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Loading screen of the Courtyard
Soaked and sinking, these stone terraces and sprawling gardens are the site of long forgotten revelry...and well remembered regret.

~ The Ancestor on entering a expedition in the Courtyard

The Courtyard is a location added in the Crimson Court DLC - the former lavish gardens and vistas of the estate, fallen to ruin and overtaken by a terrible, bloody insect-borne infestation and its depraved victims.

The Courtyard also modifies gameplay for the rest of the game in several significant ways. Exploration into the Courtyard and encountering Bloodsucker enemies presents chances for members of your party to be infected with the Crimson Curse, a persistent and nigh-impossible to cure disease akin in several ways to vampirism. After the first time a hero is infected with the Curse, the Fanatic will appear in town, and from then on will stalk any party with a large number of infected Heroes in it.

Upon successful completion of the first Courtyard mission, Bloodsucker enemies will also begin to gradually appear in all other Locations in the game, a signifier of the spreading infestation. A new Infestation indicator will also appear on the left side of the Hamlet screen, which will indicate the current level of Infestation (Low, Moderate, or High), suggesting the approximate amount of Bloodsucker encounters that can be expected while exploring non-Courtyard Locations. Exploring any of the game's Locations will gradually increase the Infestation level. At High Infestation, Egg Sac curios will begin to appear in non-Courtyard locations, which when interacted with triggers an encounter with more Bloodsucker creatures.

The Courtyard itself maintains a persistent Torchlight level during exploration that is unique to this location, called Bloodlight. Bloodlight carries none of the effects of normal Torchlight (or lack thereof) and instead imposes a continual +Stress and -Bleed Resistance debuff. It also counts as 100% Light level, for the purposes of Quirk and Trinket effects. Instead of modifying the Light level, Torches grant a party-wide +3 ACC buff for 1 Battle, and find greater opportunities for use in Curio interactions while exploring.


The Courtyard is similar to the unique dungeons presented in other parts of the game, such as the Darkest Dungeon and the Vvulf Dungeon. As you progress through the Courtyard, more and more will be revealed through preset scouting, and if you do not know where you are going it is easy to become lost looking for the way forward.

Don't be fooled by the early appearance of the Courtyard. While its first quest is a short Novice-tier one, it serves as the introduction to the area, hosting deadly recurring enemies that will push your team to the limit and easily kill any weak heroes sent to the place. It's best to hold off on tackling this first quest only with a team of Resolve Level 2 heroes, even if it means dealing with a recurring town event that drowns out almost all other events.

Completing the introduction will unlock a series of unique Epic-length quests that form the main quest line in the Courtyard; these dungeons are extremely long, with dozens of rooms and corridors in a labyrinthine layout, and locked doors that require keys to open. Epic quests have a number of unique mechanics detailed in the section below. In addition to the Epic quests, there are also (more or less) normal quests that will allow the party to gather more vials of The Blood.

Because of the extreme prevalence of Bloodsucker type enemies, be prepared for any party member that goes inside to become inflicted with the Crimson Curse, if they haven't already. Bringing a reserve of The Blood is therefore a necessity, not only for Curios, but to assuage your heroes' cravings. While The Blood may be dropped by Bloodsuckers, it is not enough to sustain them for the long term, although abuse of Curios such as Throbbing Cocoons can force combat with Bloodsuckers. Also note that non-human wandering enemies may also be found within the Courtyard but will not drop The Blood.

Another threat the party faces is constant stress. For each square you travel through the Courtyard's winding corridors, one random hero will always receive 1 Stress point. This may not seem like much compared to the normal rate, but it can quickly accumulate over a long expedition. Add that to the constant stress damage dealt by many Bloodsuckers, and stress can quickly build out of control, something that can be catastrophic when facing the minibosses, or the bosses proper, inside the Courtyard.

The lighting in the Courtyard is a unique, static "Bloodlight" state that lowers Bleed resistance and raises Stress gain. It is considered above 75%, so make use of Trinkets or Quirks that benefit from these conditions. Be aware that nighttime ambushes can still happen if you choose to camp, though they will play out under Bloodlight conditions like the other random encounters.

