plaything for amateur physicians!
  • Don't touch the bodies until I've inspected them!
  • I claim their bodies... for science!

Switching Position to the Front

  • Let me through, I'm a doctor!
  • Step aside! Let a professional demonstrate!
  • I must make a record of their death! For science!

Switching Position to the Back

  • I won't be the one who ends up on the pile!
  • Shield me while I concoct another batch!
  • I must update my notes!

Passing Turn

  • Keep back — I'm quarantined!
  • It's my life! I'll decide how to spend it!
  • That would compromise my experiment!

Random Action

  • I must be allowed to continue my researches!
  • Nonsense! I shall not deviate from standard practice!
  • Not now! My work here is almost done!

Camping Stress

  • I bear the brunt of our troubles, and should be rewarded accordingly.
  • That's a nasty cough. Let me collect the spittle.
  • Urinate in this flask. No, you're fine — I just need it.

Getting Hit by Enemy

  • Dammit! My vials are broken! That will cost extra!
  • This was my favorite smock. Now you shall perish.

Party Member Attack Hits

  • Don't damage the brain! I need a sample!
  • Don't cut it up! I need it whole for my experiments!

Party Member Attack Misses

  • Gods. Move over. Let me show you how a professional does it.
  • You lack expertise, clearly. I can train you, for a fee...

Refusing to Perform Camping Skills

  • No. My supplies are not unlimited.
  • Mmmmm... treatment is unnecessary. Carry on.
  • (sigh) My time is too valuable for these trivialities!


Becoming Hopeless

  • Sorrow and toil… sorrow and toil.
  • Those fools will never respect my work...
  • So cold inside. Like a morgue.
  • I have nothing... I offer little more than a corpse.
  • These tests are fruitless! I verge on failure!

Stressing Party

  • How has it come to this?
  • It seems that true evil can indeed defy the intellect.
  • All my training, yet still I am incompetent...

Switching Position to the Front

  • I'm just another body for the pile.
  • There is no avoiding the coming death.
  • Finally... my turn to meet the Reaper.

Switching Position to the Back

  • Leave me to wither...
  • Death's cold embrace entraps my soul.
  • I withdraw, as an owl from the dawn.

Passing Turn

  • We're all infested with rotteness, anyway.
  • I see disembodied eyes... floating in arsenic...
  • And so my organs, too, shall adorn a university shelf...

Random Action

  • All my study, all for naught.
  • My work is a shambles! I have nothing to live for!
  • I'd rather die than face my peers in disgrace...

Camping Stress

  • Why press on? Let us wait here for sickness and death.
  • I have spilled my latest batch of plague. We're doomed.
  • Nonsense! There is no Light and no God! Just death!

Marking Self

  • If I must die, I am taking you all with me!
  • Approach! Approach, and know the Reaper as I have!

Damaging Self

  • There is only one proper, true way to test death...
  • And I shall be judged by all those who died under my knife...

Refusing to Retreat

  • (laughs softly) I'll not deny my body its final rest.
  • We have failed. But our bodies will feed so, so many...

Refusing to Use Item

  • There is no cure for the broken spirit...
  • I am too far gone... You waste your materials.

Refusing to Get Healed

  • My wounds are my own.
  • The cortex has already failed. Why spare the corpus?
  • There is no saving me. The wound already festers.

Refusing to Get Buffed

  • Your efforts are a bandage applied to a tumor.
  • No technique exists that can defy death.
  • No. If I die, it is the way of elan vital.

Refusing to Perform Camping Skills

  • My instincts are dulled... it is this blasted gloom.
  • ... Perhaps you should seek a second opinion.
  • No. "Auribus teneo lupum," as they say.

Refusing to be Target of Camping Skills

  • You would make a poor battlefield physician...
  • Save your arts... This patient is too far gone.

Refusing to Eat while Camping

  • I cannot eat while my research suffers...
  • Seems both my appetite and confidence have atrophied...


Becoming Irrational

  • Burst those boils! Leech those wounds!
  • Where did that scalpel go... Eh, I will find it later.
  • There are shapes cavorting in the mist. Look there!
  • My feet smell of gangrene! YOU — smell these!
  • Eureka! Bubonic plague and lavender TOGETHER!

Stressing Party

  • One heart, two lungs, two hands!
  • Is plague evil? Or evil plague? Evil? PLAGUE??
  • 1, 2, 3, 4, the human heart shall beat no more...

