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PageTabber is a Lua module that functions like Tabber but links to separate pages instead of rendering all content on the same page, e.g.:

(Page content goes here.)

Produced by the code like the following:

|Module:PageTabber|This Module Page

See the source code to see how the tabs are generated in each example.


The module only has a single endpoint, render. Tabs are specified using a syntax similar to normal wikilinks or tables:

  • A tab consists of a link, optionally followed by a label and some options, for example |link|label|options.
  • Tabs are separated by a single - character, for example |-.
  • Extraneous arguments and leading or trailing white space will be ignored.

Base Pages and Sub-pages

An optional base parameter may be provided, in which case all pages will be assumed to be sub-pages of a given base page. E.g., the following code:

|base=Hellion (Darkest Dungeon II)

produces the following output:

(Page content goes here.)

A blank link argument as in the example above will generate a link to the base page itself.

Highlighting a Tab

Normally the tab corresponding to the current page is highlighted; however, sometimes it is useful to override this behaviour by manually specifying the link to be highlighted using the optional argument highlight. This is useful when building multiple stacked layers of tabs: in the example below the current page is Pets, but its containing category, Stagecoach Items, is also highlighted:

|highlight=Stagecoach Items


(Page content goes here.)


Certain flags or options may be added as the third argument of any tab. Currently there is only one option available.


A tab may be marked as optional, specifying that it should not be rendered if it links to a non-existent page. This is useful when making pages for upcoming patch changes, since the page may be deleted after the patch is released.

Without optional:

(Page content goes here.)

With optional:

(Page content goes here.)


Note that as with all Lua modules, this module should not be called directly from content pages; rather you should use a template wrapper or create one if it does not exist.

local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
local TableParser = require('Module:TableParser')

local rowFmt = '<ul class="page-tabs" role="tablist">%s</ul>'
local linkFmt = '[[%s|%s]]'
local tabFmt = '<li class="%s" role="tab">%s</li>'
local tabClass = "page-tab"
local highlightClass = "page-tab-highlight"

local function _render(args, highlight)
	local base = args.base
	local tabs = TableParser.parse(args, function (idx, tab_args)
		if #tab_args == 0 then

		local link = tab_args[1]
		local label = tab_args[2]
		local options = string.lower(tab_args[3] or "")

		if label == nil or label == '' then
			if base ~= nil and link == "" then
				-- Special case
				label = base
				label = link

		if base ~= nil then
			-- Base page
			if link == "" then
				link = base
			-- Sub-page
				link = base .. "/" .. link

		local optional = options:find('optional')

		-- Highlighted tab
		if link == highlight then
			return tabFmt:format(highlightClass, label)
		-- Other tabs
		elseif (not optional) or then
			return tabFmt:format(tabClass,
				linkFmt:format(link, label))
	return rowFmt:format(table.concat(tabs))

local function render(frame)
	local args = getArgs(frame, {removeBlanks=false})
	-- Highlight current page by default.
	local current = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().prefixedText
	local highlight = args.highlight or current
	return _render(args, highlight)

return {