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Enemy Type {{{enemyclass}}}
Size {{{size}}}
Actions per round {{{turns}}}
Variation {{{varA}}} {{{varB}}} {{{varC}}}
HP {{{hpA}}} {{{hpB}}} {{{hpC}}}
HP (Stygian/Bloodmoon) 0 0 0
Dodge {{{dodgeA}}} {{{dodgeB}}} {{{dodgeC}}}
Protection {{{protectionA}}} {{{protectionB}}} {{{protectionC}}}
Speed {{{speedA}}} {{{speedB}}} {{{speedC}}}
Stealth Stealth None None None
Poptext stun.png Stun {{{stunA}}} {{{stunB}}} {{{stunC}}}
Blight Blight {{{blightA}}} {{{blightB}}} {{{blightC}}}
Bleed Bleed {{{bleedA}}} {{{bleedB}}} {{{bleedC}}}
Poptext debuff.png Debuff {{{debuffA}}} {{{debuffB}}} {{{debuffC}}}
Poptext move.png Move {{{movA}}} {{{movB}}} {{{movC}}}

| name =

| image =

| turns =

| enemyclass =

| size =

| varA =

| varB =

| varC =

| hpA =

| hpB =

| hpC =

| dodge =

| protectionA =

| protectionB =

| protectionC =

| speedA =

| speedB =

| speedC =

| stealthA =

| stealthB =

| stealthC =

| stun =

| blight =

| bleed =

| debuff =

| mov =

Enemy Type Eldritch
Size Large (2)
Actions per round Turnticker.pngTurnticker.pngTurnticker.png
Variation Thing Thing Thing
HP 106 148 191
HP (Stygian/Bloodmoon) 128 178 230
Dodge 0 8.75 21.25
Protection 0 0 0
Speed 2 3 4
Stealth Stealth None None None
Poptext stun.png Stun 85% 105% 125%
Blight Blight 40% 60% 80%
Bleed Bleed 33% 53% 73%
Poptext debuff.png Debuff 40% 60% 80%
Poptext move.png Move 25% 45% 65%