Switching Position

  • Coughing, choking, prodding, poking...
  • 5, 6, 7, 8, store the bodies in a crate...
  • Medice — cura te ipsum!

Passing Turn

  • Ring around the rosie, pocket full of posie...
  • No mortal can flee the black wind...
  • Here is the colour of death: light inverted.
  • 9, 10, 11, 12, in mind and body, I must delve...

Random Action

  • Ignorant professors - you will respect my studies, I swear it!
  • Pain is the kindling; death, fire.
  • Viscera painted on the cottage floor...

Camping Stress

  • The plague is not death, it is life.
  • Have you ever smelled a cadaver? (sigh) Exquisite.
  • If I could find my scalpel, I'd improve your face.

Marking Self

  • 17, 18, 19, 20, splatter the ground with blood aplenty!
  • We shall all know death. You sooner than others.

Attacking Party Member

  • The age of plague begins!
  • Fester and die, dear creature!

Damaging Self

  • I prescribe death.
  • Heather and lilac and juniper and lavender...

Refusing to Retreat

  • Coat thyself in this ointment. It will restore your courage!
  • Craven fool! Do you not see that death is a beginning?

Getting Hit by Enemy

  • The lob-lolly is dead! The lob-lolly is DEAD! (moan)
  • The blood is black... Scorched by sickness...

Enemy Missed Self

  • Split the skin. Break the ribs. Remove the lung.
  • A rare specimen indeed. Drain it and seal it in wax.

Party Member Attack Hits

  • Quickly! Staunch the bleeding! And get me leeches!
  • Excuse me — where is the apothecary? I've run out of mold.

Party Member Attack Misses

  • Two... yes two... two drops amaranth... NO, THREE!
  • Tiny creatures... infinitesimally small... Too small to see!

Party Member Getting Hit

  • Scrape out that wound and save it in this jar for me.
  • I smell gangrene about you. Like expensive perfume.

Party Member Missed by Enemy

  • Bones are like stone... MADE of stone... Shatter like stone!
  • Pop the skull. Drain the fluid. Find release...

Refusing to Move

  • Wounds heal slowly... Corruption moves quickly...
  • What is the speed of nature? Is there a fixed rate?

Refusing to Use Item

  • CAREFUL! I have been running an experiment here!
  • The black plague runs even this far. I can smell it.

Refusing to Get Healed

  • One germ helping another? Hah!
  • Tiny animals under glass... Smaller than sand...
  • Healing IS the disease, I tell you!

Refusing to Get Buffed

  • You, assist me? Ridiculous!
  • Approach any closer and I'll trepan you.
  • No. I am testing my pain threshold this day.

Refusing to Perform Camping Skills

  • I dub it "yersinia pestis." Yes. A fine name.
  • I cannot. I am too far behind on my note-taking.
  • I approach thee, fingers smeared with aconite...

Refusing to be Target of Camping Skills

  • (incoherent muttering)
  • 13, 14, 15, 16, excise the heart, the liver, the spleen...

Refusing to Eat while Camping

  • Nine, ten, eleven, twelve! Crack the ribs, then dig and delve!
  • Death floats on the wind... nests in my hand.


Becoming Stalwart

  • The prospect of death does not frighten me!
  • Even the will benefits from the immune response!

Reducing Own Stress

  • I have truly mastered life and death.
  • The corpus responds! Wounds heal — scars fade!


Becoming Courageous

  • We can survive illness or injury!
  • Do not underestimate the body. It is virile.

Reducing Party Stress

  • You see? No physic alive can match my arts!
  • Despair not! I will vaccinate you against the plague of evil!


Becoming Focused

  • Ill fortune will not deter me from my goal!
  • Armor is no defense against plague.

Buffing a Party Member

  • Yes... I see my tonic is finally taking effect.
  • And now you see the power of my ministrations. Go forth.


Becoming Powerful

  • A special mixture for my many enemies!
  • I will heal this afflicted land.

Buffing Party

  • Yes... My special batch is taking effect. (chuckle)
  • Such power... It has infected us all.


Becoming Vigorous

  • Ah... my tonics are taking effect.
  • Even steel cannot pierce a healthy immune system!

Self Healing

  • Another victory for the lymphatic glands.
  • No one may kill that which defies death.

Final Boss (Spoiler)


This article or section may contain spoilers about the final boss. You might want to avoid reading further if you don't want to spoil the surprise for yourself!

Raid failure banner.png
Not me! I am a learned scholar!
~ The Plague Doctor on being executed by the Heart of Darkness.