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Landing a Critical Hit

  • Blood in the mud.
  • Petals must fall.
  • Rain in the forest.
  • Summer before the Fall.
  • Fog before sunrise.
  • The tide rises. And the tide falls.

Entering Death's Door

  • An end to my torment, at last?


Becoming Fearful

  • A tunnel carved in ice. A guttering torch.
  • Swarms of summer larks, fleeing the autumn wind.
  • All must come to ruin. There is no escape.
  • Do not resist the end. Anguish is the sure result.
  • Now we come to it... The vision is cloaked in black.

Stressing Party

  • Mists on the moor! Shadows marshaling in the gloom!
  • Now it comes to it, I am not ready for release!
  • Take me quickly. I have suffered overlong.

Switching Position to the Back

  • At the press of twilight, the sun flees.
  • Even mighty summer yields to awesome winter.
  • Deer before the forest fire...

Passing Turn

  • Even the mighty tiger is wary of the cobra.
  • You take advantage of my death wish. For shame.
  • I may be doomed, but I'm not suicidal.

Camping Stress

  • Hot breath and blood-stained ivory...
  • The bountiful glen pales before the death-chill...
  • We should keep moving. The enemy is close...

Getting Hit by Enemy

  • (gritting teeth) It cuts... too deep. To the fire within.
  • How I have longed to die... And yet now I long to survive.

Enemy Missed Self

  • Gods! Don't let it touch me!
  • Bloody cretin has my scent!

Party Member Attack Misses

  • No... This is NOT how it's supposed to end.
  • Vultures know our names. They have staked us out...

Party Member Getting Hit

  • One step too far... one step and it's all over...
  • Here it is. The end of my time. Finally...

Party Member Missed by Enemy

  • I rather had hoped to die in victory...
  • Good news is, it'll be a quick end.

Refusing to Move

  • Nay. My firm stance is all I have left.
  • Stop running about. Accept death with grace.

Refusing to Perform Camping Skills

  • A white star, alone in the night-strong void.
  • Such darkness... such darkness...
  • The animal is still. Like a corpse. Awed by death.


Becoming Paranoid

  • Lions in the savanna. A lone campfire.
  • Red rubies glitter in the trove of night.
  • A white rabbit. Heart pounding, limbs ablaze...
  • We are not alone here.
  • They will come for us soon. It is inevitable.

Stressing Party

  • Watch our flanks. They will attempt a pincer attack.
  • Good sailors obey the rats; the captain, only sometimes.
  • There must be more of them... stay watchful.

Switching Position to the Back

  • The smell of my sickness attracted them. This is my fault.
  • I am like blood in the water to them. I endanger the mission.
  • I know them. From a battle long ago... They have come for me.

Passing Turn

  • The hare knows wherefore the fox stalks...
  • No. I must be ready to defend the flanks.
  • The mouse scampers, but the owl senses trickery...

Random Action

  • The owl hunts alone.
  • Cross paths with the panther and beware.
  • You all mock me? I reject it!

Camping Stress

  • The sky itself knows not where lightning may strike.
  • ... They know I am ill. They will try to trick me...
  • If they let me die, their percentage increases...

Attacking Party Member

  • There are few things so dangerous as a trusted ally.
  • The noose-rope has two ends, my "good friend."

Refusing to Retreat

  • Sorry, friend. I'll not let you besmirch my honor so.
  • You've wanted us to fail all along. I saw it in your eyes.

Getting Hit by Enemy

  • They know all my maneuvers. As if trained for them...
  • You wait. More will come.

Enemy Missed Self

  • They turn against me. They know I am weak.
  • I am blood in the water...

Party Member Attack Misses

  • Are you hiding booze? You must be drunk to miss like that!
  • I think our ally is keeping secrets from us...

Party Member Getting Hit

  • The end is upon us. I go with a tranquil mind.
  • The death-bell tolls for us... Soon now.

Party Member Missed by Enemy

  • Even I could not have dodged that blow...
  • I think our ally is keeping secrets from us...

Refusing to Move

  • The constant pursuit of the ideal situation is a sin.
  • The chain is only so strong as its weakest link...

Refusing to Use Item

  • You seem to extend my suffering? How cruel.
  • You do me a great indignity. Perhaps that is your wish...

Refusing to Get Healed

  • You seek to prolong my life? What cruelty is this?!
  • I doubt you have the needed expertise. No one does...
  • Poor foragers must know their mushrooms well...

Refusing to Get Buffed

  • I must rely only on myself...
  • If magic was real, would I be in this sorry state?
  • No... Willpower alone will carry me through.

Refusing to Perform Camping Skills

  • ...the endless tintinnabulation of funeral bells...
  • A lonely snowflake, last to go before the rising...
  • They have us. It is only a matter of time.