Epic Quests

Because of the sheer length of an Epic mission, the party will allowed to leave with no penalty: heroes will not receive Stress for leaving, and may in future weeks resume the quest from the same place where they left. A week will still pass, however, and the party will not recover any rewards aside from whatever is in the inventory.

Note that starting or resuming an Epic quest will consume one Invitation; one is given for free upon the completion of the previous quest, and additional Invitations will be dropped by Gatekeepers that randomly appear in other dungeons.

You never begin an Epic quest with Firewood in tow; instead, you will have to interact with certain curios to gain Firewood for camping.

Unlike other quests, in Epic quests the layout of rooms and hallways is not revealed upon entering the dungeon. Instead, entering a room will also reveal adjacent rooms and hallways. These rooms are hallway tiles are still masked by default, and Scouting is required to reveal any tile information (traps, combat, curios, etc...). A critical scout will reveal information up to two rooms ahead, and can reveal a Secret Room which holds an imprisoned hero. If you find and free a prisoner, they will appear in your Stagecoach the moment you return to the Hamlet; this is your only opportunity to recruit them, or they will leave for good.


  • Holy Water may be used on Damned Fountains for significant stress relief. Holy Water's disease resist buff also works in protecting against the Crimson Curse.
  • Torches have no effect on light, but will boost your accuracy for the duration of one battle when used, and may also be used on Throbbing Cocoons and Thronging Hives to reduce stress and gain treasure, respectively. They are also required to clear the Shifting Mist obstacle. One stack of Torches should suffice for a typical venture in the Courtyard.
  • Bandages are continually useful as many bloodsuckers cause bleeding, and heroes with the Crimson Curse have lowered bleed resistance even while in Bloodlust. Bandages can also be used to clean the Pile of Strange Bones curio.
  • Antivenom is less important than Bandages. There are essentially no curios which benefit from Antivenom, but it can still prove useful against the spiders, Carrion Eaters, and Supplicants who routinely cause blight.
  • The Blood may be given to Hooded Shrews and Wizened Shrews, which will grant trinkets, but much more importantly will be needed for infected heroes.
  • Shovels are used for clearing Crumbling Pillar obstacles, as well as for obtaining loot from numerous curios such as Bloodflowers and the Disturbing Diversion. In particular, it may be used on a Wine Crate curio to gain Firewood for camping, the only method of obtaining Firewood in the Courtyard.
  • Medicinal Herbs may be used on Forgotten Delicacies curios to obtain extra food supplies.
  • Do not bring Skeleton Keys, as using them on a chest will replace the trinkets contained within with random loot.

Party Composition

The Bloodsucker type-enemies that infest the Courtyard are vulnerable to Bleed and resistant to Blight. Many also have strong defenses against stun while others are weak against stun (especially Sycophant and Chevalier). If a Bloodsucker is able to wound a party member with the attack "The Thirst", they will mutate into a second form with a different move set. Kills need to be quick as they will quickly heal themselves with "The Thirst" (and they tend to use it only when they lose some HP).

Bloodsuckers often have many ways to inflict Bleed on your party, but in turn are more vulnerable to Bleed than Blight. Bleed-inducing heroes like the Flagellant, Jester, Houndmaster, Hellion and Highwayman shine here, especially against high-PROT targets. A Plague Doctor can also function here by inflicting Bleed with her Incision skill and removing Bleed with Battlefield Medicine.

Because of the length of dungeon runs you want your teams to be self-sufficient with healing and Stress relief. Thus, the Jester, Houndmaster and Flagellant are good choices to bring for this purpose. For example, the Flagellant could move the party's stress onto himself with Endure while the Jester is also removing stress from the Flagellant with Inspiring Tune. This strategy is enough to hold an entire Courtyard quest.

