Runaway (Darkest Dungeon II)/Barks

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Landing a CRIT

  • And there's more where that came from!
  • These streets are ours!
  • Smells like payback.


  • Who knows what lurks at our back?!
  • We have to keep moving...!


  • Nngk. That one's deep.
  • Wrap this up or we'll leave a trail!


  • This fever! I can't see straight!
  • Heat with no fire? Devilry!


  • H-hello, old friend...
  • Mmm, how it BURNS!
  • I knew you'd come to brand my skin once more...


  • You ain't seen what I have out there...
  • I can't go back! I won't!
  • Everything I love tumbles to ruin!


  • All I touch becomes ash.
  • Keep your distance. I wouldn't trust me.
  • I can't fall behind! Please!

Torch Decrease

  • TBA

Entering Death's Door

  • TBA

Ally On Death's Door

  • TBA

Surviving Hit on Death's Door

  • TBA

Ally Surviving Hit on Death's Door

  • TBA

Hit by CRIT

  • TBA

Ally Hit by CRIT

  • TBA

Pushed by Enemy

  • TBA


  • TBA


  • You ain't chasing me out of another home!

Fog Appears (Shroud)

  • TBA

Fog Fades (Shroud)

  • TBA

Repairing Coach

  • What, you don't think I'm hurrying?!

Don't Leave Me

  • We ride together or not at all!

Positive Act Outs

Stress Healing Partner - General

  • TBA

Buffing Partner - General

  • TBA

Healing Partner - General

  • TBA

Combo Attack - General

  • TBA

Retaliation - General

  • TBA

Protection - General

  • TBA

Attacking Ally - General

  • TBA

Praise for Support Skill - General

  • TBA

Praise for Attack - General

  • TBA

Stress Heal in Coach - General

  • TBA

Stress Self in Coach - General

  • TBA

Stress Healing Partner - Hopeful

  • TBA

Buffing Partner - Hopeful

  • I'll stick around - for as long as you'll have me.

Praise for Support Skill - Hopeful

  • You... care about us, don't you?

Praise for Attack - Hopeful

  • TBA

Stress Heal in Coach - Hopeful

  • TBA


Stress Healing Partner - Amorous

  • Fight your way through to me!

Healing Partner - Amorous

  • Burn bright, my darling!

Protection - Amorous

  • I'd suffer worse for you.

Praise for Support Skill - Amorous

  • If we make it out, I'm keepin' you for myself.

Praise for Attack - Amorous

  • I'd expect nothin' less.

Stress Heal in Coach - Amorous

  • Keep me warm tonight, will you?

Stress Healing Partner - Respectful

  • TBA

Retaliation After Partner is Attacked - Respectful

  • I owned you one. Not that I'm keepin' track.

Combo Attack with Partner - Respectful

  • Let 'er rip!

Praise for Support Skill - Respectful

  • TBA

Praise for Attack - Respectful

  • TBA

Stress Heal in Coach - Respectful

  • TBA'

Negative Act Outs

Dealing Stress Partner - General

  • TBA

Insult for Support Skill - General

  • TBA

Insult for Attack - General

  • TBA

Attacking Ally - Hateful

  • TBA

Stress Damage on Ally - Hateful

  • TBA

Insult for Support Skill - Hateful

  • TBA

Insult for Attack - Hateful

  • TBA

Stress Damage on Ally - Suspicious

  • TBA

Stress Damage on Ally on Road - Suspicious

  • TBA

Insult for Support Skill - Suspicious

  • TBA

Insult for Attack - Suspicious

  • TBA

Stress Damage on Ally - Resentful

  • TBA

Stress Damage on Ally on Road - Resentful

  • TBA

Insult for Support Skill - Resentful

  • TBA

Insult for Attack - Resentful

  • TBA

Attacking Ally - Envious

  • TBA

Stress Damage on Ally - Envious

  • TBA

Stress Damage on Ally on Road - Envious

  • TBA

Insult for Support Skill - Envious

  • TBA

Insult for Attack - Envious

  • TBA


Adding Buff

  • TBA'

Guarding Ally

  • TBA'
  • TBA'
  • TBA'

Adding Token

  • TBA'

Follow Up Attack

  • Send 'em home limping!