Refusing to be Target of Camping Skills

  • Why would you seek to extend my pain?
  • I don't need your pity. Nor anyone's.

Refusing to Eat while Camping

  • This will put an end to all of us. Is that your plan?
  • There's no need to hasten me demise. I'll go soon enough.


Becoming Masochistic

  • She eats only what she makes, the ailing dowager.
  • To the lizard, it is clear: sacrifice or death.
  • Pain is an affectation. Only death is real.
  • Carve away the numb flesh and expose the man within.
  • The dead long for torture -- to FEEL once more!

Stressing Party

  • I was a soldier. I've a long acquaintance with pain.
  • Work quickly. I wish to depart soon.
  • You can do nothing worse than what nature has already done.

Switching Position to the Front

  • Yessss... cut away the dead meat. Search out my soul.
  • A moth unto Flame!
  • I have a few lives left to burn...

Random Action

  • Please... I grow weary of hope.
  • Ants marching blindly towards the spider's trap.
  • I tire of these formalities. Let me die now.

Camping Stress

  • If I sleep at the edge, they'll take me first...
  • Fire... Fire might burn away the pain...
  • How I long to cut away this corrupted flesh...

Marking Self

  • Pain and pleasure... in equal measure.
  • Hurt me. Make me FEEL again!
  • Come join my dance -- I and the Reaper.

Damaging Self

  • That tendon was doing me little good anyway.
  • I am not afraid of pain. Quite the opposite.

Refusing to Retreat

  • No. Every fresh wound erases my memory of the last.
  • Though it burns the eyes, is the sun not beautiful?

Getting Hit by Enemy

  • Each wound takes me closer to bliss.
  • Yes. Relieve me of this life. Do it.

Enemy Missed Self

  • And life trudges onward, oblivious and stubborn.
  • The fire takes the grass, but spares the rotting elm.

Party Member Getting Hit

  • No mercy for the cripple, I see. SIGH.
  • Let me fight that one! So bloody and savage...

Refusing to Move

  • Begone. I depart soon, and I have chosen this spot.
  • Leave me to my death. Here, it shall come quickly.

Refusing to Use Item

  • Pay me no mind, child. Death is only an inconvenience.
  • No thank you, I barely feel it.

Refusing to Get Healed

  • No. I'd be nothing without the pain.
  • I live in constant pain - it is a part of me!
  • Don't you see that I am grateful for the pain?

Refusing to Get Buffed

  • You have not learned... I LONG to die in battle!
  • Save your efforts. Nothing rejuvenates like pain.
  • My spirit is immune to this treatment. I need pain.

Refusing to Perform Camping Skills

  • Come now. Nothing can prevent death.
  • Why not embrace death instead?
  • You seek to forestall the inevitable. And I sympathize.

Refusing to be Target of Camping Skills

  • My pain alone shall be my protection.
  • No. I must keep my head clear of distractions.

Refusing to Eat while Camping

  • As long as my belly hungers, my blood flows.
  • Yearning begets yearning. And I yearn for victory.


Becoming Abusive

  • The human race is a litter; these, the runts.
  • They rush, these lemmings, to the cliff's edge...
  • Even dogs know when the meat is tainted...
  • You fight death like a child fights aging.
  • Yes... pray. What we need now is more noise.

Stressing Party

  • You are a crack in crystal - profaning the precious!
  • You worm. Crawl from the mud and die in the rain!
  • Pathetic little things. Fighting unto your end.

Random Action

  • Shame!
  • I am the fury of an empire!
  • ... You know, I could recommend a good war college.

Camping Stress

  • Light, kill me in my sleep. Spare me these fools.
  • My companions somehow smell worse than my bandages...
  • Huh. They let anyone carry a weapon these days.

Attacking Party Member

  • I'll not waste my last days at your side! Perish!
  • Another fool for the Reaper. Sigh.

Party Member Attack Hits

  • Hmm. With training, you might prove competent.
  • There are better ways to fill a teacup than with a storm...

Party Member Attack Misses

  • You do not paint a flattering picture of your kind...
  • When we're done here, I'll teach you how to fight properly.

Party Member Getting Hit

  • As wheat from the chaff...
  • So many weeds in the garden. Tsk tsk tsk...

Refusing to Move

  • Incompetence and idealism are not so very different...
  • Only a coward requires perfection.

Refusing to Perform Camping Skills

  • Bright as the sun, feeble as the worm. Sigh...
  • Come again? You could not possibly be so foolish.
  • ... You do have military training, yes? ... Oh my.

Refusing to be Target of Camping Skills

  • Enough! Let me be, blaggart!
  • Just sit down. I do not need your nursemaiding.