The Occultist's Hands of the Abyss can be used completely without penalty in the Courtyard, since Bloodlight fixes the light level at 100. Note that Bloodlight will also make the bleed chance from Wyrd Reconstruction slightly greater (+10%), so (as in all the other dungeons), it is recommended to supplement him with a more reliable healer.

The Fanatic, despite being known for hunting down parties with the Crimson Curse, will never appear in the Courtyard, so you can bring a team full of infected heroes without fear of him appearing.


Several Bloodsucker enemies can afflict your party with the Crimson Curse, an affliction unlike any typical disease. It cannot be cured through conventional means and can cause erratic behavior among your party.

Things to watch out for

  • Crocodilian - A powerful mini-boss with extremely high damage, health, and mobility. First encountered in the first Courtyard mission, then later on as a miniboss in later missions, a low-level party can be in trouble when facing this creature. Vulnerable to stun, but on Champion difficulty clears Bleed and Blight with its Submerge ability.
  • Trap - Courtyard traps either inflict a high amount of damage or spawn enemies.
  • A Secret Door can spawn inside this area. Within it, you can find a randomly generated leveled hero who can be rescued by clicking on them. Upon returning to the Hamlet, the hero will be available at the Stage Coach.

List of Courtyard Monsters

Enemies found within the Courtyard from the base game
Enemy Monster HP DODGE PROT SPD Type Resistances Abilities
Webber Webber.png 7 15% 0% 5 BEAST Poptext stun.png Stun - 25%

Poptext poison.png Blight - 20%

Poptext bleed.png Bleed - 20%

Poptext debuff.png Debuff - 10%

Poptext move.png Move - 10%

Web StunMarkDebuff: Blight Resist -15%

Bite Blight 1+100% DMG vs Mark

Spitter Spitter.png 7 15% 0% 4 BEAST Poptext stun.png Stun - 25%

Poptext poison.png Blight - 20%

Poptext bleed.png Bleed - 20%

Poptext debuff.png Debuff - 10%

Poptext move.png Move - 10%

Spit +100% DMG vs MarkBlight 1Debuff: ACC -5

Bite Blight 1+100% DMG vs Mark

Ghoul Ghoul.png 42 13.75% 40% 6 UNHOLY Poptext stun.png Stun - 70%

Poptext poison.png Blight - 40%

Poptext bleed.png Bleed - 40%

Poptext debuff.png Debuff - 40%

Poptext move.png Move - 82%

RendBleed 3Debuff: Stress +15%

Skull Toss Stress +15Stun

Howl Horror 3Torch -10Disease: The Worries

Maggot Maggot.png 6 0% 0% 3 BEAST Poptext stun.png Stun - 100%

Poptext poison.png Blight - 40%

Poptext bleed.png Bleed - 40%

Poptext debuff.png Debuff - 60%

Poptext move.png Move - 0%

Grave Nibble Stress +5StunDisease: Any
Carrion Eater Carrion Eater.png 9 0% 0% 4 BEAST Poptext stun.png Stun - 50%

Poptext poison.png Blight - 100%

Poptext bleed.png Bleed - 60%

Poptext debuff.png Debuff - 40%

Poptext move.png Move - 50%

Munch Blight 1+100% DMG vs Mark
Large Carrion Eater Carrion Big.png 48 8.75% 0% 2 BEAST Poptext stun.png Stun - 70%

Poptext poison.png Blight - 120%

Poptext bleed.png Bleed - 80%

Poptext debuff.png Debuff - 60%

Poptext move.png Move - 95%

Weaken Prey Debuff: -10 ACC, -25% DMGMarkDebuff: -15% DMG

Tentacle Devour +100% DMG vs MarkDebuff: -5% CRT

Enemies found in the Courtyard
Enemy HP DODGE PROT SPD Type Resistances Abilities
The Crimson Court

Poptext stun.png Stun - 40%
Poptext poison.png Blight - 40%
Poptext bleed.png Bleed - 15%
Poptext debuff.png Debuff - 30%
Poptext move.png Move - 10%

Infallible Servitude Force Guard by Ally
The Thirst Disease: Crimson CurseSelf: Heal 5
Enraging Slight Stress +10 Pull 2 Mark