Follow Up on Debuffed Enemy

  • TBA'

Healing Ally

  • TBA'
  • TBA'
  • TBA'

Revenge Attack on Enemy

  • TBA'
  • TBA'

Moving Positions - Positive

  • Trust me on this!'

Removing DoTs

  • TBA'
  • TBA'
  • TBA'

Stress Healing

  • TBA'
  • TBA'

Jealous of Buff

  • TBA'

Jealous of Guarded Ally

  • TBA'
  • TBA'
  • TBA'

Jealous of Token

  • TBA'

Jealous of Food (Unused)

  • TBA'

Jealous of Healing

  • TBA'
  • TBA'
  • TBA'

Moving Positions - Negative

  • TBA'

Jealous of DoT Removal

  • TBA'
  • TBA'
  • TBA'

Positive Road Banter

  • TBA'
  • TBA'
  • TBA'

Negative Road Banter

  • TBA'
  • TBA'
  • TBA'

Inn Items

Armor Repair Kit

  • My kit's mostly scraps, but we'll see...

Blasphemous Idol

  • Can't be picky with your luck on the road.

Book of Bawdy Tales

  • 'That's' what all the fuss was about?

BOOK: My time in the Desert

  • ... Lotta places I haven't been to yet.

Book of Creative Insults

  • Wait, is THAT how you pronouce it...?


  • Pretty words, but it's not about anything.

Boxing Gloves

  • Hah! Put 'em up! Best be quick!

Calming Incense

  • This smoke doesn't smell like smoke. Strange.

Candles and Chocolate

  • Let's see if my hammock can hold two.

Clarifying Poultice

  • Good for long nights on watch.

Clotting Poultice

  • Give it here. So I don't slow us down.


  • Hah! You wanna wager chores?

Ceremonial Drum

  • Just so long we don't spook the horses.

Slime Mold

  • Ech. If you heat it up it's even worse.
  • (If full) - Best save it 'til it's needed

Stale Bread

  • It's food. It's free. No complaints from me.
  • (If full) - Nah.

Apple and Cheese

  • And I didn't even have to steal it.
  • (If full) - I even ate the cores. ... What!

Steak and Spuds

  • I'll swap you my steak for more potatoes?
  • (If full) - I stomached what I could. That smell...


  • We can cook without stopping? Perfect.
  • (If full) - Leave me be. I'm full.

Holy Beads

  • *gulp* ... No! I'll try 'em! I'm not scared!

Impermeable Poultice

  • The sick fall behind. Not me.


  • Fine. I'll let you, but I won't like it.

Meditative Totem

  • I make my own luck.

Mop and Bucket

  • Choring is boring but no one's above it.

Nightshade Concoction

  • If I can't outrun Death, I'll cheat.


  • N-no! I don't deserve to forget!


  • Huh. All right. I'll give it a go.

Playing cards

  • No sneaky fingers, dealer! I'm watching!

Restorative Herbs

  • Yee-uck!

Roast Pig

  • I haven't eaten this good in... maybe ever.
  • (If full) - Not hungry yet. More's the pity.

Songbook of Amorous Ballads

  • We're here. We're breathing. Isn't that enough?

Songbook of Touching Dirges

  • Sounds like church songs. Pretty but sad.

Songbook of Rousing Tunes

  • We roar like flames! Let 'em hear us!

Soothing Poultice

  • Soothe the burn? Why would I want to...?

Speed Bag

  • A round with this and maybe a spar after!

Invigorating Stew

  • Never turn down a hot meal.
  • (If full) - Already had seconds when y'weren't looking.

Stimulating Poultice

  • Anything to stay a step ahead.

