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Template-info.svg Documentation

This template displays a table of Darkest Dungeon II hero skills by their paths. Skills are listed from top to bottom, and paths from left to right. All paths except Wanderer are hidden by default and may be expanded.


The template accepts input using a table-like syntax:

  • The first input row must contain all the path names.
  • The second row contains short descriptions for each path.
  • Each of the following rows contains information for a skill. A cell may be left blank if there is no path-specific version of that skill.

In fact, each cell can be be filled with arbitrary information. For example, the Highwayman's Second Shot may be placed in the same cell as Sharpshot.



|First Path
|Second Path
|Third Path
|First Path Description
|Second Path Description
|Third Path Description
|...<br><br>...<br><br>First Skill First Path Description<br><br>...<br><br>...
|...<br><br>...<br><br>First Skill Second Path Description<br><br>...<br><br>...
|...<br><br>...<br><br>Second Skill First Path Description<br><br>...<br><br>...
|...<br><br>...<br><br>Second Skill Third Path Description<br><br>...<br><br>...


First Path#Second Path#Third Path#
First Path Description
Second Path
Second Path Description
Third Path
Third Path Description


First Skill First Path Description


Second Path


First Skill Second Path Description


Third Path
No path-specific skill changes.


Second Skill First Path Description


Second Path
No path-specific skill changes.
Third Path


Second Skill Third Path Description



Known Issues

For some reason it is not possible to call Lua modules with arguments that include HTML tags with attributes. For example, <span class="some-class">this span</span> will not get rendered. This is probably due to security reasons. It is mildly annoying, but not too difficult to work around: text formatted with templates still gets rendered. See the code in the following example:

First Path#Second Path#Third Path#
For some reason text formatted with templates (e.g. Bleed5) can render, but HTML tags with attributes cannot be rendered.
Second Path
See the code of this table for more information.
Third Path


First Skill First Path Description


Second Path


First Skill Second Path Description


Third Path


First Skill Third Path Description




This template is a thin wrapper around Module:PathSkillsTable. See the module for more information.