The Crimson Court

Poptext stun.png Stun - 40%
Poptext poison.png Blight - 40%
Poptext bleed.png Bleed - 20%
Poptext debuff.png Debuff - 10%
Poptext move.png Move - 35%

Rib Cracker Debuff: -2 SPDKnock back 1

The Thirst Disease: Crimson CurseSelf: Heal 5
Skewering Repartee Bleed 2Activates Riposte

The Crimson Court

Poptext stun.png Stun - 45%
Poptext poison.png Blight - 40%
Poptext bleed.png Bleed - 20%
Poptext debuff.png Debuff - 35%
Poptext move.png Move - 30%

Mind Your Manners Mark
Careless Whispers DebuffHorror 5
The Thirst Disease: Crimson CurseSelf: Heal 5
Midnight Minuet Shuffles Enemy PartyDebuff: -16 ACC Buff: +20% DMG, +4 SPD
Damsel In Distress Force Guard by Ally

The Crimson Court
118 10 10 7 BLOODSUCKER

Poptext stun.png Stun - 50%
Poptext poison.png Blight - 80%
Poptext bleed.png Bleed - 50%
Poptext debuff.png Debuff - 75%
Poptext move.png Move - 35%

Swarming Corruption Debuff: -10 ACCStress +15
Teeth Rake BleedPull 2
Submerge Self: Heal 12Self Buff: +35 DODGE
Lurking Fear Self Buff: DMG +20% PROT +10%Self: Back 1
Apex Predator Bleed

The Crimson Court
100 200 80% 0 VEGETATION

Poptext stun.png Stun - 215%
Poptext poison.png Blight - 200%
Poptext bleed.png Bleed - 200%
Poptext debuff.png Debuff - 200%
Poptext move.png Move - 200%

The Crimson Court
100 200 80% 0 VEGETATION

Poptext stun.png Stun - 215%
Poptext poison.png Blight - 200%
Poptext bleed.png Bleed - 200%
Poptext debuff.png Debuff - 200%
Poptext move.png Move - 200%

The Crimson Court
280 20 10% 10 BLOODSUCKER

Poptext stun.png Stun - 87%
Poptext poison.png Blight - 85%
Poptext bleed.png Bleed - 55%
Poptext debuff.png Debuff - 60%
Poptext move.png Move - 85%

The Show Begins Hides in one of the 4 Throbbing Cocoons
The Second Act Hides in one of the 4 Throbbing Cocoons
The Third Act Hides in one of the 4 Throbbing Cocoons
Guests of Honor Ruptures all Throbbing Cocoons, releasing enemies hidden inside
Crowd Pleaser
Necessary Discipline Stress +20Bleed 4Pull 1Horror 4
The Thirst Heal 18Buff Self: +3 SPDDebuff Self: -23% Bleed resist, -15% DMG
Forced Enthusiasm Buff Self: +10% DMG, +4 SPD, +3% crit

Pulsating Egg
Pulsating Egg
The Crimson Court
No HP is show, and it dies in one hit 0% 0% 0 ELDRITCH

Poptext stun.png Stun - 200%
Poptext poison.png Blight - 200%
Poptext bleed.png Bleed - 55%
Poptext debuff.png Debuff - 200%
Poptext move.png Move - 55%


Passive: While the Pulsating Egg is alive, heroes cannot use healing skills.

The Crimson Court
127 23 0% 5 BLOODSUCKER

Poptext stun.png Stun - 55%
Poptext poison.png Blight - 95%
Poptext bleed.png Bleed - 70%
Poptext debuff.png Debuff - 70%
Poptext move.png Move - 95%

Hungry Eyes Stress +15Buff Self: +20 ACCActivates Riposte
Refined Pairing Stress +8Bleed 3
Miserly Morsel Heal 10Buff Self: +5% critDebuff Self: -25% DMG
Square Meal Heal 25Buff Self: +25 DODGE, +20 ACC, +6 SPD
Ravenous Feast Heal 50Buff Self: +50% DMGDebuff Self: -20 DODGE, -20 ACC, -4 SPD
Served Rare Stress +10

