Academic's Study

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Academic study node .png
Up ahead, the seat of our... regrettable research.
~ The Academic

The Academic's Study is a Node in Darkest Dungeon II. There are many different types of Academic's Studies, each with their own respective appearances and interactions. Upon entering, the player will be presented two options with different outcomes depending on the heroes' quirks and the type of the Academic's Study.

List of Academic's Studies

For more information about the loot, go to Academic's Study Trinkets, Combat Items, Quirks, Diseases and Inn Items.


Scrounger quirk refers to all Quirks with the Scrounger tag (Sprawl Scrounger, Tangle Scrounger, Foetor Scrounger, etc.)

Mixed QuirksQuirks symbol darkest dungeon 2.pngmeans Chance for aPositive quirks dd2.pngPositive Quirk and chance for a Negative quirks dd2.pngNegative Quirk

Broken Clockwork
Broken clock forest academic studie.png
Doomsayer / Lost in Time / Misses the Mark / Nervous / Off Guard / Scatterbrained

Calm / Early Riser / Lightning Reflexes / On Guard
Trinket curio befuddling sundial.png Befuddling Sundial
Trinket curio oversprung pocketwatch.png Oversprung Pocketwatch
Eagle Eye: Additional Indelible Trinket
Scrounger: Additional Dd2 Laudanum.png Combat Item
Caged Creature
Story curios caged creature farm .png
Shattered Will / Cowardice / Darkly Curious / Cadaver Fearing / Cosmic Fearing / Gaunt Fearing / Germophobic / Hemophobic / Necrophobic / Needler / Nervous / Occultomaniac / Occultophobic / Pacifist / Squeamish / Terrified / Vicious / Zoophobia

Bloodthirsty / Disarmer / Generous / Heavy Handed / Thanatomaniac

Pustule salve.png Pustule Salve
Trinket curio pulsing heart.png Pulsing Heart
Bloodthirsty, Cosmic Hater, Daredevil & Darkly Curious:
Pustule salve.png Pustule Salve + Negative quirks dd2.png Negative Quirk
Compassionate: Party: -2 Dd2 token stress.png
Field Surgeon, Erudite: Pustule salve.png Pustule Salve +Quirks symbol darkest dungeon 2.png Mixed Quirks
Faceless Facsimile
Story curios faceless facsimile city.png
Blundering / Cadaver Fearing / Flawed Release / Germophobic / Cadaver Hater / The Yips

Clutch Hitter / Deadly / Heavy Handed / Natural Swing / Precision Striker
Trinket curio proxy doll.png Proxy Doll
Trinket curio faceless visage.png Faceless Visage
Dd2 Laudanum.png 2 Random Combat Items
Amateur Weaponsmith: Dd2 Laudanum.png 3 Random Combat Items
Scrounger, Rummager: Additional Dd2 Laudanum.png Combat Item
Clutch Hitter, SluggerBuff Hero: Turn Start: Add Strength (10%) (region-long buff)
Deadly, Lethal Feint: Buff Hero: Turn Start: Add Crit (10%) (region-long buff)
Formless Sculpture
Story curios formless sculpture cave.png
Bad Digestion / Darkly Curious / Cosmic Fearing / Hypochondriac / Nervous / Occultomania / Occultophobic / Off Guard / Sickly

Death Seeker / Defiant / Thanatomaniac / Cosmic Slayer / Cosmic Hater / Shadow Born / The Jinx
Otherworldly fragment.png Otherworldy Fragment
Scrounger: Additional Progression art inn items.png Inn Items
Shadow Born, Occultomania: Double Otherworldly fragment.png Otherworldly Fragment
Darkly Curious: Triple Otherworldly fragment.png Otherworldly Fragment
Erudite: Otherworldly fragment.png +Positive quirks dd2.pngPositive Quirk
Familiar Desk
Story curios familiar desk.png
Book Burner / Darkly Curious / Neat Freak

