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Disambig.svg This article is about the hero in Darkest Dungeon. For other appearances, see Crusader (disambiguation).
Armor 1 2 3 4 5
MAX HP 33 40 47 54 61
DODGE 5 10 15 20 25
Weapons 1 2 3 4 5
SPD 1 1 2 2 3
CRIT 3% 4% 5% 6% 7%
DMG 6-12 7-14 8-16 9-17 10-19
Base Resistances
Poptext stun.png Stun 40% Poptext move.png Move 40%
Poptext poison.png Blight 30% Poptext bleed.png Bleed 30%
Poptext disease.png Disease 30% Poptext debuff.png Debuff 30%
Deathsdoor.png Death Blow 67% Tray trap disarm.png Trap 10%
Other information
Movement 1 forwards, 1 backwards.
Crit Buff Bonus +15% PROT
Religious Yes
Provisions Holy Water

A mighty sword arm anchored by holy purpose - a zealous warrior!
~ The Ancestor

The Crusader is one of the playable Characters in Darkest Dungeon.

Class Description

Every cause needs a champion, a hero to rally otherwise common men to a righteous cause and lead them to victory. The Crusader is that champion. With holy blade in hand he smites the wicked and sends them back to the darkness from whence they crept. While his armor restricts his movement it affords him great protection, allowing him to stand in the frontlines to take the blows that his weaker comrades cannot.

No matter the pressures he faces he will remain strong, finding strength within himself to keep fighting on while inspiring others to do the same. Even in the midst of battle he can galvanize his allies, giving them the strength to fight off madness for a little longer. When the Crusader is leading the charge, all of hell will know to fear the flame.

Combat Skills

Battle-hardened and stalwart, the Crusader has held the front lines in a hundred holy wars. He either attacks foes head-on with righteous fury, or embraces a melee support role by leveraging his powerful defensive buffs & off-heals.
~ Guild

Note: New Crusaders will always come with the Smite skill.

Smite.png Range Rank Target Damage Accuracy Crit mod Effect Self
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Red dot.pngRed dot.pngGrey dot.pngGrey dot.png
+0% 85 0% +15% DMG vs Unholy
Further levels
Level 2 +0% 90 1% +20% DMG vs Unholy
Level 3 +0% 95 2% +25% DMG vs Unholy
Level 4 +0% 100 3% +30% DMG vs Unholy
Level 5 +0% 105 4% +35% DMG vs Unholy
Zealous Accusation#
Zealous Accusation.png Range Rank Target Damage Accuracy Crit mod Effect Self
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Red dotr.pngRed dotl.pngGrey dot.pngGrey dot.png
-40% 85 -4%
Further levels
Level 2 -40% 90 -3%
Level 3 -40% 95 -2%
Level 4 -40% 100 -1%
Level 5 -40% 105 0%
Stunning Blow#
Stunning Blow.png Range Rank Target Damage Accuracy Crit mod Effect Self
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Red dot.pngRed dot.pngGrey dot.pngGrey dot.png
-50% 90 0% Stun (100% base)
Further levels
Level 2 -50% 95 1% Stun (110% base)
Level 3 -50% 100 2% Stun (120% base)
Level 4 -50% 105 3% Stun (130% base)
Level 5 -50% 110 4% Stun (140% base)
Bulwark of Faith#
Bulwark of Faith.png Rank Target Effect Self
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Torch +24 +20% PROT (1 Battle)
Mark Self (1 Battle)
Further levels
Level 2 Torch +24 +22% PROT (1 Battle)
Mark Self (1 Battle)
Level 3 Torch +24 +25% PROT (1 Battle)
Mark Self (1 Battle)
Level 4 Torch +24 +28% PROT (1 Battle)
Mark Self (1 Battle)
Level 5 Torch +24 +30% PROT (1 Battle)
Mark Self (1 Battle)
Limit: 1 Use per Battle
Battle Heal#
Battle Heal.png Rank Target Heal Effect Self
Yellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Yellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Further levels
Level 2 3-3
Level 3 3-4
Level 4 4-5
Level 5 5-6
Holy Lance#
Holy Lance.png Range Rank Target Damage Accuracy Crit mod Effect Self
Yellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngGrey dot.pngGrey dot.png
Grey dot.pngRed dot.pngRed dot.pngRed dot.png
+0% 85 6.5% +15% DMG vs Unholy Forward 1
Further levels
Level 2 +0% 90 7.5% +20% DMG vs Unholy Forward 1
Level 3 +0% 95 8.5% +25% DMG vs Unholy Forward 1
Level 4 +0% 100 9.5% +30% DMG vs Unholy Forward 1
Level 5 +0% 105 10.5% +35% DMG vs Unholy Forward 1
Inspiring Cry#
Inspiring Cry.png Rank Target Heal Effect Self
Yellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Yellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
1-1 Stress -5
Torch +5
Further levels
Level 2 1-1 Stress -5
Torch +6
Level 3 1-2 Stress -6
Torch +7
Level 4 1-2 Stress -7
Torch +8
Level 5 2-2 Stress -8
Torch +10

Camping Skills

Righteousness and conviction inspire compelling speeches around the campfire! In the face of mounting stress, the Crusader is a leader, standing tall and refusing to break. His unshakable belief can assuage companions' fear, reassuring them that despite the hardships they will most certainly endure, all will be well in the end.
~ Survivalist

Camping skills are special skills heroes can use while they are camping. They take a certain number of "respite" points to use, and can only be used once per camp (unless the skill says otherwise). Most heroes have three shared camping skills and all heroes have 4 unique camping skills (with the Flagellant being the exception, having only unique camping skills). Only 4 of these can be equipped at one time. Any Buffs or lasting effects given from a camping skill lasts for 4 battles.