Emaciated Body
Emaciated Body
The Crimson Court
31 0 0% 2 BLOODBAG

Poptext stun.png Stun - 90%
Poptext poison.png Blight - 50%
Poptext bleed.png Bleed - 110%
Poptext debuff.png Debuff - 245%
Poptext move.png Move - 50%


Emaciated Body
The Crimson Court
55 0 0% 2 BLOODBAG

Poptext stun.png Stun - 90%
Poptext poison.png Blight - 70%
Poptext bleed.png Bleed - 80%
Poptext debuff.png Debuff - 245%
Poptext move.png Move - 80%

Emaciated Body
Bloodstuffed Body
The Crimson Court
72 0 0% 2 BLOODBAG

Poptext stun.png Stun - 90%
Poptext poison.png Blight - 90%
Poptext bleed.png Bleed - 60%
Poptext debuff.png Debuff - 245%
Poptext move.png Move - 120%

The Crimson Court
400 25 30% 4 BLOODSUCKER

Poptext stun.png Stun - 140%
Poptext poison.png Blight - 110%
Poptext bleed.png Bleed - 90%
Poptext debuff.png Debuff - 120%
Poptext move.png Move - 220%

Thirsty Form
Sway With Me StumbleBlight 6Stress +25
Love Letter Injects a Parasite Egg, Self: -10 HP
Flushed Change to Flushed formDebuff Self: -40% Stun resist, -40% Blight resist, -40% Bleed resist, -40% Debuff resist

Flushed Form
Momentary Overexertion Buff Self: +10% Stun resist, +10% Blight resist, +10% Bleed resist, +10% Debuff resist
Metamorphosis Change to Bloodlust formHorror 5

Bloodlust Form
Indecent Proposal Bleed 3
The Thirst Heal 20
Throes of Ecstasy Stun
Courtship Renewed Change to Thirsty form

Garden Guardian.png
Garden Guardian
The Crimson Court
246 0 50% 3 STONEWORK

Poptext stun.png Stun - 245%
Poptext poison.png Blight - 245%
Poptext bleed.png Bleed - 245%
Poptext debuff.png Debuff - 245%
Poptext move.png Move - 245%

Hatred Beyond Time Buff Self: +10% DMG, +5 ACC, +3% CRITUsed only at the end of the round when the Stone Shield is destroyed
Annihilating Glare Stress +5Used only at the start of the round when the Stone Shield is destroyed

Blood Fount.png
Blood Fount
The Crimson Court
62 0 40% 0 STONEWORK

Poptext stun.png Stun - 245%
Poptext poison.png Blight - 245%
Poptext bleed.png Bleed - 245%
Poptext debuff.png Debuff - 245%
Poptext move.png Move - 245%

Feed the Soil Bleed 2Stress +10

Stone Shield.png
Stone Shield
The Crimson Court
72 0 60% 0 STONEWORK

Poptext stun.png Stun - 245%
Poptext poison.png Blight - 245%
Poptext bleed.png Bleed - 245%
Poptext debuff.png Debuff - 245%
Poptext move.png Move - 245%