Becoming Selfish

  • Alms for the sick?
  • Ants at a spring picnic. Wine spilled in the heath.
  • I fight at the fore. Who better to lead a suicide-charge?
  • All cloth we scavenge goes to me. I have needs...
  • Give me your spoils - I suffer more hardship than you can know!

Stressing Party

  • I've been sold a river, and yet I go thirsty...
  • They gave me the reins. But where is my warhorse?
  • There ought to be a bonus for the senior heroes...

Switching Position to the Front

  • Death is inevitable. But the cause is my choice alone.
  • I will die here. Move aside.
  • My time has come.

Switching Position to the Back

  • It is not my time. Soon, though.
  • I cannot die now! The stars, they... are not aligned!
  • Death is inevitable. I'm just... postponing it.

Passing Turn

  • Though doomed, I'll not spend this life thoughtlessly!
  • Only if you agree to a state funeral.
  • A poor tactic. Let me think of a better one...

Random Action

  • I have dispensed with captains. For now I go alone.
  • The slave soon covets his master's power.
  • Let me show you something of my experience.

Camping Stress

  • Pass the drink. My sores need cleansing.
  • Now... I must rest. Please keep quiet.
  • Silence! I need rest to maintain my strength!

Getting Hit by Enemy

  • I have limited blood. Let us spend it... wisely.
  • My time is short. Let us not waste it.

Party Member Attack Hits

  • Good. Clearly, there's no need to overexert myself.
  • You fight well. Handle things while I take a rest.

Party Member Attack Misses

  • Stand aside. This one is meant only for me... I can feel it.
  • You should leave this one to the soldiers.

Refusing to Perform Camping Skills

  • There is better time to use that. I will let you know.
  • I have done enough. It is soon time to rest.
  • Blazes of glory don't come cheap, you know...


Becoming Hopeless

  • A crack in the chamber room window. Snow swirls in...
  • Cobwebs in the dining hall. Weevils in the crust!
  • The blade is broken.
  • Even steel may shatter in the cold.
  • We march only to ruin.

Stressing Party

  • No sparrow lives that cannot fly.
  • Blood and rain in the muddy bootprints...
  • Just one more suicide mission... one more...

Switching Position to the Front

  • My last ounce of bravery. It spills out, bloody.
  • The dam breaks. Life flows, reckless, enraged.
  • Death would be a most blissful freedom.

Switching Position to the Back

  • I have stolen the place of youth and power. I recede.
  • Even the mighty bear must flee a coming storm.
  • The sun sets e'er the gloom of night...

Passing Turn

  • I will not. Blame me if you like. I am expendable.
  • I die soon, yet I hold out for a more glorious end.
  • I have lived long. But have I lived well?

Random Action

  • Our plans have failed. My fate is mine alone.
  • I would prefer to die this way. Thank you.
  • No... No, the moment is lost.

Camping Stress

  • The wind cannot stop. It blows forever... Immortal.
  • Shall I never be free of this mortal coil?
  • I feel it... tomorrow shall be my last.

Marking Self

  • Empty shells rolling in the surf! ALL EMPTY!
  • There is no glory. But there is death! COME, VILLAINS!

Damaging Self

  • I've fought and fought... and for what?
  • I delude myself, that there is honor in suffering.

Refusing to Retreat

  • No. My end has come and passed a hundred times.
  • I... I can take no more joy, no pain. I've had my fill.

Refusing to Use Item

  • There's no point in easing my pain.
  • I have lived on the edge of death for years. Why fight now?

Refusing to Get Healed

  • You pretend to value my company. But I see the truth.
  • No. Leave me to my cursed fate.
  • If you want to help, just end my suffering.

Refusing to Get Buffed

  • You have no pity. Just let me go.
  • You would help a sick man to suffer in anguish...
  • You prune the ivy, though it is almost February.

Refusing to Perform Camping Skills

  • Why tempt the inevitable? It will come in time.
  • You seek glory? It is a mad game. A drunken dance.
  • There is little difference between survival and greed.

Refusing to be Target of Camping Skills

  • Tend the dying tree all you like. It still goes to seed.
  • Gold is worth nothing at the bottom of the sea.

Refusing to Eat while Camping

  • I feel the end coming. I go to it willingly...
  • No. I must go to my end in a pure state.


Becoming Irrational

  • (desperate gasping and gurgling)
  • Grey seven apple-court in Autumn. Battle-born.
  • Where what blade throne calls under winter.
  • I sailing-ship course. Wander heaven thrice!
  • (incoherent moaning)

Stressing Party

  • Yearn cobra in elder days. A forest of black.
  • Iron sleeps in sunshine. Grey. Redemptive.
  • Standard bearer sleeps cold moorland. Blazing charge.