At camp the Crusader focuses on keeping his party's stress levels in check. All his skills involve reducing and resisting stress of himself or his party. He can also pray for The Light to keep them safe during the night.

Unshakable Leader
Unshakeable Leader.png
Time Cost Target Description
2 Self -25% Stress (4 Battles)
Bark "My friends, we can pass any test. Do not despair!"
Stand Tall
Stand Tall.png
Time Cost Target Description
3 One Companion -15 Stress
Remove Mortality debuffs
Bark "Remain vigilant, my friend!"
Zealous Speech
Zealous Speech.png
Time Cost Target Description
5 Party
All Companions
Party: -15 Stress

All Companions: -15% Stress (4 Battles)

Bark "Forget not that our errand is holy and just! Light will prevail!"
Zealous Vigil
Zealous Vigil.png
Time Cost Target Description
4 Self -25 Stress
-15 Stress if Afflicted
Prevents nighttime ambush
Bark "Light, grant me the strength to overcome whatever appears on our path."

Time Cost Target Description
2 One Companion -15 Stress
Bark "Your strength honors the Light."
"Sit straight! Dignity is thy greatest weapon!"
"You would have made a good soldier... in another life."
Wound Care
Wound Care.png
Time Cost Target Description
2 One Companion Heal 15% HP
Removes Bleeding
Removes Blight
Bark "Of course I know what I'm doing! I'm a soldier!"
"Incidentally, if ye perish, I can perform last rites."
"You heal quickly. Praise the Light."
Pep Talk
Pep Talk.png
Time Cost Target Description
2 One Companion -15% Stress (4 Battles)
Bark "I've led more difficult charges than this."
"Justice is on my side. No evil can stand against that."
"One need merely avoid the shadows to stand in the Light."


The Crusader wears heavy plate mail and wields a longsword. While affording him excellent protection and damage, his armor restricts movement, and his sword cannot be swung effectively in the back ranks.
~ Blacksmith

Unlike other games, equipment upgrades in Darkest Dungeon are linear, all bought at the Blacksmith.

Great Sword
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Eqp weapon 0cru (1).png Battered Longsword Eqp weapon 0cru (2).png Longsword Eqp weapon 0cru (3).png Questing Longsword Eqp weapon 0cru (4).png Greatsword Eqp weapon 0cru (5).png The Long Crusade
DMG base: 6-12 DMG base: 7-14 DMG base: 8-16 DMG base: 9-17 DMG base: 10-19
CRT base: 3.0% CRT base: 4.0% CRT base: 5.0% CRT base: 6.0% CRT base: 7.0%
SPD base: 1 SPD base: 1 SPD base: 2 SPD base: 2 SPD base: 3
Chain and Plate
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Eqp armour 0cru.png Rusty Hauberk Eqp armour 1cru.png Chainmail Eqp armour 2cru.png Chain and Plate Eqp armour 3cru.png Plate Eqp armour 4cru.png Zealous Conviction
DODGE base: 5 DODGE base: 10 DODGE base: 15 DODGE base: 20 DODGE base: 25
HP base: 33 HP base: 40 HP base: 47 HP base: 54 HP base: 61

Each Hero has Trinkets unique to them that only they can equip. The Crusader has eight; 3 common, 2 Crimson Court, and 1 uncommon, rare, and very rare. In the base game, his lower level trinkets are crests (likely war decorations) and his high level trinkets are scrolls, likely what he uses in his Zealous Accusation attack. The Crimson Court DLC adds a pauldron and conscription letter, while the Color of Madness DLC adds a crystalline sword hilt.

Trinket Image Trinket Name Rarity Class Restriction Origin Dungeon Effect Additional Notes
Inv trinket-defenders seal.png
Defender's Seal Common Crusader
  • +5% PROT
  • -3% CRIT

Inv trinket-knights crest.png
Knight's Crest Common Crusader
  • +10% MAX HP

Inv trinket-swordsmans crest.png
Swordsman's Crest Common Crusader
  • +10% DMG Melee Skills
  • -50% Healing Skills

Inv trinket-paralyzers crest.png
Paralyzer's Crest Uncommon Crusader
  • +20% Stun Skill Chance
  • -2 DODGE

Inv trinket-commanders orders.png
Commander's Orders Rare Crusader
  • +15% Stress Heal Received
  • +33% Healing Skills
  • -10% DMG

Inv trinket-holy orders.png
Holy Orders Very Rare Crusader
  • +15% Virtue Chance
  • -20% Stress
  • +12% Death Blow Resist
  • -20% Blight Resist
  • -20% Bleed Resist

The Crimson Court DLC added special Trinket Sets, two for each hero. They confer powerful bonuses to the hero equipped with them, and having both equipped at once yields an additional bonus, which is shown greyed out at the bottom. The origin dungeon for all Trinket Sets is the Courtyard and they all have the rarity Crimson Court. The Shieldbreaker Trinket SetExclusive to The Shieldbreaker DLC, however, is only obtainable through her final 6th and 7th nightmare encounters and won't be dropped or given as a reward in the Courtyard. Trinkets you already have will stop dropping, so there's value in not selling the ones you don't like until you get the ones you want.