Amateur Armorsmith / Amateur Weaponsmith / Sluice Scrounger / Sprawl Explorer / Sprawl Scrounger / Erudite / Foetor Explorer / Foetor Scrounger / Tangle Explorer / Tangle Scrounger / Shroud Explorer / Shroud Scrounger / Rummager / Tactical Thinker / Spotter / Tracker / Void Sight / Pathfinder / Vigilant
Songbook of Touching Dirges.png Book related Items
•  Relics Relics
Trinket curio blood smeared calculations.png Blood-Smeared Calculations
Cursed Coin.png Random Indelible Hero Trinket
Scrounger, Rummager: Additional Relics Relics
Erudite: Songbook of Touching Dirges.png + Positive quirks dd2.pngPositive Quirk
Occultomania:Quirks symbol darkest dungeon 2.png Mixed Quirks
Hovering Polyhedron
Story curios hovering polyhedra .png
Darkly Curious / Cosmic Fearing / Hemophiliac / Light Sensitive / Lost in Space / Occultomaniac / Occultophobic /

Ascetic / Calm / Devout / Cosmic Hater / Photomaniac / Cosmic Slayer / Thanatomaniac
Space dust.png Ethereal Dust
Trinket curio true entropy.png True Entropy
Occultomaniac, Photomania: Double Space dust.png Ethereal Dust
Daredevil, Darkly Curious: Quirks symbol darkest dungeon 2.png Mixed Quirks
Erudite: Positive quirks dd2.pngPositive Quirk
Memories of a Dream
Story curios memories of a dream forest.png
Bad Digestion / Darkly Curious / Cosmic Fearing / Head Injury / Hydrophobic / Hypochondriac / Lost in Space / Lost in Time / Necrophobic / Nervous / Occultomaniac / Occultophobic / Scatterbrained / Thanatophobic / Weak Hold on Life

Calm / Death Seeker / Defiant / Devout / Cosmic Hater / Nocturnal / Raconteur / Cosmic Slayer / Tactical Thinker / The Jinx

Positive quirks dd2.png Quirks
Shadow Born:Buff Hero: Add : +4 Icon speed.png (region-long buff)
Bon Vivant: Positive quirks dd2.png Positive Quirk
Darkly Curious: Quirks symbol darkest dungeon 2.png Mixed Quirks
Devout, Erudite :Buff Hero: +25% Resolute Chance (region-long buff)
Scary Song
Story curios insipid melody farm .png
Coward / Darkly Curious / Doomsayer / Cosmic Fearing / Flawed Release / Last Gasp / Lost in Time / Melophobic / Necrophobic / Nervous / Occultomaniac / Occultophobic / Terrified / Thanatophobic / The Yips / Tune Hummer

Calm / Dancer's Balance / Martyr / Slippery
Trinket curio obsidian dronepipe.png Obsidian Dronepipe
Trinket curio astroglass flute.png Astroglass Flute
Calm: Hero: -3 Dd2 token stress.png
Sealed Doorway
Story curios locked doorway city.png
Blundering / Coward / Darkly Curious / Cadaver Fearing / Cosmic Fearing / Head Injury / Light Sensitive / Necrophobic / Nervous / Thanatophobic / The Yips

Bloodthirsty / Breacher / Sluice Scrounger / Sluice Tactician / Daredevil / Death Seeker / Swine Hater / Lurker / Nocturnal / Swine Slayer
Trinket curio murder weapon.png Murder Weapon
Trinket cultist temptation.png Random Cultist trinket
Tinned preserves.png Tinned Delicacies
Shadow Born, Lurker, Daredevil, Darkly Curious:
Buff Hero: +4 Icon speed.png (region-long buff) +Quirks symbol darkest dungeon 2.png Mixed Quirks
Blundering:Stale Bread.png 1 - 4 Food
Scrounger: Double Tinned preserves.png Tinned Delicacies
Shambler's Altar
Story curios shambler altar .png
-15 Flame

Blundering / Shattered Will / Coward / Darkly Curious / Doomsayer / Cosmic Fearing / Light Sensitive / Lost in Time / Lost in Space / Lost in Time and Space / Nervous / Occultomaniac / Occultophobic / Thanatophobic / Weak Hold on Life

