Jester/Butcher's Circus

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Jesterportrait butcher.png
Base Stats & Resistences
MAX HP 30 Poptext stun.png Stun 5%
DODGE 25 Poptext move.png Move 10%
PROT 0% Poptext poison.png Blight 30%
ACC MOD +0 Poptext bleed.png Bleed 25%
CRIT 8.0% Poptext debuff.png Debuff 55%
DMG 6-11 Deathsdoor.png Death Blow 75%
Other information
Movement 3 forwards, 3 backwards.
Crit Buff Bonus +40% Stress Healing Skills
Religious No

Combat Skills

(All buffs and debuffs last for 3 rounds unless otherwise specified.)

Dirk Stab#
Dirk Stab.png Range Rank Target Damage Accuracy Crit mod Effect Self
Yellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Red dot.pngRed dot.pngRed dot.pngGrey dot.png
+0% 90 9% Bypass Guard
+10% Death Blow Chance
Forward 1
Finale: +40% DMG (8 rds)
Further levels
Level 2 Base 100 0 None None
Level 3 Base 100 0 None None
Level 4 Base 100 0 None None
Level 5 Base 100 0 None None
Harvest.png Range Rank Target Damage Accuracy Crit mod Effect Self
Grey dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngGrey dot.png
Grey dot.pngRed dotr.pngRed dotl.pngGrey dot.png
-50% 85 4% Bleed (100% base)
4 pts/rd for 3 rds
Finale: +40% DMG (8 rds)
Further levels
Level 2 Base 100 0 None None
Level 3 Base 100 0 None None
Level 4 Base 100 0 None None
Level 5 Base 100 0 None None
Finale.png Range Rank Target Damage Accuracy Crit mod Effect Self
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Red dot.pngRed dot.pngRed dot.pngRed dot.png
+0% 150 9% Bypass Death's Door* Back 3
+100% Stress
(1 Battle)
Daze (3 rds)
Further levels
Level 2 Base 100 0 None None
Level 3 Base 100 0 None None
Level 4 Base 100 0 None None
Level 5 Base 100 0 None None
Limit: 1 Use per Battle

* Finale is able to kill heroes who are not on Death's Door yet, and without needing to make a Death's Door check, but it must reduce their HP to -1 or lower. Reducing their HP to exactly 0 will not trigger a Deathblow.

Solo.png Range Rank Target Damage Accuracy Crit mod Effect Self
Yellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngGrey dot.pngGrey dot.png
Red dotr.pngRed dotlr.pngRed dotlr.pngRed dotl.png
-100% 130
Stress Stress +12
Forward 3
Mark Self (3 rds)
+15 DODGE (4 rds)
Finale: +40% DMG (8 rds)
Finale: +8% CRIT (8 rds)
Further levels
Level 2 Base 100 0 None None
Level 3 Base 100 0 None None
Level 4 Base 100 0 None None
Level 5 Base 100 0 None None
Limit: 4 Uses per Battle
Mortal Wound#
Slice Off.png Range Rank Target Damage Accuracy Crit mod Effect Self
Grey dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngGrey dot.png
Grey dot.pngRed dot.pngRed dot.pngGrey dot.png
-33% 110 12% -20% Death Blow Resist (100% base) Finale: +40% DMG (8 rds)
Further levels
Level 2 Base 100 0 None None
Level 3 Base 100 0 None None
Level 4 Base 100 0 None None
Level 5 Base 100 0 None None
Battle Ballad#
Battle Ballad.png Rank Target Effect Self
Yellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngGrey dot.pngGrey dot.png
Yellow dotr.pngYellow dotlr.pngYellow dotlr.pngYellow dotl.png
+20 ACC (1 Battle) Finale: +40% DMG (8 rds)
Finale: +8% CRIT (8 rds)
Further levels
Level 2 None None
Level 3 None None
Level 4 None None
Level 5 None None
Limit: 1 Use per Battle
Inspiring Tune#
Inspiring Tune.png Rank Target Effect Self
Yellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngGrey dot.pngGrey dot.png
Yellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Stress -30
-20% Stress
Finale: +40% DMG (8 rds)
Finale: +8% CRIT (8 rds)
Further levels
Level 2 None None
Level 3 None None
Level 4 None None
Level 5 None None

Tactical Analysis

Using a Jester

The PvP version of Finale has the ability to bypass Death's Door, meaning that if it puts any enemy unit below 0HP they immediately die, without any regard to their Deathblow resistance. However, if Finale does just enough damage to put them to exactly 0HP, that enemy simply falls to Death's Door like normal. Finale is essentially the reason to run a Jester, so it's best to build around it. As the self-buffs to Finale can stack up to 280%, Finale can hit for 24-44 damage before accounting for buffs and crits, so he can kill the squishier units at a little less than full health.