Trinket Image Trinket Name Class Restriction Effect Set Effect Quote Additional Notes
Inv trinket-cc set cru glittering spaulders.png Glittering SpauldersExclusive to The Crimson Court DLC Crusader
  • +15% PROT
  • +35% Move Resist
  • -15% Stress
  • -2 SPD
  • +20% MAX HP
"I will forget them. Regret is sin."
Inv trinket-cc set cru signed conscription.png Signed ConscriptionExclusive to The Crimson Court DLC
  • +20% Healing Skills
  • +20% Stress Skills

The Color of Madness DLC added trinkets with a new rarity, Crystalline. Each hero has their own unique crystalline trinket which can be bought from Jeweler inside the Nomad Wagon with Crystal Shards found within the Farmstead.

Trinket Image Trinket Name Rarity Class Restriction Shard Cost Effect Additional Notes
Cru non euclidean hilt.png
Non-Euclidean HiltExclusive to The Color of Madness DLC Crystalline Crusader 200 Shards
  • +15% MAX HP
  • +5% Random Target Chance
  • +25% Stun Skill Chance if Holy Water in inventory
  • On Attack Hit: Blight (120% base) 2 pts/rd for 2 rds

District BonusExclusive to The Crimson Court DLC

The Crimson Court DLC adds Districts to the Hamlet, some of which confer passive benefits to heroes.

The table below lists all of the currently available buildings that can be constructed within Hamlet's Districts, the cost of doing so, and the benefits of each individual project.

The gold cost of most Districts in Radiant mode is significantly reduced. The price in Radiant mode is shown in parentheses.

Name Image Effect Cost
Altar of Light
District Altar of Light.png
Crusader, Vestal, and Flagellant receive:
  • +10% Stun Resist
  • +10% Healing Skills icon.png
5000 (100)


  • The predetermined name of the Crusader is Reynauld, named after Raynald of Châtillon, a crusader who participated in the Second Crusade and died during The Battle of Hattin. The reason for Reynauld having the Kleptomaniac quirk is because Raynald was known to "always be in need of funds", resulting in the torture of Aimery of Limoges after the denial to fund his revenge against Manuel I Komnenos, since Komnenos refused to pay Raynald for his military services.
  • In early builds of the game, the name 'Lincoln' was used.
  • The Crusader has the most Backer Heroes with a staggering 64, with the runner up (the Man-At-Arms) only having half as many.
  • The design of the Crusader is based on the pop culture vision of the armors and weapons used by crusader knights during the Crusades (a series of wars sanctioned by the Roman Catholic Church between the XI and the XV century against Muslims, pagans, and heretics). Since the time period covered is so large, a wide variety of of weapons and armour can be considered thematically appropriate; from early Medieval chain-based kit, emblematic of the First Crusade; to the full-body Milanese plate used for the later Reconquista, the crusades against the Hussites and the Ottomans.
  • A previous iteration of the Crusader during development featured an open-helmet chain mail design with the Crusader's face visible. This design has a wallpaper on Red Hook Studio's main website and it was shown off in the game's "Terror and Madness" trailer in 2013.
  • According to his Hopeless barks, the Crusader used to love somebody and was even married once. This was confirmed in his origin comic where he leaves his wife and child to embark on the crusade, but was changed so much by the war that he chose to remain on the crusade rather than return to his family.
  • Another one of his afflicted barks, this time while being Irrational, shows that he might have been mistreated by his father or a priest during childhood. The capitalization, "Father", implies the latter.
  • His Irrational bark, "Buff the pommel, boy! When it strikes, it must impress!" is possibly a reference to the meme "end him rightly" made popular by historical European martial arts YouTuber Skallagrim, whereby unscrewing one's pommel and throwing it is proclaimed to be a deadly and effective combat technique. However, it may also simply refer to striking with the pommel without removing it from the sword (as the Crusader does in-game).
  • While most characters have seven trinkets, the Crusader is one of four heroes to have eight (the others being the Highwayman, Plague Doctor, and Vestal).

Heroes Abomination Antiquarian Arbalest Bounty Hunter Crusader Grave Robber Hellion Highwayman Houndmaster Jester Leper Man-at-Arms Occultist Plague Doctor Vestal
DLC Exclusive to The Crimson Court DLCFlagellant Exclusive to The Musketeer DLCMusketeer Exclusive to The Shieldbreaker DLCShieldbreaker