Skyward Shield
Plummeting Doom StunPush 2


Courtyard Curios

Curios found within the Exclusive to The Crimson Court DLCCourtyard
Curio & type Description Cleansing Without cleansing
Scrounging; Knowledge.
"The soil is soaked through with half-clotted blood which seemingly feeds these vital blooms."
The Blood.png
The Blood. "The flowers surge with growth! But the blood invites no other occurence."
Holy Water.png
Holy Water. "The wilting gives off a noxious odour!"
Shovel. "Digging reveals loot!"
Nothing.curio tracker.png
Stress.curio tracker.png
Stress +15
Gems/Heirlooms x2 66.7% OR Any Loot x1 33.3%
Stress.curio tracker.png
38.5% Stress +15. "The blossoms reek of death, pestilence and unfathomable nightmares!"
Scout Ahead.png
23.1% Scouting. "A map is nestled between the thorns and blossoms!"
Loot.curio tracker.png
15.3% Any Loot x2 + 16.7% The Blood. "The potting soil reveals its treasure!"
Poptext disease.png
5.1% Disease: Tetanus. "Thorns hook into the flesh, a cloying sap seeps into the hero's blood!"
Poptext disease.png
2.5% Random Disease.
Nothing.curio tracker.png
15.3% Nothing. "Apparently these ghoulish flowers are harmless."
Damned Fountain
Damned Fountain
Drink; Fountain; CCrave; Unholy; Haunted.
"A bubbling fountain spews crimson ichor from some damnable source."
Holy Water.png
Holy Water. "The purified liquid offers a surprising boon!"
Torch. "Burning the blood stings the nostrils and turns the stomach."
Heal stress.curio tracker.png
Stress Heal 30
Stress.curio tracker.png
Stress +5
Poptext bleed.png
60% Bleed. "The hero's scars weep open when bathed in the crimson fluid!"
Poptext disease.png
20% Disease: Crimson Curse. "This bloody artifact invites ailment!"
Loot.curio tracker.png
20% Any Loot x2 + 16.7% Bleed. "Treasure lies in the gore-filled basin!"

Disturbing Diversion
Disturbing Diversion
Unholy; Haunted; Scrounging; Torture; Reflective.
"Mouldering evidence of a society's depravity."
Shovel. "What sadist put treasure in its skull?"
Heirlooms x3
Stress.curio tracker.png
40% Stress +25. "You picture debauched and bloody games...
Quirk pos.curio tracker.png
15% Random Positive Quirk. "Suppressed desires awaken!"
Quirk neg.curio tracker.png
15% Random Negative Quirk. "Suppressed desires awaken!"
Loot.curio tracker.png
10% Any Loot x2 + 16.7% The Blood x2. "Wagers long forgotten."
Nothing.curio tracker.png
20% Nothing. "The remains yield nothing."
Forgotten Delicacies
Forgotten Delicacies
Body; Food; Haunted; Unholy; CCrave.
"An anachronistic mixture of both rotted and fresh victuals adorn the cart."
Medicinal Herbs.png
Medicinal Herbs. "Precise use of herbs purifies the tainted remains."
Loot.curio tracker.png
Food x2 + Gold/Supplies x1
Loot.curio tracker.png
20% Gold/Supplies x4 + Supplies x1 + 25% The Blood. "There are valuables scattered about the repast."
Quirk neg.curio tracker.png
20% Negative Quirk: Stress Eater. "What a peculiar flavour..."
Poptext poison.png
20% Blight. "It is tainted!"
Poptext disease.png
13.3% Disease: Crimson Curse. "There is nothing but rot inside the seemingly fresh morsels!"
Poptext disease.png
6.7% Random Disease. "There is nothing but rot inside the seemingly fresh morsels!"
Nothing.curio tracker.png
20% Nothing. "There remains nothing worthy of your time."
Hooded Shrew
Hooded Shrew
Haunted; Unholy.
"A mysterious figure, not fully human, not fully insect, kneels here on the ground."
The Blood.png
The Blood. "Blood for treasure!"
Loot.curio tracker.png
Trinket x2
Stress.curio tracker.png
42.8% Stress +15. "The urchin's arcane mutterings stir deep terror within!"
Loot.curio tracker.png
28.5% Any Loot x1. "The shrew seems oblivious to the hero's pilfering."
Poptext disease.png
7.6% Random Disease. "The shrew's filthy grasp is like iron and its nails rake the hero!"
Nothing.curio tracker.png
14.2% Nothing. "The supplicant does not seem to notice the hero."