Stitching Kit

  • You better keep that hand steady...

The Wine

  • This is some real high-born stuff. Want a sip?

Tinned Delicacies

  • Look - y'can cook em in the firepit!
  • (If full) - Any fruits? Then no.

Knotted Tug Rope

  • Eh. Rope burns aren't the fun kind.

Wax Inoculant

  • These ain't times for the infirm.


  • Time to sharpen up the ol' rib-sticker.

Whiskey Barrel

  • ... Maybe we can relax for one night.

Whiskey Bottle

  • Sharing food and drink? ... Strange. But... okay.

Whiskey Flask

  • Usually prefer to keep a clear head...

Whittling Tools

  • Busy hands soothe the nerves.

Wild Tea

  • I dunno about this. Leaves one defenseless...

Morbid Joke

  • I... I don't get it.

Improvised Strategy

  • Can't we just try to sneak through?

The Very Best

  • TBA

Experimental Remedy

  • 'Ugggghhh'. I feel queasy.

War Paint

  • TBA

Tar-Filled Colambre

  • Heh heh. They never see me coming.
  • More fun than wine.
  • You're going to burn so hot...

Oddly-Tuned Lute

  • Huh. Been ages since I heard music.

Precious Collection

  • Oh wow, where'd you get these? They're beautiful!

Guided Meditation

  • I don't know... I don't like letting go.

Unique Reliquary

  • I don't pray, not anymore.

Book of Parries (Unused)

  • Oof. Can I practice with you?

Hero Shrines

Shrine 1

  • TBA

Shrine 2

  • TBA

Shrine 3

  • TBA

Shrine 4

  • TBA

Shrine 5

  • TBA

Shrine 6

  • TBA



  • Stock up, but don't dawdle! (+5 Flame, +Few Supplies)
  • Only if someone's keeping watch on the coach... (+5 Flame, -5 Stress)
  • Every moment we stall, they grow nearer. (Avoid)

Exiting Oasis

  • Hope that stop didn't cost us...

Creature Den

  • Smoke the bastards out! (Combat | +Vulnerable)
  • Looks awful closed-in... (Combat)
  • The void nips at our heels! We must continue! (-Flame, Avoid)

Resistance Encounter

  • They've spotted us - no witnesses! (Fight)
  • What's a few relics to save on bloodshed? (Avoid, lose Relics)

Resistance Encounter Success

  • We live to fight another day. Maybe less.

Resistance Encounter Retreat

  • TBA

Assistance Encounter

  • There's more useful things than these weird old bits. (-12 Relics, +30 Flame, ++Inn Items)
  • Can't buy hope with trinkets. (-12 Relics, +30 Flame, ++Food)
  • Why hoard what we have? (-12 Relics, +30 Flame, +1 Armor, +1 Wheel)
  • We don't have 'hours' to waste, but... (+45 Flame)
  • All right, where's my hammer? (+30 Flame, +1 Armor)
  • If our wheels fail us, we're in trouble... (+30 Flame, +1 Wheel)
  • We can help if you make it worth our while. (+30 Flame, +Combat Items)
  • We'll eat better tonight if we help 'em. (+30 Flame, +Inn Items)
  • When the flame's low, that's when they need us the most... (-5 Flame, ++Inn Items)

Exiting Assistance Encounter

  • TBA

Valley Assistance Encounter

  • TBA

Region Gate

  • TBA

Crossing the Bridge

  • We're on our own now.

Exiting Crossroads

  • TBA

Exiting Hospital

  • Glad for the help, but... she's a sitting duck.