Cosmic Slayer
Combat turnorder enemy shared shambler.png Shambler Encounter
Darkly Curious: Hero: -5 Dd2 token stress.png
Blundering, Death Seeker: Hero: Add Dd2 token vulnerable.png
Lost in Time, Lost in Space, Lost in Time and Space: Hero: Add Daze
Occultomaniac, Shadow Born, Daredevil: Hero: Add Crit
The Thing in the Corner
Story curios the thing in the corner farm .png
Bad Digestion / Shattered Will / Bum Leg / Coward / Darkly Curious / Cadaver Fearing / Gaunt Fearing / Germophobic / Hypochondriac / Nervous / Off Guard / Pacifist / Sprained Ankle / Sprained Wrist / Squeamish / Thanatophobic / Torn Rotator Cuff / Tuckered Out / Vicious / Zoophobia

Bloodthirsty / Compassionate / Disarmer / Field Surgeon / Cadaver Hater / Gaunt Hater / On Guard / Shadow Born / Sneaky

Trinket curio grim mask.png Grim Mask
Trinket curio heart-shaped padlock.png Heart-Shaped Padlock
Compassionate: Hero: -3 Dd2 token stress.png + Positive quirks dd2.png Positive Quirk
Bloodthirsty: Trinket curio grim mask.png Curio Trinket + Negative quirks dd2.png Negative Quirk
Daredevil, Occultomaniac: Positive quirks dd2.png Positive Quirk and Negative quirks dd2.png Negative Quirk
Field Surgeon: Party: -2 Dd2 token stress.png
Thought Experiment
Story curios thought experiment .png
Bad Digestion / Coward / Darkly Curious / Cadaver Fearing / Gaunt Fearing / Germophobic / Hypochondriac / Light Sensitive / Lost in Space / Necrophobic / Nervous / Scatterbrained / Thanatophobic / Squeamish

Ascetic / Bloodthirsty / Eagle Eye / Field Surgeon / Cadaver Hater / Precision Striker
Trinket curio anatomical map.png Anatomical Map
Trinket curio corrupted bile gland.png Corrupted Bile Gland
Darkly Curious:Buff Hero: +4 Icon speed.png (region-long buff)
Erudite: Buff Hero: +50% Debuff dd2.png RES (region-long buff)
Calm: Hero: -5 Dd2 token stress.png
Timeworn Volumes
Story curios timeworn volumes .png
Book Burner / Darkly Curious / Cosmic Fearing / Hypochondriac / Kleptomaniac / Lost in Time / Occultomaniac / Occultophobic / Scatterbrained

Sluice Tactician / Sprawl Explorer / Sprawl Tactician / Devout / Erudite / Foetor Explorer / Foetor Tactician / Tangle Explorer / Tangle Tactician / Shroud Explorer / Shroud Tactician / Cosmic Slayer / Tactical Thinker / Spotter / Tracker / Void Sight / Pathfinder / Vigilant
Songbook of Touching Dirges.png Book related Items
Guidebook city.png Almanac: All Regions
Book Burner: Hero: -5 Dd2 token stress.png
Scrounger, Rummager: Additional Dd2 Laudanum.png Combat Item
Erudite: Buff Hero: +50% Debuff dd2.png RES (region-long buff)
Unsettling Portrait
Story curios unsettling portrait city.png
Bad Digestion / Coward / Darkly Curious / Doomsayer / Cosmic Fearing / Greedy / Light Sensitive / Necrophobic / Nervous / Occultomaniac / Occultophobic / Selfish / Thanatophobic / Vicious

Death Seeker / Martyr
Trinket curio caked palette.png Caked Palette
Unnatural pigment.png Unnatural Pigment
Darkly Curious: Hero: Add Negative and Positive Quirk
Vintage Collection
Story curios vintage collection forest.png
Anemic / Bad Digestion / Germophobic / Hypochondriac / Resolute / Thin Blooded / Tippler

Bon Vivant / Clotter / Daredevil / Generous / Raconteur

The wine dd2.png The Wine
The blood.png The Blood
Scrounger, Rummager: Additional The wine dd2.png and The blood.png
Bon Vivant, Tippler: Hero: -5 Dd2 token stress.png + Positive quirks dd2.png Positive Quirk


  • The various Academic's Studies contain many references to the first game.
    • The Unsettling Portrait is a portrait of The Ancestor.
    • The Vintage Collection and The Blood are related to The Crimson Court.
    • The Shambler's Altar functions similarly to its predecessor.
    • The painting in Memories of a Dream depicts the Darkest Dungeon.
    • The figure on top of the record player in Scary Song could be a reference to the Siren