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Pets may be unlocked in The Intrepid Coast.
A little company for the long ride ahead.
~ The Academic

Pets are a special kind of Stagecoach Item in Darkest Dungeon II. Pets grant a wide variety of buffs to Heroes, often synergising with other Stagecoach Items.

Unlike other Stagecoach Items, pets have their own slot on the Stagecoach and once equipped, cannot be removed for the duration of the expedition. All unlocked pets will appear at the first Inn in The Valley at the beginning of each expedition. Pets may be unlocked by spending Candles of Hope Candles of Hope at The Intrepid Coast.

List of Pets

Image Pet Description
Pet wolf.png
Orphan Wolf Cub
+5% Stress RES per Luxury Gear Equipped
+10% Positive Relationship Chance
Pet snake.png
Pygmy Pliskin
+10% Healing Received from Skills per Medical Gear Equipped
Random Hero after each location: Heal 10%
Pet owl.png
Unnatural Owlet
+5% Debuff RES Piercing per Tinker's Gear Equipped
Increased chance of producing items from Stagecoach Items
Pet rabbit.png
Reanimated Rabbit
+1 Speed per Food Gear Equipped
+1 HP per 4 Food in Inventory
Pet slime.png
Mucilaginous Slime
+5% Debuff RES per Road Gear Equipped
Increased Chance of Looting Items from Road Debris
Pet shrieker.png
Shrieker Chick
+2% CRIT per Scouting Gear Equipped
+2 quantity of looted BAUBLES
Pet carrion eater.png
Larval Carrion Eater
Gain On Killing Blow: Corpse: Heal 30%, Block, Crit
Pet croc.png
Hatchling Crocodilian
When Moving: +3% DMG (1 Battle), -1 Speed (20%) (1 Battle)
Pet tick.png
Crimson Tick
Gain On Killing Blow Chance to produce The Blood (8%)
Pet shambler .png
Shambler's Spawn
Unlocks the potential of Cultist Trinkets
-100% Location & Route Scouting
+200% Oblivion Ingress Scouting
+33% Oblivion Ingresses
Catacombs pet cat.png
Purloiner Felid Exclusive to Inhuman Bondage
Applies various effects via Cat Food

Purloiner Felid Combat Item exclusive to Exclusive to Inhuman Bondage Inhuman Bondage. Can be purchased from stores and found in Assistance Encounters if Purloiner Felid is equipped.

Image Combat Item Effects
Catacombs cat food.png
Cat Food Exclusive to Inhuman Bondage
[1 Target]
Stacks 4
Bleed1 (5%)
If Food Gear is equipped: +20% Damage over Time RES
If Tinker's Gear is equipped: Add 1 Positive Token
If Medical Gear is equipped: Regeneration2
If Scouting Gear is equipped: +15 Flame
If Road Gear is equipped: +1 Armor or +1 Wheel
If Luxury Gear is equipped: -1 Stress


  • The relationship chance buff from Wolf Cub is applied twice, making it an effective +20% to getting positive relationships.
  • The Unnatural Owlet increases the weight chance of producing items by 1.
    • Alembic & Retort, Chirurgeon's Mixing Kit, Mortar & Pestle, and Pot & Still have a 1/4 (25%) chance of producing something, which Unnatural Owlet increases this to a 2/5 (40%) chance.
    • Worktable Loom, Tinker's Bench, Explosives Magazine, Trapmaker's Kit, Stew Pot, and Griddle have a 1/5 (20%) chance to produce items, which Unnatural Owlet increases this to a 2/6 (33.̇3%) chance.
  • The HP HP bonus from Rabbit also increases the amount gained from +X% HP effects, such as food or trinkets.
    • For example, giving the Highwayman the Stale Bread item (+20% HP) would normally give him an additional +7HP points, due to him having a maximum health of 35 (35*0.2=7). However, if there is enough food present in the player's inventory to get him to 60 health solely through Rabbit's effect, the Stale Bread would actually bring his HP to 72 (60*0.2=12).
  • The Mucilaginous Slime has triple the chances of getting Food and Combat items. From relics is double.
    • Overall it raises the chance of obtaining something from road debris from a 1/8.5 chance to a 1/4 chance.
  • The speed debuff from the Hatchling Crocodilian can be resisted.
  • The Crimson Tick only rewards with The Blood from kills that come from Performer Attacks, this excludes DOT's.
    • It also does not work with destroying corpses.
  • There are a number of ways to mitigate the scouting penalty from the Shambler's Spawn.
    • The Unabridged Edition trophy from the Librarian cancels out the scouting penalty.
    • Certain region goals (e.g. "Avoid the Hospital", or "Clear a Creature Den") will always reveal the node to be visited or avoided.
  • Fighting a Shambler while having Shambler Spawn equipped will give the Shambler a buff of +100% DMG and +4 Speed for the entire fight.


  • The Crimson Tick's tooltip used to show an incorrect 5% chance to reward killing blows with The Blood.
  • Most pets in the game are references to the first original game:
    • The Slime and Carrion Eater are monsters from the Weald and the Warrens.
    • The Shrieker is a special boss.
    • The Tick and the Crocodilian are both from The Crimson Court DLC, the latter being a mini boss.
    • The Pliskin is a monster from the Shieldbreaker DLC.
    • The Orphan Wolf Cub may be a reference to Brigand Vvulf , who appears in Wolves at the Door.
    • The Reanimated Rabbit's spine being exposed through what seems to be rotten flesh is similar to the Rabid Gnasher enemy.