Exiting Hoarder

  • TBA

Exiting Valley Hoarder

  • TBA

Exiting Watchtower

  • TBA

Exiting Hoarder

  • TBA

Academic's Study

  • I don't know much about wine, but it's free! (Vintage Collection)
  • All the more fun when you know nobody's home. [Sealed Doorway] (+Trinket, +Food)
  • If nothing else that frame looks valuable. [Unsettling Portrait]
  • Let's not linger. Never wanna meet whoever did this. [Thought Experiment] (Positive Quirk)
  • It knows my true name, and it calls... [Shambler's Altar] (-15 Flame, Combat)
  • Books! I had a little stash, hidden in the floorboards... [Timeworn Volumes] (+Books)

Exiting Academic's Study

  • Madmen pursing madness - I want none of it.

Cultist Encounter Success

  • TBA

Cultist Encounter Retreat

  • TBA

Tangle Lair Success

  • TBA

Tangle Lair Retreat

  • TBA

Foetor Lair Success

  • TBA

Foetor Lair Retreat

  • TBA

Sprawl Lair Success

  • Oh, you want to burn, do you?! Then BURN!

Sprawl Lair Retreat

  • TBA

Shroud Lair Success

  • TBA

Shroud Lair Retreat

  • TBA

Exiting Oblivion's Ingress

  • TBA

Exiting Academic's Cache

  • Nice find!

Specific Boss Barks


  • TBA

Harvest Child

  • TBA

Focused Fault

  • TBA

Body Of Work - Face Your Failure

  • We're out of road. Let's burn it down.
  • Whatever comes, I'm not going anywhere.
  • Nowhere left to hide...
  • The fire should have taken YOU!
  • You will burn me no more!
  • No more running. It's time to stand.



Travelling Stress

Travelling Stress Heal

  • Perhaps there is hope for us yet...
  • We are not so dissimilar...
  • I accept you. We all do.
  • Chin up, shoulders back. We can do this.
  • The road is tough but we're going to make it.
  • Let us share tales of merrier times.
  • Come what may, we are united!
  • Hang in there.
  • Can I get you anything?
  • It's a long road, but we've got each other.
  • Want to share? I've got extra...
  • You're even tougher than you look.
  • I'm glad you're here, for what it's worth.
  • You're going to live. I won't hear otherwise.
  • At least we aren't facing this alone.
  • Maybe all hope is not lost...
  • There are times I almost feel hopeful.
  • I had a pleasant dream, for once...
  • Whatever comes, we are united.
  • Perhaps we'll find glory after all...
  • This world is worth saving.
  • We are making a difference out there.
  • Hope is seductive, isn't it?
  • We're making good time.
  • If this is my fate, I'm content.
  • All is not lost.
  • We will best these fiends!

Travelling Stress Heal

  • Buffoon!
  • We're not going to make it, are we?
  • Everywhere, the world comes undone...
  • Stuck in a coach with the likes of you - feh.
  • I'm hungry and tired!
  • This cursed coach is a bouncing racket!
  • Let me out of this blasted coach!
  • Here we are, four corpses in a rolling coffin...
  • I can't bear to look out the window...
  • It's like a nightmare out there.
  • Like rats in a trap...
  • What if it's all for nothing...?
  • Can I really trust you to have my back...?
  • Can't sleep. Awful food. Worse company.
  • A waking nightmare...
  • We never seem to make any progress...
  • Just leave me by the roadside.
  • This was all a mistake...!
  • We're driving in circles...
  • Are we lost?
  • This is not the life I dreamt for myself...
  • Everywhere we pass - ruin, destruction...
  • Fools, fools we are...
  • We were damned before we set off.
  • Why us? Why me?
  • I'm not crying...! Look away!
  • I grow so weary of this fight.
  • Would it be so bad to give in...?
  • It's a nightmare made real out there.

Travelling Path Type Reaction

Safe Path

  • TBA

Rough Patch

  • Watch the cargo nets!
  • Don't you dare slow down!
  • Won't sleep at this rate.

Hazardous Path

  • They've made a mess of it!
  • Can't tell what's a trap and what's debris.
  • Don't stop!


  • TBA

Oblivion Tear

  • Th-the flame... it's gone black?!
  • My blood runs cold as ice...
  • Am I as ungrateful as Mother Abbess says...?