Most Jesters are best placed at position 3 so that they can open with a Battle Ballad which gives a long-lasting ACC buff. Dirk Stab is a basic skill that puts the Jester in position for Finale but also has an oft-overlooked ability to bypass Guards and have a slightly higher Deathblow rate. This lets him contribute to battle significantly as he builds up to a good Finale, and as heroes dwindle he can contribute to stray Deathblows to turn the tides in your favor.

The last skill is dependent on preference. Harvest is great for spreading AoE Bleeds and can be combined with the Crushed Hemlock to inflict both Bleed and Blight to the enemy middle ranks. Mortal Wound can weaken the enemy's Deathblow resistance to help the Jester or his companions assassinate them. Inspiring Tune can be helpful in defending against single-target Stress attacks. Solo can help set up for a deadly Finale, but since its buffs are not too different from those provided by the rest of the Jesters' skills, it's one of the least-used skills in the repertoire.

Knowing when to use Finale is important if you run a Jester. Use it before you've built up enough damage, and you've wasted the attack and pretty much given the opponent a vulnerable, fragile unit to pick off. Hold it for too long, and you might lose the Jester before you get to unleash it. Ideally, Finale is best used on fragile but problematic targets like the enemy's healers or support units, but if your opponent is expecting you to use Finale they will work to prevent you from doing so by Stunning or moving the Jester or Guarding or healing your intended target. Try to keep at least two possible victims at low health so that the opponent doesn't know which one you intend to go for. You can also soften the entire enemy ranks by spreading Bleed and Blight around with your team. The Reaper Shroud will give a sizeable boost to his damage all-around and the raised ACC against low-health units makes Finale a guaranteed hit.

Fighting a Jester

Finale can seriously destroy your momentum if it lands on a vital unit, so do your best to keep the Jester from using it. He has a low Stun and Move resistance - a well-placed Stun can buy you enough time to heal your low-health units, while a knockback effect can keep him out of the front lines and deny use of Finale. The Jester's high DODGE can make him difficult to hit, so pack ACC buffs or Trinkets to ensure that your attacks make their mark. You can also Guard any threatened units to deter Finale, but be careful for the possibility of Finale just killing your guarding unit anyway. Never pull the enemy Jester forward, as it's an invitation to get one of your heroes killed on the spot.

After the Finale drops, the Jester becomes a lot more vulnerable, suffering a great DODGE penalty, 3 turns of Daze, and an incurable buff that raises Stress taken. This makes him easier to kill and break, but it doesn't mean you can ignore him, since he's still perfectly capable of landing Deathblows on your worn-down party. Pick him off quickly and the opponent has one less action available to them.


Trinket Image Trinket Name Rarity Class
Prestige Level Unlocked Effect Additional Notes
Inv trinket reaper shroud.png
Reaper Shroud Ringmaster Jester Prestige Level 14
  • +15% DMG
  • +3% CRIT
  • +20 ACC vs HP below 35%

Inv trinket well tuned lute.png
Well Tuned Lute Ringmaster Jester Prestige Level 35
  • +30% Stress Skills
  • -20% Stress

Inv trinket blood red coin.png
Blood-red Coin Ringmaster Jester Prestige Level 50
  • +20% Bleed Skill Chance
  • +25% DMG vs Bleeding
  • +10 ACC vs Bleeding

Inv trinket harlequin masque.png
Harlequin Masque Ringmaster Jester Prestige Level 56
  • +20% MAX HP
  • On Melee Attack Hit: Self: -10 Stress

Info Butcher's Circus
Heroes Abomination Antiquarian Arbalest Bounty Hunter Crusader Exclusive to The Crimson Court DLCFlagellant Grave Robber Hellion Highwayman Houndmaster Jester Leper Man-at-Arms Exclusive to The Musketeer DLCMusketeer Occultist Plague Doctor Exclusive to The Shieldbreaker DLCShieldbreaker Vestal