Switching Position

  • Pound severed in the abattoir! Betray the morning star!
  • Return of Spring. Call down the galleons. Nightly.
  • Rage in the armory. Sell-swords bargain. Inheritance.

Passing Turn

  • Twilight culture. Smell it. Orchids have meat.
  • Swamp in the heather. Summon the grapefruit cavalry.
  • Henceforth the lark. Rendezvous with the manoeuvre.

Random Action

  • Gather winds nighttime journey. Ration wheat.
  • Mead and forgery. Barter for the goat. Midwives.
  • Solemn burn catch the rugged breeze. Nighttime elated.

Camping Stress

  • Hinterland prison death-march. Blanket all the land.
  • Rage begets springtime. Cold essays on murder.
  • Augustine hearth-fire maidens, farm and forge. Yes.

Marking Self

  • Blade rakes and tines. Field the war-children.
  • Separate the tree. Abolish the reign of coastlines.

Attacking Party Member

  • Amber knick-knacks glow nightly. Abroad in the beam.
  • Passage for buttercups. Slip into dream-state. Worship.

Damaging Self

  • Cold wayfarers, eating dishonored. Brains on the hearth.
  • Cherry blossom axe heads. Raking the dead. Fielding fire.

Refusing to Retreat

  • Jupiter bleating, my ghoulish sundial. Fare so long and high.
  • Grander long time, rage and sorrow. Seven is right. Now!

Getting Hit by Enemy

  • Yonder blights call the mist. In the black heather.
  • Bleak lands fall seaside, and mares despair of time.

Enemy Missed Self

  • Lemongrass and honey. Goose, apples, bread-beer. Milk.
  • Blackened balustrades. The foxes hunt the dogs.

Party Member Attack Hits

  • Wool pepper drives the whirling sou'wester. Mmm. Yes.
  • Caution bans the twilight, hammer-like. Summon the fish.

Party Member Attack Misses

  • Tidings told in the half-twilight. Leeches gambol amidships.
  • Helen is beholden, barrow-ward. Call to her. Say "liar."

Party Member Getting Hit

  • Threading the weave, flounder cold in the yellowing.
  • Fish oil wasted on the ramparts. Slime down the abbey.

Party Member Missed by Enemy

  • Hinder maypole's cinder blossom. Break aside for galleons.
  • Sunder the hinterlands. Call for a hero. Brazen teapot!

Refusing to Move

  • Feel cold temple stone, wooden and rifled. Blade awakens.
  • Now approach winter and stone-setting, silvered and rotten.

Refusing to Use Item

  • The flesh weakens and crumbles away!
  • Dust and wind and paradise beyond the gate.

Refusing to Get Healed

  • Under mountain passes the fold. Lovely. Lovely.
  • Blade rot ramparts. Straw-white in the window.
  • Grass in the ice fields. Adrift in the clouds.

Refusing to Get Buffed

  • Nine-fold gateways lurk topside. In light. In dark.
  • The hatchways burn. Cover her head. Feathers. Death.
  • Elaborate scripture. The enormity of calligraphy.

Refusing to Perform Camping Skills

  • Black rain wonder seven tide. On the moorhead.
  • Go forth, flustermuffin. Fruit and beggars and bastards.
  • Call down rage on glory. Betwixt the haze and teatime.

Refusing to Eat while Camping

  • Stand down, potter. Knife seance blathering moonlight.
  • Cold cathedral wanders reservoir. Light ripple deeps.


Becoming Stalwart

  • The blackest night yields to brightest dawn.
  • A glorious end is upon us.

Reducing Own Stress

  • The snow-bells bloom in January.
  • The sun is brightest after darkest night.


Becoming Courageous

  • We have become as steel.
  • Mountains defy the consuming sea.

Reducing Party Stress

  • Wounds do not disturb me. Let me wash them.
  • My suffering has granted me a modicum of power...


Becoming Focused

  • The storm infuriates the sea...
  • The honeybee to his nectar, by the queen's command.

Buffing a Party Member

  • Your warrior soul blooms. A wildflower after a fire.
  • You have the killing eye. Turn it towards our victory.


Becoming Powerful

  • A river-dragon in the heart of the ocean.
  • Nothing stands in the path of an avalanche.

Buffing Party

  • Power is the gift of fearlessness. It is always so.
  • No death for you today, save that which you sow.


Becoming Vigorous

  • The death-cap grows -- thrives -- in the shade.
  • The reaper is well known to me. I do not fear him.

Self Healing

  • I suppose I must be grateful, to go on surviving.
  • Sigh. And so my soul stubbornly clings to life.

Final Boss (Spoiler)


This article or section may contain spoilers about the final boss. You might want to avoid reading further if you don't want to spoil the surprise for yourself!

Raid failure banner.png
Spare the others, I am ready.
~ Leper on being executed by the Heart of Darkness.