Wizened Shrew
Wizened Shrew
Haunted; Unholy.
"This appears to be an elderly but shunned member of this damned court."
The Blood.png
The Blood. "From a hidden fold, the shrew offers up a rare treasure!"
Loot.curio tracker.png
Trinket x3
Poptext disease.png
7.6% Random Disease. "The shrew's filthy grasp is like iron and its nails rake the hero!"
Scout Ahead.png
50% Scouting. "A greasy vellum is proffered to the hero."
Nothing.curio tracker.png
33.3% "The being mutters an incantation..." and nothing happens. "The shrew performs a strange ritual, but the results seem positive!"
Nothing.curio tracker.png
25% Nothing. "The supplicant is incoherent and penniless. Harmless."

Pile of Strange Bones
Pile of Strange Bones
Unholy; Scrounging; Haunted; Knowledge.
"A heap of peculiar bones and dusty sinew litters the floor."

(This curio can only appear along corridors.)

Bandage. "These bones hold riches!"
Bandage. "These bones hold riches!"
The Blood.png
The Blood. "These bones hold riches!"
Loot.curio tracker.png
Any Loot x1 (50%)
The Blood.png
The Blood 16.7% (50%)
Summon.curio tracker.png
Summon a Supplicant, Sycophant, & Esquire.
Poptext bleed.png
50% Bleed. "An insectoid mandible pierces the hero's skin!"
Loot.curio tracker.png
20% Any Loot x2 + 16.7% The Blood. "Baubles and other items of value are found in the grisly remains!"
Poptext disease.png
10% Disease: Crimson Curse. "Your blood is tainted with a strange infection!"
Nothing.curio tracker.png
20% Nothing. "These remains hold no danger nor anything of value either."

Throbbing Coccoons
Throbbing Coccoons
Knowledge; Scrounging; CCrave.
"Shifting and bulging organisms hide behind translucent walls."
Torch. "Sweet relief as the eggs turn to ash."
Heal stress.curio tracker.png
Stress Heal 30 (Courtyard only)
Summon.curio tracker.png
75% Summon a Supplicant, Sycophant & Esquire. "Gestating creatures burst forth from the eggs!"
Loot.curio tracker.png
12.5% Any Loot x3 + 16.7% The Blood. "Valuables found beneath the eggs!"
Nothing.curio tracker.png
12.5% Nothing. "Disgusting viscera... and not much else."

Thronging Hive
Thronging Hive
Knowledge; Scrounging; CCrave.
"The hive is twisted and unnatural - the work of cursed vermin."
Torch. "The vermin sizzle and pop as the hive burns to ash."
Loot.curio tracker.png
Any Loot x3 + 16.7% Blood
Loot.curio tracker.png
75% Any Loot x2 + 20% Blood. "The hive holds valuables!"
Poptext bleed.png
25% Bleed. "The hive's inhabitants sting and bite the hero's exposed flesh!"

Wine Crate
Wine Crate
Drink; CCrave; Treasure.
"You can see that some of the bottles are still intact."
Antivenom. "A pleasant vintage!"
Shovel. "Smashing the bottles reveals treasure!"
Heal stress.curio tracker.png
Stress Heal 30
Loot.curio tracker.png
41.7% "The Blood (33.3%) x2 + Any Loot x1 + Gold/Supplies x4. "There is loot in the broken glass!"
Quirk neg.curio tracker.png
16.7% Negative Quirk: Tippler. "A sip uncorks a disturbing new habit!"
Poptext disease.png
16.7% Disease: Crimson Curse. "What terrible fortune!"
Scout Ahead.png
8.3% Scouting. "You find a map in an empty bottle!"
Poptext bleed.png
8.3% Bleed. "Take more care sorting through broken glass!"
Nothing.curio tracker.png
8.3% Nothing. "Nothing but broken glass and wood splinters."

Dungeon Maps

First Quest layout with quest objective locations
CC first quest map.png
Second Quest layout (Korean annotations)
Baron map.png
Third Quest layout
Viscount map.png
Fourth Quest layout
Countess map.png


Hub Hamlet
Dungeons Old Road Ruins Warrens Weald Cove Darkest Dungeon
DLC Locations CourtyardExclusive to The Crimson Court DLC FarmsteadExclusive to The Color of Madness DLC Butcher's Circus